The English term "tic" matches the Italian term "ticchio"

other english words that include "tic" : italian :
acoustic acùstico, acùstica
acoustics acùstica
aeronautics navigazione aerea
aesthetic estetico
aestheticism estetismo
alphabetic alfabètico
anaesthetic narcosi
Anglistics anglìstica
anticipate anticipare
apprentice apprendista
apprenticeship istruzione, noviziato
aquatic plant pianta acquatica
aquatics sport acquatico
aristocratic aristocràtico
arithmetic fare i conti, càlcolo
armistice armistizio
aromatic aromàtico
artichoke carciofo
article oggetto, artìcolo, quota
articles artìcolo
articulately distinto
articulateness limpidezza
articulates articolato
articulative sereno
artistic artìstico
athletics atleta leggera
attic abbaino, deposito, soffitta
authenticate vidimare, documentare
authenticated convalidato
authenticates convalidato
authentication legalizzazione, documentazione
authenticity credibilità, legalità
automatic automatico
Baltic Sea Bàltico
bombastic ampolloso
cathartic lustrale
caustic nitido, erosivo
chanticleer rubinetto
chanticleers galli
characteristic caratteristico, contrassegno, qualità
climactical climàtico
climatic climàtico
cosmetic cosmetica
critical crìtico
criticism crìtica
deterministic deciso
diaphragmatic vaporoso
dietetics dietètica
diplomatic diplomatico
domestic nazionale
domestic help donna delle pulizie
domestically domèstico
dramatic drammàtico
elastic elàstico
electrolytically elettrolitico
electrostatics elettrostatica
emetic vomitatorio
emphatic esplicito
emplastic glùtine
energetic energico
enigmatic enigmistico
enthusiastic entusiasmato
epigrammatic epigrammatico
epileptically epiettico
erotic erotico
erotically erotico
error of justice errore giudiziario
esthetic estetico
eulogistic lodativo
exotic esotico
fanatic fanatico
fanaticism fanatismo
fantastic frenetico, fantastico
frantically selvaggio
franticness accesso di rabbia
franticnesses accessi di rabbia
gigantic gigantesco, gigantesco
give notice licenziare, licenziato, annunziare
graticule reticolo
gymnastics far ginnastica, ginnàstica
heretic eretico
heretical eretico
hereticalness eresia
hermetic ermetico, ermetico
hermetical ermetico, ermetico
horticultural giardinaggio
horticulture giardinaggio
identical identico
idiotic stupido, idiotico
juristic giurìdico, giurìdico
justice giustizia, giustizia
linguistic linguistico, idiomàtico
linguistical idiomàtico, linguistico
linguistics linguistica
lipstick rossetto
lunatic pazza
lunatics pazza
lymphatic linfatico
magnetic magnetico
magnetical magnetico
magnetically magnetico
majestic maestoso
mathematics matematica
monochromatical unicolore
mystic mistico
nationalistic nazionalistico
neurotics nevrotico
notice cartellone, affisso, appunto, percepire, scudo
notice of departure notifica della partenza
numismatic numismatico
opportunistic opportunistico
optic ottico
optic nerve nervo ottico
optical ottico
optician occhialaio
opticians occhialaio
opticnerve nervo ottico
optics ottica
optimistic ottimisvico
participant partecipante
participate in far partecipare
participation partecipazione, partecipazione, collaborazione
particle particola
particular extra, vale a dire
particularity particolarità
particularly extra
pedantic meticoloso
pessimistic pessimistico
pharmaceutics farmaceutica
plastic plastico, plastica
poetical poetico
politician politico
politics politica
practicable eseguìbile
practical utilitario
practice applicare
price ticket cartellino del prezzo
recidivistic recidivo
romantic romantico
romantically romantico
romanticism romanticismo
romanticist romantico
romanticize fantasticare
rustic rurale, semplice, villereccio
scepticism scetticismo
schematic schematico
schematically schematico
sciatic sciatica
sciatica sciatica
semi automatical semiautomatico
simpatico simpatico
single ticket biglietto sémplice
skepticalness scetticismo
skepticism scetticismo
stick incollare, bastone, ficcare
sticky glutinoso
syntactic error vizio di forma
tactic tattica
tactical tàttica
tactics tattica
testicle coglione
testicles coglione
theoretic accademicamente
theoretical accademicamente
tick segnare a croce
tick off sganciare, segnare a croce
ticket sorte, biglietto, biglietto
ticket collector bigliettaio
ticket office biglietterià
ticketed punito
tickle solleticare
tickled solleticato
tickler taccuino
ticklish solleticoso
to give notice of depature notificare la partenza
unemphatic indistinto
unnoticeable inosservato
unnoticed inosservato
unrealistic irrealistico
unsophisticatedly ingenua
unsympathetic antipàtico
vertical verticale
viticulture enofilo
without notice senza avviso
witticism lazzo
yardstick criterio
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.