The Swedish term "anvisning, instruktion, undervisning, föreskrift" matches the English term "instruction"
other swedish words that include "anvisning" : | english : |
anvisningsprovision | arranger`s fee |
anvisning | directive |
postanvisning | money-order |
postanvisning | postal-order |
other swedish words that include "instruktion" : | english : |
spelinstruktion | gameinstruction |
ledning, instruktioner | guidance |
besked, instruktioner | instructions |
other swedish words that include "undervisning" : | english : |
samundervisning | co-education |
bildning, uppfostran, undervisning | education |
grundläggande undervisning | grounding |
undervisning | teaching |
undervisning | tuition |
other swedish words that include "föreskrift" : | english : |
riktning, föreskrift, håll | direction |
föreskrift | precept |
föreskrift, recept, bestämmelse | prescription |