The English term "ten" matches the Italian term "dieci"

other english words that include "ten" : italian :
abstentious astinente
accurateness fedeltà
acuteness finezza
advertence richiamare
advertent dimostrativo
andeuten volere dire
antenna antenne
appetency libidine
appurtenance annessi
appurtenant attinente
articulateness limpidezza
astuteness acume
attend evàdere, servire, partecipare, assìstere, visitare
attend to servire
attendance presenza, manutenzione
attender famulo
attends accompagnato
attention attenzione
attention getter che attrae lo sguardo
attentive attento
attenuate annacquare
attenuating diminutivo
baths attendant bagnaiuolo
beaten picchiato
catena catena
catenate concatenare
catenation congiuntura
centenary secolo
centennial centenario
chasten punire
chasteness nettezza
christen battezzare
cloak room attendant guardarobiera
competence competenza
consistency coerenza
content soddisfatto, contentezza
contented soddisfatto
contentiously accattabrighe
contents volume
delicateness delicatezza
desolateness devastazione
detent blocco
detente rilassamento
detention arresto, detenzione
determinateness determinatezza
discontent malcontento
dishearten scoraggiare
disheartened scoraggiato
dispassionateness tranquillità
dissoluteness licenziosità
distend stendere
distensibility duttilità
distensible espansivo
execution of sentence esecuzione della pena
existence esistenza, esistenza
extend allungare, ampliare, estendersi
extension dilatazione, estensione
extensive sostanzioso, vasto
extent volume, dilatazione
extenuate annacquare
fasten bendare, legare saldamente, legamento, consolidare
flatten levigare
frightening terrificante
frightens spaventato
frostbitten assiderato
hastening accelerativo
hearten incoraggiare
heightens ingrandito
importent importante
intensity intensità
intensive intensivo
intention proposito
lighten schiarire, agevolare
listen ascoltare, sentisti, udizione
listen carefully orecchiare
listen to udizione, ascoltare
listener ascoltatore, ascoltatore
listening ascoltante
listens to sente
maintenance economato, manutenzione
malcontent malcontento
martens martora
moisten umettare
more often più spesso
obstinateness ostinatezza
often spesso
ostentation ostentazione
ostentatious ostentativo
ostentatiousness fanfaronata
patent brevetto
politeness cortesia
portentous nefasto
potent valido
potential fattibile
pretended presunto
pretentious immaginario
rotten mostruoso, putrido
rottened marcio
rottenly pigro
rottenness putrefazione
rottens marcio
sentence punizione, condannare, frase
shorten abbreviare
stench lezzo
straighten out drizzare
tenant noleggiatore
tend piegare, coltivare
tendency declinazione
tender dolce
tenderly esile
tenderness affettuosità
tennis court campo di tennis
tense in tensione
tension voltaggio
threaten minacciare
threatening minacciante
threatening letter lettera minatoria
threateningly minacciante
tighten teso, astringere, fisso
to some extent in certo qual modo
to such an extent talmente
underwritten garantito
unforgotten indimenticato
unintended senza volere
unintentional senza volere
unostentatious senza esigenza
unpretentious senza esigenza
whiteness bianca
written scritto
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.