The Swedish term "lera, lerjord" matches the English term "loam"

other swedish words that include "lera" : english :
acceleration acceleration
ackumulerad accumulative
ordna, jämka, lämpa, justera, justera, reglera adjust
vädja, vädja, vädja, appellera appeal
artikulation, artikulera articulation
assimilera assimilate
polera burnish
kalkylera, beräkna, beräkna calculate
titulera, appell, väcka, visit, benämna, kalla call
camuflera camuflage
avlysa, annullera, inställa, avbeställa, avboka cancel
kapitulera capitulate
stimulerade challenged
jaga, ciselera, jakt chase
mota, kontramärke, hämma, hejda, kontrollera, ruta check
kontrollerar checkar
kontrollerade checked
cirkulerande circling
cirkulera, skicka omkring circulate
sprida, cirkulera cirkulate
lera clay
kompilera compile
kompilerad compiled
kondolera condole with
gratulera, lyckönska congratulate
gratulerar congratulating
behärskning, kontroll, kontrollera control
kontrollerade controlled
kontrollerande controlling
orena, defilera defile
avinstallera deinstall
avreglera deregulate
destillera distil
kisellera emboss
emulera emulate
inskriva, enrollera enroll
installerad enthroned
inrätta, konststatera, grun, etablera, fastställa establish
etablera etablish
simulerad feigned
utforma, formulera formulate
inreda, förse, möblera furnish
gestikulera gesticulate
gestukilerande gesticulatory
oartikulerad inarticulate
indexreglerad indexed
installera install
installerare installer
isolera insulate
isolera en kabel insulate a cable
isolerad insulated
isolerar insulates
isolera isolate
avskild, isolerad isolated
juvelerare jeweller
jonglera juggle
jonglerande jugglery
rikt modulerad lilting
manipulera manipulate
många, flera many
modellerande modeling
mer, vidare, flera more
fleranvändarsystem multi-access
flera deltagare multiplayer
fleranvändarsystem multiuser
annullera nullify
oscillera, svänga, pendla oscillate
emballera pack up
patrullera, avpatrullera, patrull patrol
flerårig perennial
polera, putsmedel, blanka, polska, glans, polityr polish
polerad polished
sufflera, påpasslig, snar prompt
kontrollerar rechecks
omkompilera recompile
reglera, ordna, rucka, styra regulate
reglerad regulated
reglerande regulating
återinstallera reinstall
återinstallera reinstalling
omformulera rephrase
återkalla, annullera revoke
omformulera reword
nonchaleras runaround
flera, åtskillig several
sken-, simulera sham
signalera, signal, märklig signal
hyckla, simulera simulate
spekulera speculate
stimulera, pigga upp, egga stimulate
stimulerade stimulated
titulera, stil, mode style
kontrollera supervise
manipulera tamper
manipulerade tampered
manipulerar tampers
tolerans tolerance
resande, ambulerande travelling
avinstallera uninstall
avinstallerande uninstalling
ventilerad ventilated
artikulera vocalize
dra tillbaka, annullera, undandra, utträda withdraw
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.