The English term "site-license" matches the Swedish term "plats-licens"
other english words that include "site" : | swedish : |
apposite | träffande |
campsites | lägerplatser |
composite | sammansatt |
exquisite | utsökt, intensiv |
opposite | motsatt |
opposite to | mitt emot |
requisite | förnödenheter, erforderlig |
site's | sidors |
sites | platser |
the opposite | motsatsen |
other english words that include "license" : | swedish : |
fully-licensed | fullt-licensierade |
licensed | licenserad |
licensee | licensinnehavare |
licenser | licensgivare |
non-licensed | oregistrerade |
unlicensed | oregistrerad |
user-license | användarlicens |