The English term "pit" matches the Swedish term "grop"

other english words that include "pit" : swedish :
armpit armhåla
capital huvudstad, kapital, versal
capitalist kapitalistiska
capitalistic kapitalistiska
capitalization kapitalisering
capitalize kapitalisera
capitulate kapitulera
cockpit förarplats i flygplan
decapitate halshugga
decapitates halshugger
decapitation halshuggning
decrepit skröplig, orkeslös
despite trots
epitaph epitaf, gravskrift
epitome sammandrag
fixed capitl anläggningskapital
have pity förbarma sig
hospitable gästfri
hospital sjukhus
hospitality gästfrihet
hospitalization sjukhusvistelse
hospitalize lägga in på sjukhus
hospitl lasarett
in spite of trots
inhospitable ogästvänlig
inspite trots
it is a pity det är synd, det är synd
lying hospital BB, barnbördshus
palpitate darra, klappa
pit prop gruvstötta
pitch lutning
pitch-man gatuförsäljare
pitchblack kolsvart
pitcher tillbringare, handkanna
pitchfork högaffel
piteous sorglig, ynklig, ömklig
pitfall fallgrop
pith märg
pith helmet tropikhjälm, tropikhjälm
pithead gruvöppning
pithy märgfull, märgfylld
pitiable ynklig, ömklig
pitiful medlidsam, ömklig
pitiless skoningslös, obarmhärtig
pito ringbult
pittance svältlön, liten lön, smula
pitty-patter tassande
pity medlidande, synd, ömka
pityful ynkliga, ömklig
precipitate brådstörtad, påskynda
precipitous brant
propitiate blidka
respite respit, frist, uppskov
sandpit sandtag
spit fräsa, stekspett, spotta
spite ondska, agg
spiteful skadeglad, hätsk
spitefulness illvilja
spittle spott
wapiti canadahjort
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.