The Swedish term "hända, hända, inträffa, ske, tilldraga" matches the English term "happen"
other swedish words that include "hända" : | english : |
hända | betide |
beröva, avhända | deprive |
avhända | divest |
handarbete | handwork |
kanhända, kanske | maybe |
enahanda, monoton, enformig | monotonous |
handarbete | needlecraft |
handarbete, sömnad | needlework |
allehanda | of all sorts |
varjehanda, olika, diverse | various |
other swedish words that include "tilldraga" : | english : |
ådra sig, tilldraga, attrahera | attract |
intagande, attraktiv, tilldragande | attractive |
händer, tilldraga | occur |