The English term "matter of taste" matches the Swedish term "smaksak"
other english words that include "matter" : | swedish : |
antimatter | antimateria |
matter | ting, materia, ärende, angelägenhet, stoff, sak |
matter-of-fact | saklig |
matters | stoffet |
printed matter | trycksaker |
secondary matter | bisak |
smattering | aning, hum |
what`s the matter | hur är det fatt |
other english words that include "taste" : | swedish : |
after-taste | bismak |
aftertaste | eftersmak |
copy-taster | redaktionschef |
distaste | avsmak |
distasteful | vidrig, osmaklig |
foretaste | försmak |
in good taste | smakfull |
taste | smaka, smak, avsmaka |
tasted | smakade |
tasteful | smakful |
tasteless | smaklös |