The English term "sign over" matches the Italian term "volturare, volturare"

other english words that include "over" : italian :
carryover rimanenza
changeover commutazione
cover copro, rivestimento, callotta, coprire
crossover trasferimento
discover scoperchiare, scoprire
discoverable accertabile
discoverer scopritore
discoverers scopritore
discovers scoperto
discovery scoperta
government governo
hand over porgere, porgere
handed over consegnato
hands over predominio
hang over sporgenze
hangover malessere
hover vertere
irrecoverable insostituibile
lover of amante
moreover inoltre, d'altronde, ulteriormente
over di quà, esuberante, sopra, da, esuberante, finito
over here qua, di quà
over it al di sopra
over there quite, costì, al di là
overabundance pienezza
overabundant opimo
overall camice
overawe intimidire
overawing intimidente
overbearance arroganza
overbearing arrogante
overbid offrire di più
overcall offrire di più
overcast coperto, annuvolato
overclouded annuvolato
overclouds annuvolato
overcoat cappotto
overcomes superato
overcoming superante
overconfidence presunzione
overconfident misurare
overcrowded ingombrato
overdid esagerai
overdo esagerare
overdoes esagera
overdoing esagerativo
overdone eccessivo
overdose dosi eccessiva
overdue tardato, moroso
overeater mangione
overfatigue sovraffaticamento, sovraffaticamento
overfilled ingombrato
overflow traboccare
overfly sorvolare
overglaze velatura
overhang prominenza
overhaul sorpassare
overhauled sorpassai
overhauls sorpassa
overhear origliare
overlaborate largamente
overlapped violato
overload sovraccaricare
overloading sovraccarico
overman caporale
overmaster espugnare
overmastering vincente
overnight stay pernottamento, pernottamento
overpass trasferimento
overpays esagerare
overplayed esagerai
overplaying esagerativo
overplays esagera
overridden intestato, intestato
override levatura
oversalt salare troppo
oversalts troppo salato
overseas oltremarino, oltremarino
oversee vigilare
overseer caporale
oversees vigilato
overshadow ombreggiare, ombreggiare
overshoot oltrepassare, oltrepassare
oversight granchiolino
overstate esagerare
overstated esagerai
overstatement esagerazione
overstates esagera
overstating esagerativo
overstep oltrepassare, oltrepassare
overstretches esaltato, esaltato
overstuffs ingombrato
overtake sorpassare, a prendere
overtaken sorpassai
overtakes sorpassa
overtired sovraffaticato, sovraffaticato
overtook sorpassai
overtop cèdere, cèdere
overvalues sopravvalutato
overview vista generale
overweening arrogante
overweight sovrappeso
overwrought stanco
poverty povertà
proverb proverbio
pullover pullover
recovery emendazione, ristabilimento
run over travolto
slipcover involucro protettivo
snow covered nevoso
take over mi incarico, mi incarico
taking over mi incarico, mi incarico
talk over trattare
tip over mozzicone
tipped over ribaltato
took over mi incaricai, mi incaricai
turnover movimento degli affari
undercover riservato
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.