The English term "dent" matches the Swedish term "märke efter slag, buckla"

other english words that include "dent" : swedish :
A-student topp elev
accident olycka, olyckshändelse, slump
accidental tillfällig
accidentally händelsevis
accidents olyckor
antecedent korelat
ardent brinnande, het
class superintendent klassföreståndare
confident säker, självsäker
confidental förtrolig
confidential konfidentiellt, förtrogen
correspondent motsvarande, brevskrivare
credentials kreditivbrev
decadent dekadent
decedent död
dentist tandläkare
dependent avhängig, underlydande
dependents efterlevande
diffident försagd
establish one`s identity legitimera sig
evident uppenbar, tydlig
evidently tydligen
identical identisk
identification identifikation
identifier identifieraren
identifiers identifierare
identify identifiera
identifying identifiera
identity identitet
improvident slösaktig
imprudent oklok, oförsiktig
impudent fräck
impudently fräckt
incident händelse
incidental tillfälligt
incidentally tillfälligtvis, i förbigående
indent göra snitt i kanten
indentation märkning
indention indrag
independent oavhängig, självständig, oberoende
independently oberoende
inpudent oförskämd
jurisprudent rättslärd
jurisprudential juridisk
medical student medicinare
near-accident olyckstillbud
nonresidential utsocknes
precedent prejudikat, föregående
president ordförande, president, ordförande
prudent förtänksam, klok
residents invånare
resplendent glänsande
rodent gnagare
sedentary sittande
self-confident självsäker
strident gäll, kärv, skärande
student student, studerande
student teacher auskultant
students studenter
superintendent inspektör
town-resident stadsbo
unprecedented utan motstycke
us-residents boende i usa
An Understandable Neighbor
Anyone who speaks Swedish or travels there quickly finds out that Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian languages are mutually understood between speakers. So learning Swedish is beneficial for anyone who has a goal of being multi-lingual.
Say Thank You
There is no real word for please in Swedish. The closest word is “Tack” which means “Thank you” but the word please doesn’t translate into Swedish. Saying “tack” in a respectful tone is the best way to solve this dilemma. Swedish also has a smaller vocabulary compared to other languages in part because of its concentrated population of speakers.
Articles After Nouns
One of the most difficult things to learn in a new language is figuring out which article goes with the noun. In Swedish the article comes after the noun. So “the dog” becomes “hund” and “en” or “hunden” making the process a little easier to remember.