The Swedish term "mull, mylla, gjutform, mögel, forma" matches the English term "mould"
other swedish words that include "mull" : | english : |
bomullstrikå | balbriggan |
tråd, bomull | cotton |
bomullsvadd, bomull | cotton-wool |
mull, jorden | earth |
mullvad | mole |
mullbär | mulberry |
rulle, trilla, vältra sig, mullra, bulle, slingra | roll |
dån, mullra | rumble |
mullrande | rumbling |
other swedish words that include "gjutform" : | english : |
matris, gjutform | matrix |
other swedish words that include "mögel" : | english : |
brand, mögel, rost | mildew |
mögel | mold |