The Italian term "arsi" matches the English term "scorched"

other italian words that include "arsi" : english :
incollare, obbligarsi adhere
avvicinarsi, accesso, avvicinare approach
arrogarsi assertiveness
vergognarsi be ashamed
obbligarsi be liable
obbligarsi be responsible
star seduto, accomodarsi be seated
farsi prestare borrow
raffreddarsi, costipato catch a cold
arrampicarsi clamber
arrampicarsi, montare climb
arrampicarsi, alpinismo climbing
quagliarsi, cumulo clot
quagliarsi coagulate
fermarsi come to a halt
obbligarsi commit to
confessare, confessarsi confess
congelarsi congelation
felicitarsi, congratularsi congratulate
togliere, abbassarsi, diminuzione, abbassarsi decrease
decomporre, sfasciarsi disintegrate
noleggiare, obbligarsi, obbligare engage
obbligarsi enrols
caduta, abbassarsi, depressione, autunno fall
ammalarsi fall ill
vergognarsi feel ashamed
accompagnarsi, montare fit
congelarsi freezing
annoiarsi get bored
ubriacarsi get drunk
fidanzarsi get engaged
esaltarsi get excited
ammalarsi get ill
levarsi, esaltare get up
abituarsi, abituare get used to
fermarsi, alt, durare halt
affrettarsi hurry up
immaginarsi imagine
informarsi inquire
inginocchiarsi kneel
sdraiarsi lie down
mutarsi molt
consolazione, voluttà, volli, dilettarsi, favore pleasure
sdraiarsi put down
pioggia, agitarsi, piovere rain
agitarsi, precipitazione rainfall
farsi indietro recede
farsi scuro reconditely
assomigliarsi resemble
farsi indietro resign
giacere, sè, riposarsi, sosta fermata rest
lievitazione, esalare, aumento, levarsi, alzarsi rise
promulgare, licenziarsi say goodbye
arsiccio sears
abbassarsi, catinella, abbassarsi, lavello sink
accomodarsi sit down
ostruire, alt, fermare, fermarsi, fermata, finire stop
abbonarsi subscribe
farsi scuro swarthy
vergognarsi to be ashamed
fila, girata, voltarsi, girare turn
levarsi uprise
obbligarsi vouch
svegliarsi wake up
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.