The English term "or" matches the Romanian term "sau"

other english words that include "or" : romanian :
abhor detesta, urî
abort es,ua
accord permite, îngădui
accordion armonică
account for explica, clarifica
actor actor
adore diviniza, venera, adora
adorn decora, împodobi, orna
afford permite, îngădui
airport aeroport
anchor ancoră
ask for cere
author autor
authority autoridade
before înaintea, în fat,ă
bookstore librăriă
borrow împrumuta
category categorie
corner colt,
corrugate ondula, văluri
décor decor
decorate decora, împodobi, orna
decoration decor
divorce divort,a
doctor doctor, medic
door us,ă
drugstore drogherie, farmacie
elevator lift
enormous enorm
error gres,eală
explore explora, cerceta
floor etaj
for în timp ce, pe cînd, deoarece, fiindcă
forbid interzice, opri
force fort,a, sili, impune
foreigner străin
forest pădure
forget uita
forgive ierta, scuza
form forma
forsake abandona, părăsi
fortunate fericit
glory slavă
go for a walk se plimba
harbor port
hardworking harnic
history istorie
horse cal
house of worship biserică
ignore ignora
important important
in exchange for contra, împotriva
inform informa
lord domnul
morning dimineat,ă
north nord
Norway Norvegia
once more iar, iarăs,i, mai, din nou
orchestra orchestră
order comanda, conduce, ordona, ordine
ornament decora, împodobi, orna
perform apărea, se arăta, se ivi, intra, face, introduce, prezenta
place of worship biserică
platform peron, program
poor rău, sărac
port port
portal poartă
Portugal Portugalia
professor profesor
put in order aranja, ordona
reform reforma, îndrepta
report informa
shore coastă, litoral
short scurt
sort fel
sport sport
store magazin, prăvălie
storey etaj
storm furtună
story etaj, istorie, povestire
straightforward simplu
the day after tomorrow poimîine
therefore de aceea, deci
tomorrow mîine
transformation schimbare
wait for as,tepta
word cuvînt, vorbă
work funct,iona, merge
world lume
worry îngriji, se îngrijora, enerva
worship diviniza, venera, adora
Roman Origins
Romanian is a romance language because it is derived from Latin. But it also has Roman origins. It is derived from a type of Latin spoken in the Dacia province of Rome. The Dacian people actually had their own language and were conquered by Romans who instituted Latin as the language. So while Romanian is derived from Latin, the Latin spoken in Dacia was actually influenced by an ancient Dacian language too. This led to the development of the Daco-Romanian language. After Rome withdrew in the 3rd century, the Dacians came in contact with other people and culture such as the Byzantine empire.
A Unique Romance Language
Romanian has a unique phonology and grammar that is unlike other Romance languages. It retained the distinction between a short “o” and a long “u”. It also likes to replace consonants like “k” and “g” with labial consonants like “b,” “m” or “p.
Romanian Dialects
Daco-Romanian is the official language of Romania and is the standard for languages spoken. But there are other dialects including: Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Istro-Romanian. They aren’t mutually intelligible though and linguists tend to classify them separate from Daco-Romanian. Armenian is also known as Maceo-Romanian and is spoken in Bulgaria, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, and Greece.