The English term "ting" matches the Italian term "sonare il campanello"

other english words that include "ting" : italian :
abating diminutivo
abutting limitrofo
accelerating accelerativo
accommodating compiacente
accommodatingly compiacente
accounting registrare, resa dei conti
accounting clerk contabile
accounting department contabilità
accounting year esercizio
adulating accarezzevole
alternating current corrente alternata
appointing nominante
arrestingly imponente
assaulting aggressivo
attenuating diminutivo
attracting attrazione
broadcasting radio
celebrating ufficiante
central heating calorìfero
coating strato, strato
comforting consolante
consulting service consultazione
contingency eventualità
contingently eventuale
counterfeiting falsificante
defaulting moroso
depreciating degradante
designating qualificazione
devastating distruttivo, disatroso
disconcerting spiacevole
disgusting fetente
disquieting inquietante
disrupting lacerante
distinguish mettere in evidenza, distinquere
distinguishable distinguìbile
distinguished esimio, differenza
distinguishing mark attributo
distributing erogazione
effectuating cagionante
eliminating eliminare
enchanting dilettevole, incantevole
enchantingly incantevole
enlisting cooperante
estimating calcolo
everlasting eterno, incessante, durabile
exacting esigente
exactingly esigente
exactingness puntualità
exaggerating esagerativo
exciting vomico, emozionante
executing realizzazione
extinguish cancellare, estinguere, spengere
fascinating emozionante
figureskating pattinaggio artistico
fleeting volatile
fluctuating variàbile
fox hunting caccia alla volpe
gratings traliccio
greeting vale
gyrating roteante
haltingly zoppicante
heating riscaldamento, riscaldare
hesitating esitante
importing importazione
in writing scritto
infatuating seducente
interesting interesante
irritating stizzito
jesting lepido
liberating liberante
liftings sollevo
ligating legante
lighting illuminazione
lighting technology luministica
liltingly festevole
limiting limitante
looting saccheggiante
meeting incontro, incontro
melting fusione
mounting montaggio
netting intreccio
nightingale usignuolo
obstructing impedente
obviating preventivo
operating servizio
oscillating vibratile
outing escursione
overstating esagerativo
painting pittura
palliating eufemico
parting separazione
printing pressione
printing office tipografia
ranting clamoroso
refracting rompente
regrettingly spiacente
resulting ottenuto
roosting dormiente
rusting arrugginire
satiating saziante
saturating saziante
scintillating lampante
sculpting formante
self acting automàtico
separating singola
setting naufragio, missione
setting up succursale
shifting trasferimento
shooting sparare
sitting seduto
sitting room salotto
skating pattinaggio artistico
skating ring pista di ghiaccio
skating rink pista di ghiaccio
skirting board battiscopa
slanting obliquo, obliquo
slantingly obliqua
smelting fondente
sting colpo, pungere
stingy avareggiare
subjugating vincente
tempting allettante
tinge suonare
tingle prurire
tingling arzillo
tinting colorante
tolerating indulgente
unabating incessante
underwriting assicurazione
undistinguishable indistinto
unfitting sconveniente
unhesitating immediato
unreflecting sbadato
unrelenting inflessibile
unremitting incessante
unresting incessante
unwitting senza volere
uplifting alzante
ventilating ventilazione
writing vergare, scrittura
writing paper carta da scrivere
yachting velismo
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.