The Russian term "kl ass" matches the English term "class"
other russian words that include "kl" : | english : |
arteriokl eroz | arteriosclerosis |
artikl ‘, veshch’ | article |
binokl ‘ | binoculars |
bakl aga | canteen |
kl imat | climate |
kl ub, assotsiatsiya | club |
bakl aga | flask |
mototsikl | motorcycle |
kl ub, assotsiatsiya | society |
bakl aga | water bottle |
other russian words that include "ass" : | english : |
assambl eya | assembly |
assimil yatsiya | assimilation |
assotsiatsiya | association |
bassejn | basin |
assotsiatsiya | circle |
kl ub, assotsiatsiya | club |
bassejn dl ya pl avaniya | pool |
bassejn | reservoir |
kl ub, assotsiatsiya | society |
bassejn dl ya pl avaniya | swimming bath |
bassejn dl ya pl avaniya | swimming pool |