The Italian term "dare, regalare" matches the English term "give"

other italian words that include "dare" : english :
ridurre, rilassare, degradare abandon ship
accedere, concordare accede
accordo, accordare, unisono, concordanza accord
emendare, correggere adjust
esortare, diffidare admonish
assentire, stipulare, concordare agree
denudare bare
tardare be late
azzardare carriage
sfidare, disfida challenge
dare la cacia chevy
gridare clamour
durare, consolidare clamp
andare a passeggio come out
ricordare come to mind
comandare, comando, dominare command
consenso, concordare, assentire consent
corretto, perfezionare, emendare, correggere correct
gracidare croak
grido, gridare cry
circolazione, andare in bicicletta cycle
assordare daze
sfidare defy
degradare degrade
tardare, spostare, ritardo, ritardo delay
estradare, fornire deliver
copiare, degradare depreciate
degradare derate
liquidare disburse
diseredare disinherit
denudare divest
emendare, correggere, perfezionare emend
circondare encircle
allegare, accludere, circondare, rinchiudere enclose
circondare encompass
incomodare endeavor
affondare engulf
confidare entrust
circondare environ
equipaggiare, corredare equip
fissare, fondare establish
mancare, arrenare, andare fallito, abortire fail
bendare, legare saldamente, legamento, consolidare fasten
inondare floods
amplificare, consolidare fortify
fondare, trovato found
andarsene, andara, andare go
andare a passeggio, entrare go out
andare a letto go to bed
largire, borsa di studio, accordare grant
calore, ardore, riscaldare, calore heat
riscaldare heat up
riscaldamento, riscaldare heating
ricordare invade
estingere, liquidare liquidate
badare, serbare look after
chiodo, inchiodare nail
assordare numb
allattamento, coltivare, badare nurse
comandare, ordine, lavorazione, comando, dominare order
stipendio, liquidare, pagare pay
sfidare, esacerbare, cagionare provoke
mettere, posare, mettere, dare put
ricordare recall
saldare reckon up
raccomandare recommend
coscritto, assoldare, integrare recruit
emendare rectify
diminuire, ridurre, rimpicciolire, degradare reduce
raffreddare refrigerate
ricordare, rimembrare remember
riparazione, accomodare repair
giro, andare a corsa ride
andare a corsa riding
rotondo, arrotondare round
arrotondare round off
andare in giro rove
inveire, sgridare scold
gridare scream
mando, mandare send
allineare, sè, fondare set up
fissare, liquidare settle
esclamare, gridare, grido shout
tardare, allentare slow down
contrabbandare smuggle
lista, denudare, smontare strip
assordare stun
circondare surround
sudare, sudore sweat
agghindare titivate
brindisi, brindare toast
riscaldare warm up
saldare weld
sudore, saldare welding
gridare, stridere yell
other italian words that include "regalare" : english :
regalare donate
regalare, regalare give away
regalare to present
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.