The Russian term "bassejn dl ya pl avaniya" matches the English term "swimming pool"

other russian words that include "bassejn" : english :
bassejn basin
bassejn dl ya pl avaniya pool
bassejn reservoir
bassejn dl ya pl avaniya swimming bath
other russian words that include "ya" : english :
bojnya abattoir
Efiopiya Abyssinia
akademiya academy
sogl ashat’sya accede
bukhgal teriya accounting
akkumul yator accumulator
zenitnaya artil l eriya ack ack
amnistiya act of grace
adamovo yabl oko Adam’s apple
administratsiya, pravitel ‘stvo administration
voskhishchat’sya admire
aviatsiya aeronautics
opyat’ afresh
opyat’ again
agressiya, ataka aggression
agressiya aggro
sogl ashat’sya agree
agronomiya agriculture
agronomiya agronomics
aviatsiya air force
avial iniya airline
avial iniya airway
Al baniya Albania
opyat’ all over again
mil ostihnya alms
khotya although
ambitsiya ambition
ob`yavit’ amnistiyu, amnistiya amnesty
amfibiya amphibian
amfibiya amphibious vehicle
amputatsiya amputation
Amudar’ya Amudaryra
anal ogiya analogy
anarkhiya, beznachal ie anarchy
anatomiya anatomy
opyat’ anew
anneksiya annexation
bezihmyannihj anonymous
zenitnaya artil l eriya anti aircraft guns
apatiya apathy
obez’yana ape
imya appellation
yabl oko apple
yabl onya apple tree
Arabiya Arabia
arkheol ogiya archaeology
aristokratiya aristocracy
Armeniya Armenia
armiya, voennihe, vojsko army
arteriya artery
artil l eriya artillery
podnimat’sya, podnyat’sya, zabirat’sya v, zabrat’sya v, zabirat’sya na, zabrat’sya na ascend
Aziya Asia
assambl eya assembly
assimil yatsiya assimilation
assotsiatsiya association
astrol ogiya astrology
atomnaya bomba atom bomb
auditoriya audience
auditoriya auditory
tëtya aunt
Avstral iya Australia
avtonomiya autonomy
al l eya avenue
antipatiya aversion
aviatsiya aviation
al yapovatihj awkward
banya bathroom
akkumul yator, batarejka battery
boyat’sya, poboyat’sya be afraid of
nazihvat’sya, nazvat’sya be called
spal ‘nya bedroom
artachit’sya be obstinate
artachit’sya be stubborn
bibl iya bible
bil ‘yard billiards
bl agosl ovl yat’, bl agosl ovit’ bless
Bol iviya Bolivia
bukhgal teriya book keeping
burzhuaziya bourgeoisie
azbuka dl ya sl epihkh braille
Brazil iya Brazil
Vel ikobritaniya Britain
Bol gariya Bulgaria
tyazhël ihj burdensome
zanimat’sya busy
Kampuchiya Cambodia
bashnya castle
besporyadok chaos
besporyadochnihj chaotic
mil ostihnya charity
bestiya cheat
assotsiatsiya circle
yarkij clear
podnimat’sya, podnyat’sya, zabirat’sya v, zabrat’sya v, zabirat’sya na, zabrat’sya na climb
kl ub, assotsiatsiya club
al yapovatihj coarse
l ektsiya college
artachit’sya confront
sogl ashat’sya consent
derevnya, strana country
derevnya countryside
bestiya crook
al yapovatihj crude
Daniya Denmark
spuskat’sya, spustit’sya descend
stol ovaya dining room
antipatiya dislike
yarkij distinct
Dominikanskaya Respubl ika Dominican Republic
somnevat’sya, usomnit’sya doubt
odevat’, odet’, odevat’sya, odet’sya dress
Angl iya England
Estoniya Estonia
Efiopiya Ethiopia
sem’ya family
boyat’sya, poboyat’sya fear
borot’sya fight
imya first name
pyat’ five
bespamyatnihj forgetful
Frantsiya France
Frisl andiya Friesland
boyazn’ fright
Gambiya Gambia
kniga Bihtiya Genesis
Genuya Genoa
Gruziya Georgia
Germaniya Germany
pribiht’, pribihvat’, brat’, vzyat’, pol uchat’, pol uchit’ get
spuskat’sya, spustit’sya get off
spuskat’sya, spustit’sya go down
gul yat’, pogul yat’ go for a walk
podnimat’sya, podnyat’sya go up
Vel ikobritaniya Great Britain
