The English term "per cent" matches the Italian term "percento"

other english words that include "per" : italian :
amperage amperaggio
aperitif aperitivo
aperture abboccatura
artificial person ente morale
asperity asperità
asperse calunniare
assembly operator montatore
bee-keeper apicoltore
chaperonage accompagnamento
climacteric period menopausa
cooperation collaborazione
cooperative cooperativa
coopertaion collaborazione
copper rame
desperate disperato
diaper fascia
dispersal distrazione
dispersiveness diffusione
emperor imperatore
exasperation animosità
experience esperienza
expert esperto, apprèndere, specialista, esperto
expertly pratico
flipper pinna, pinna
flypaper acchiappamosche
foppery leziosaggine
gatekeepers portiere
goalkeeper portiere
grasshopper locusta
had a temperature febbricitante
hamper impedire
helper aiutante
hyper sopra
immoveable property immobili
imperative legante
impertinent sfacciato
inexperienced novizio
intemperate smoderato
jumper maglia, spina, pullover
lost property office ufficio oggetti smarriti
newspaper gazzetta
notepaper carta da lèttere
operate funzionare, esercitare, servire
operating servizio
operation fase di lavorazione, operazione, servizio
operational aziendale
operationally aziendale
operatively operativo
operetta operetta
paper documento, carta, gazzetta
paper money carta moneta
papermoney carta moneta
papers documenti
paperweight fermacarte
peak period massima attività
pepper pepe
per al, tramite
perceive percepire
perceptible percettibile
percolator caffettiera
peregrination peregrinazione
perfect legittimo, perfetto
perform spingere, effettuare, apparire, cómpiere
perfume profumo
perfumery profumeria
perhaps forse, chissà
perigee perigeo
peril pericolo
perils rischi
period periodo
periodical periodico
periphery periferia, volume
perm ondulazione permanente
permanency posizione permanente
permanent permanente, fisso, durabile
permission nullaosta, licenza
permit permettere, permettere, nullaosta, modulo
perpendicular verticale
perpetual contìnuo
perpetuates eternato
perplexed sbalordito, perplesso
perseverance perseveranza
persevere sopportare
person persona
personal personalmente
personality personalità
personnel personale
perspiration sudore
persuade persuadere, persuadere
persuades convinto, convinto
pertaining concernente
pertinent equo
proper name nome proprio
property possesso, fattoria, proprietà
prosperous benestante
prosperousness successo
reaper falciatore
recuperation ristabilimento
retired person pensionato
sand paper carta smeriglio
sandpaper carta vetrata
scraper scarafaggio
scrapers raschiare
shop operation fase di lavorazione
sick person malata
simper sciocco
skipper marinaio
skyscraper grattacielo, grattacielo
skyscrapers grattacielo
slack period ristagno
sleeper vagone letto
slip of paper ordito
slipper pantofola, ciabatta
slippery lubrico
sniper bersagliere
snooper ficcanaso
sperm sperma
super favolosamente
supercharger mantice
supercilious orgoglioso
superficial superficiale
superior migliore, più alto, superiore
superlarge grossissimo
supernal ultraterreno
supernatural ultraterreno
supervise vigilare
supervision supervisione
temper temperamento, furia
temperate moderato
temperature febbre, temperatura
timekeeper cronometro
tipper vagoncino ribaltabile
tissue paper velina
toilet paper carta igiènica
unexperienced novizio
unperceived inosservato
upper arm braccio superiore
upper case character lettera maiuscola
violent temper irascibilità
viper biscia
vituperation vituperio
wallpaper tappezzeria
weekly paper ebdomadario
whimper mugolare
whisper sussurrare
whisper to sussurrare
without permission non permesso
worshiper veneratore
wrapper involucro
wrappers involgere
writing paper carta da scrivere
zipper chiusura lampo
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.