The Italian term "evo moderno" matches the English term "neozoic"

other italian words that include "evo" : english :
gradevolezza acceptableness
devoto acquiescent
gradevolezza adoptability
accarezzevole adulating
sfavorevole adverse
benevolo, cortese, gradevole affable
placevole, gradévole agreeable
piacevolmente agreeably
gradevolezza amenity
dilettevole, giocondo, divertente amusing
convenévole, opportuno apposite
equo, opportuno, convenévole appropriate
convenévole apt
devoto, sua be
benèvolo benevolent
accarezzevole bootlicking
gentile, grazioso, incantevole, incantevole charming
incantevole charmingly
pieno di gioia, festevole cheerful
socievole chummily
piacevolmente comfortably
evoluto conscious
considerevole, rilevante, vistoso considerable
incantevole, delizioso delightful
evoluzione, origine development
evoluto develops
devoto devoted
devozione, meditazione devotion
meritevole dignifiedly
dispiacévole disagreeable
spiacevole disconcerting
disonorevole discreditable
disonorevole discreditably
spaventoso, abominevole, orrendo, fosco dismal
dispiacévole displeasing
arrendevole docile
abominevole, orrendo, spaventoso dreary
fermo, durevole durable
ingannevole elusive
spiacevole embarassing
dilettevole, incantevole enchanting
incantevole enchantingly
edule, placevole, letificante enjoyable
evoluto envelopes
evoluzione evolution
pieghevole foldable
cortese, benevolo, gradevole, amichévole, amicale friendly
divertente, comico, giocondo, dilettevole funny
abominevole ghastly
gradevole, benevolo, cortese good-natured
evoluzione, sviluppo growth
colpevole guiltier
colpevole guiltily
conscio della propria colpa, colpevole guilty
abominevole, abominabile hideous
malevolenza ill will
irrevocabile irrevocable
festevole, giocondo joyful
fare, benevolo, cortese, valevole, gentile, sorta kind
valevole kindly
sollevo liftings
schiarire, agevolare lighten
festevole lighthearted
festevole liltingly
ameno, incantevole, placevole, delizioso lovely
durevole maintainable
malevolenza malevolence
malevolenza malignancy
arrendevolezza manageability
festevole, lieto, giocondo merry
medio evo middle age
simpatico, buono, gentile, placevole, caro nice
percettibile, notevole observable
dovevo ought
deplorévole pitiably
gradévole, compiacente, simpatico pleasant
piacevolmente pleasantly
pupilla, allievo pupil
ragionevole rationally
adottàbile, ragionevole reasonable
vicendevolezza reciprocity
spiacevole regrettable
mitigare, agevolare relieve
notevole remarkable
notevole remerkable
devoto, rinunciare resign oneself
devozione resignedness
notevole respected
devoto, risultato, risultato result
finestra scorrevole sash window
durevole savable
ragionevole, ragionevole sensible
cosa notevole, aspetto sight
tetto scorrevole sliding roof
finestra scorrevole sliding window
nevoso snow covered
nevoso snowcapped
nevoso snowily
nevoso snowy
socievole sociable
socievole sociably
sociale, socievole social
allievo sophomore
svevo swabian
trevolte thrice
evocare to conjure up
arrendevole toward
inconsapevole unconscious
sconfortevole uneasily
sconfortevole uneasy
sfavorevole unfavorable
sfavorevole unfavourable
laido, dispiacévole unpleasant
spiacevolezza unpleasantness
dispiacévole unpleasing
sfavorevole unpropitious
irragionevole unreasonable
valevole valid
saggio, ragionevole wise
meritevole worthy
fasullo, inverso, non giusto, colpevole wrong
other italian words that include "moderno" : english :
moderno modern
novizio, moderno recent
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.