The Swedish term "spika, spik, nubb, nagel" matches the English term "nail"
other swedish words that include "spik" : | english : |
spikklubba | datura |
gnällspik | knocker |
spikklubba, spira, ämbetsstav | mace |
gnällspik | whiner |
other swedish words that include "nubb" : | english : |
knubbig, tjock | chubby |
nubbe, styrketår, sup, snaps | dram |
knubbig, fyllig, dimpa ner, knubbig, fyllig | plump |
snubbla, snava, stappla | stumble |
häftstift, stift, tråckla, nubb | tack |
other swedish words that include "nagel" : | english : |
nagelbitning | nail-biting |
nagelfil | nail-file |
nagellack | nail-polish |
nagelsax | nail-scissors |
nagellack | nail-varnish |