The English term "blood-donors" matches the Swedish term "blodgivare"
other english words that include "blood" : | swedish : |
blood | blod |
blood-corpuscle | blodkropp |
blood-donation | blodgivning |
blood-suckers | blodsugare |
blood-vessel | blodkärl |
blood pressure | blodtryck |
blooded | fullblods |
bloodhound | blodhund |
bloodless | blodlös |
bloods | blods |
bloodshed | blodutgjutelse |
bloodshot | blodsprängd |
bloodstone | heliotrop |
bloodstream | blodström |
bloodthirsty | blodtörstig |
bloody | blodig, förbannad |
lifeblood | livsnerv |
sinblood | blodssynd |