The Russian term "l es" matches the English term "woods"

other russian words that include "es" : english :
bespol eznihj abortive
abstsess abscess
bezgranichnihj, bezzavetnihj, beskrajnihj, bespredel ‘nihj absolute
akademicheskij, student, akademik academic
neschastnihj sl uchaj accident
bestsvetnihj achromatic
akrobaticheskij acrobatic
adresovat’, adres address
avantyurnihj, avantyuristicheskij adventurous
agressiya, ataka aggression
agressivnihj aggressive
agressor aggressor
agressiya aggro
agrarnihj, agronomicheskij agricultural
bestsel ‘nihj aimless
al kogol icheskij, al kogol ‘nihj alcoholic
al gebraicheskij algebraic
anal iticheskij analytic
anal iticheskij analytical
anarkhicheskij anarchic
anarkhicheskij anarchical
anarkhicheskij anarchist
anatomicheskij anatomical
arest apprehension
arkheol ogicheskij archaeological
aristokraticheskij, aristokratichnihj aristocratic
kresl o armchair
aromaticheskij, aromatichnihj aromatic
arest, arestovat’ arrest
arestant arrested person
artikl ‘, veshch’ article
artisticheskij artistic
asbest asbestos
asketicheskij ascetic
agressor assailant
astmaticheskij asthmatic
atl eticheskij athletic
Atl anticheskij okean Atlantic
Atl anticheskij okean Atlantic Ocean
atmosfericheskij, atmosfernihj atmospheric
agressor attacker
poseshchat’, posetit’ attend
avtomaticheskij automatic
Bangl adesh Bangladesh
bespl odnihj barren
bresh’ breach
Bukharest Bucharest
poseshchat’, posetit’ call on
akt, attestat certificate
besporyadok chaos
besporyadochnihj chaotic
deshëvihj cheap
bestiya cheat
nal ozhit’ arest na confiscate
bezostanovochnihj, besperebojnihj continuous
beschisl ennihj countless
bestiya crook
reshat’, reshit’ decide
arest detention
bes devil
bozheskij, bozhestvennihj divine
Dominikanskaya Respubl ika Dominican Republic
esperanto Esperanto
Estoniya Estonia
beskonechnihj, beskrajnihj everlasting
l es forest
bespamyatnihj forgetful
aromaticheskij, aromatichnihj fragrant
bezvozmezdnihj, bespl atnihj free
beshenihj furious
bresh’ gap
bl esk gloss
bog, bogestvo god
bezzashchitnihj, bespomoshchnihj helpless
esl i if
bespartijnihj, bespristrastnihj impartial
deshëvihj inexpensive
interes interest
interesnihj interesting
puteshestvie journey
sud’ya, attestovat’ judge
nal ozhit’ arest na lay a distress upon
mesto location
mesyats month
aromaticheskij, aromatichnihj nutty
veshch’ object
bl agochestivihj, bogoboyaznennihj pious
mesto, stavit’, postavit’ place
arestant prisoner
professor professor
esl i provided that
bestiya rogue
videt’, uvidet’, poseshchat’, posetit’ see
nal ozhit’ arest na seize
bl esk sheen
sestra sister
sadit’sya, sest’ sit down
shest’ six
mesto spot
vesna, prihgat’, prihgnut’ spring
vesna springtime
l estnitsa staircase
l estnitsa stairs
besporyadok tangle
desyat’ ten
attestat testimony
veshch’ thing
vmeste together
perevodit’, perevesti translate
puteshestvovat’ travel
puteshestvie trip
bezvestnihj unknown
bespol eznihj useless
poseshchat’, posetit’, poseshchenie visit
puteshestvie voyage
astmaticheskij wheezy
Even in Space
It is the most widely adopted language in Eurasia. Chinese beats out Russian with the sheer numbers of speakers it has. But Russia has the widest geographical reach. Russian is such an important language that during the Space Race, learning the language became part of Astronaut training. This is still true today as Russian is a language of the International Space Station.
Starts with A
Russian does not have a lot of words that start with “A.” It’s been almost a rule going back to early times. Most native Russian words don’t start with A. There are a few exceptions like “alphabet” and “perhaps.” But other than that, if you see a Russian word that starts with “A,” the chances are that it’s a foreign word imported into the language.