The Italian term "navale, mare" matches the English term "sea"

other italian words that include "navale" : english :
navale, lago lake
other italian words that include "mare" : english :
applaudire, applauso, acclamare acclaim
vidimare accredit
uniformare adapt
aggiungere, integrare, addizionare, sommare add
richiamare advertence
animare animate
applaudire, acclamare, pettegolare applaud
regolare, manica, armare, povero arm
predisporre, sistemare, ordinare, stipulare arrange
affermare, far valere assert
uniformare, fagocitare assimilate
vidimare, documentare authenticate
spumare beads
fama, chiamare, chiamata call
equilibrato, calmare, ristoro, calmo, calma calm
calmare calm down
pretendere, affermazione, esigenza, affermare claim
completare, esplodere, ultimare, finire, integrare complete
formare constitute
bramare covet
desiderare, esìgere, bramare, voto desire
disarmare disarm
deformare disfigure
esumare disinter
tremare dodder
entusiasmare drag along
educare, educare, formare, istruire educate
esclamare exclaim
film, filmare film
sistemare, predisporre fix up
alta marea, alluvione, alluvione flood
falsare, formare, forgiare, inventare forge
formare, modulo, plasmare, formare, forma form
comporre, orbita, formare, telaio, intelaiatura frame
comare godmother
plasmare guises
alta marea high tide
insegnare, informare, far noto, informare inform
infiammare kindle
legittimare legitimize
informare let know
amore, amare love
reputazione, nomare, cognome name
informare, informare notify
limare rasp
calmare reassure
reclamare reclaim
riformare, riforma reform
attenzione, stimare, riguardo, considerare regard
rispettare, rispetto, stimare respect
frantumare, frattura rupture
formare sculpt
malato di mare seasick
formare, formare, forma shape
esclamare, gridare, grido shout
affisso, scudo, firmare, simbolo sign
frantumare slab
fumo, fumare smoke
calmare soothe
ostruire, alt, fermare, fermarsi, fermata, finire stop
firmare subsribe
chiamare summon
alta marea tidal
marea, bassa tide
marea tides
calmare to appease
affermare, pretendere to claim
frantumare to shatter
garantire, firmare underwrite
lupo di mare water rat
lacrimare weep
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.