The Swedish term "bil" matches the English term "motor-car"

other swedish words that include "bil" : english :
bilagor appendices
blindtarm, bilaga, bilaga appendix
ljud-bild audio-video
bil automobile
bilar automobiles
bileam balaam
grundutbildning basic education
biljardrum billiardroom
biljon billion
biljettlucka, biljettkontor booking-office
bil, vagn car
mobiltelefon carphone
bilar cars
billig cheap
billigt cheaply
kompabilitet compability
kompatibilitet compatibility
inbilskhet, högfärd conceit
egenkär, inbilsk conceited
bilda, utgöra constitute
bildar constitutes
avbilda, nummer, exemplar, avbild, kopia, kopiera copy
vink, biljardkö cue
bildad, kultiverad cultivated
avmobilisera, demobilisera demobilize
avbildad depicted
avbildningar depicts
upparbeta, utveckla, odla, utbilda develop
diabild diapositiv
uppfostra, bilda, uppfostra educate
bildad educated
bildning, uppfostran, undervisning education
utbildare educators
bild effigy
inbillad fancied
taxa, kost, biljettpris fare
fettbildande fattening
brandbil fire-engine
flexibilitet flexibility
flygmaskin, billig bil flivver
bilder footage
form, formulär, gestalt, blankett, dana, bilda form
gruppering, bildning formation
garage, bilverkstad garage
bilmekaniker garage mechanic
sopbil garbage truck
gas-bildning gas-formation
biljettintäkter gate money
växel på en bil gear on a car
billig och grann gimcrack
obildning illiteracy
inbillning, synvilla illusion
bild, image image
bildverk, bildspråk imagery
inbillad imaginary
inbillning, fantasi imagination
föreställa sig, inbilla sig, tänka sig imagine
efterbildning imitation
inkompabilitet incompatibility
aktiebolagsbildning incorporation
billig inexpensive
bilskrälle, rishög jaloppy
billighetsbuss jitney
kinesisk gudabild joss
jubileum jubilation
jubileum jubilee
jubileer jubilees
gudabild juggernaut
bilhorn klaxon
bildad literate
lastbilar lorries
lastbil lorry
obildad lowbrow
inbilla make a person believe
bildspråk metaphorically
miniatyr-, liten sportbil, dvärg midget
mjölkbil milk lorry
mobilisera mobilize
plogbill moldboard
biltävling motor-race
bilist motorist
kult, mytbildning mystique
nybildning neologism
notera, biljett, anteckna, not, ton note
skärmbild onscreen
bennybildning, förbening ossification
mönster, modell, förebild pattern
bensin till bilen petrol to the car
tavla, målning, bild, porträtt, bild picture
bilder pictures
bildpunkt pixel
återupprättelse, rehabilitering rehabilitation
avbilda, reproducera, återskapa, återge reproduce
häst, sportbil roadster
ohyfsad, ohövlig, obildad rude
bildskärmen, skärm screen
bildskärms-upplösning screen-resolution
bildhuggare, skulptör sculptor
andraklassbiljett second-class ticket
täckt bil sedan
bilägga, betala, bosätta sig, bes, bebygga, ordna settle
dana, skepnad, bilda, fason, form, arta, gestalt shape
sladd med bil skid with a car
rutinerad, yrkesutbildad, skicklig skilled
stabiliteten stability
stabilisera stabilize
stabil, stall stable
bildhuggar-, skulpturer statuary
inbilsk stuck-up
bilaga, tillägg supplement
varbildning suppuration
stavelsebildande syllabic
bilkö tailback
bil, taxi, hyrbil taxicab
textbild text-screen
lottsedel, biljett ticket
utbildad, van trained
exercis, utbildning, träning training
biljon trillion
lastbil, transportera truck
typ, skriva på maskin, skriva, förebild type
obildad uneducated
skåpbilar vans
vegetabilisk vegetable
väluppfostrad, välutbildade well-educated
förment, inbillad would be
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.