The Romanian term "ura" matches the English term "hurray"

other romanian words that include "ura" : english :
as,tepta, îndura, suferi abide
fixa, asigura affix
fixa, asigura attach
îndura, suferi bear
se bucura be glad
huli, blasfemia, blestema, înjura blaspheme
prăjitură cake
apuca, prinde, captura capture
îndura, suferi carry out
apuca, prinde, captura catch
încuraja, stimula cheer
curăt,a, face curat, purifica clean
curăt,a, face curat, purifica cleanse
concura, rivaliza, se întrece compete
dura, continua, t,ine continue
curaj courage
huli, blasfemia, blestema, înjura curse
huli, blasfemia, blestema, înjura cuss
înfricos,a, speria, descuraja deter
determina, fixa, asigura determine
înfricos,a, speria, descuraja discourage
îndepărta, înlătura do away with
încurajare encouragement
îndura, suferi endure
se bucura enjoy
fixa, asigura fasten
împus,ca, încuraja, stimula fire
monta, fixa, determina, asigura fix
fractura fracture
îndepărta, înlătura get rid of
apuca, prinde, captura grapple
risca, se aventura hazard
dura, continua, t,ine hold
inspira, încuraja, stimula inspire
dura, continua, t,ine last
literatură literature
curăt,a, face curat, purifica make clean
fixa, asigura make fast
natural natural
pictură painting
pictură picture
curăt,a, face curat, purifica purge
îndura, suferi put up with
se bucura rejoice
îndepărta, înlătura remove
restaurant restaurant
risca, se aventura risk
concura, rivaliza, se întrece rival
înfricos,a, speria, descuraja scare
fixa, asigura secure
se furis,a, se strecura, fura steal
incita, provoca, stimula, at,ît,a, instiga, încuraja stimulate
îndura, suferi suffer
înconjura surround
huli, blasfemia, blestema, înjura, jura swear
risca, se aventura venture
Roman Origins
Romanian is a romance language because it is derived from Latin. But it also has Roman origins. It is derived from a type of Latin spoken in the Dacia province of Rome. The Dacian people actually had their own language and were conquered by Romans who instituted Latin as the language. So while Romanian is derived from Latin, the Latin spoken in Dacia was actually influenced by an ancient Dacian language too. This led to the development of the Daco-Romanian language. After Rome withdrew in the 3rd century, the Dacians came in contact with other people and culture such as the Byzantine empire.
A Unique Romance Language
Romanian has a unique phonology and grammar that is unlike other Romance languages. It retained the distinction between a short “o” and a long “u”. It also likes to replace consonants like “k” and “g” with labial consonants like “b,” “m” or “p.
Romanian Dialects
Daco-Romanian is the official language of Romania and is the standard for languages spoken. But there are other dialects including: Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Istro-Romanian. They aren’t mutually intelligible though and linguists tend to classify them separate from Daco-Romanian. Armenian is also known as Maceo-Romanian and is spoken in Bulgaria, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, and Greece.