Gretsiya Greece
Grenl andiya Greenland
borzaya greyhound
Gvineya Guinea
al yapovatihj harsh
shl yapa hat
tyazhël ihj heavy
istoriya history
Gol l andiya, Niderl andih Holland
nadeyat’sya hope
goryachij hot
Vengriya Hungary
Isl andiya Iceland
zazhigatel ‘naya bomba incendiary bomb
Indiya India
Indoneziya Indonesia
nastaivat’, nastoyat’ insist
Irl andiya Ireland
Ital iya Italy
Yamajka Jamaica
Yaponiya Japan
Iordaniya Jordan
sud’ya, attestovat’ judge
Kirgiziya Kirghizia
kukhnya kitchen
Koreya Korea
yazihk language
g’atviya Latvia
brat’, vzyat’ lay hold of
ostavl yat’, ostavit’ leave behind
g’iberiya Liberia
g’iviya Libya
l ozhit’sya, l ech’ lie down
teryat’, poteryat’ lose
nizhnaya chast’ ruki lower arm
Mal ajziya Malaysia
administratsiya management
bedstvennihj, pl okhoj, bednihj, bednyatskij miserable
Mol daviya Moldavia
Mongol iya Mongolia
obez’yana monkey
mesyats month
moë, moj, moya my
imya name
bezihmyannihj nameless
Nikosiya Nicosia
devyat’ nine
opyat’ once more
tyazhël ihj onerous
Amudar’ya Oxus
ob`yavit’ amnistiyu pardon
artachit’sya persist
sobirat’, sobrat’, brat’, vzyat’ pick up
bl agochestivihj, bogoboyaznennihj pious
yarkij plain
bassejn dl ya pl avaniya pool
pl okhoj, bednihj, bednyatskij poor
popul yarnihj popular
beremennaya pregnant
ponimat’, ponyat’ realize
buntovat’, vzbuntovat’sya rebel
ostavat’sya, ostat’sya remain
artachit’sya resist
buntovat’, vzbuntovat’sya, bunt revolt
bestiya rogue
Rossiya Russia
angl ijskaya l avka safety pin
zabirat’sya v, zabrat’sya v, zabirat’sya na, zabrat’sya na scale
aktsiya share
sadit’sya, sest’ sit down
bojnya slaughterhouse
kl ub, assotsiatsiya society
budka, stoyat’, postoyat’ stand
artachit’sya stand up to
vokzal , stantsiya station
ostavat’sya, ostat’sya stay
ostavat’sya, ostat’sya stay over
akkumul yator storage battery
burya storm
istoriya story
gul yat’, pogul yat’ stroll
borot’sya, bitva, boj, bor’ba struggle
famil iya surname
bassejn dl ya pl avaniya swimming bath
prinimat’, brat’, vzyat’ take
besporyadok tangle
desyat’ ten
bedro, l yazhka thigh
segodnya vecherom this evening
segodnya utrom this morning
khotya though
vremya time
segodnya today
yazihk tongue
bashnya tower
pishushchaya mashinka typewriter
dyadya uncle
ponimat’, ponyat’ understand
verkhnyaya chast’ ruki upper arm
razbudit’, prosihpat’sya wake
razbudit’, prosihpat’sya wake up
nedel ya week
za, poka, vremya while
baba-yaka witch
bezihmyannihj without a name
artachit’sya withstand
beremennaya with young
yakhta yacht
Yal ta Yalta
barihshnya young woman
tvoë, tvoj, tvoya your
Yugosl aviya Yugoslavia
other russian words that include "avaniya" : english :
bassejn dl ya pl avaniya pool
bassejn dl ya pl avaniya swimming bath
Even in Space
It is the most widely adopted language in Eurasia. Chinese beats out Russian with the sheer numbers of speakers it has. But Russia has the widest geographical reach. Russian is such an important language that during the Space Race, learning the language became part of Astronaut training. This is still true today as Russian is a language of the International Space Station.
Starts with A
Russian does not have a lot of words that start with “A.” It’s been almost a rule going back to early times. Most native Russian words don’t start with A. There are a few exceptions like “alphabet” and “perhaps.” But other than that, if you see a Russian word that starts with “A,” the chances are that it’s a foreign word imported into the language.