The English term "lack of clarity" matches the Italian term "poca chiarezza"

other english words that include "of" : italian :
absence of smell mancanza di odore
abstract of account estratto di conto
abundance of words verbosità
academy of arts accadèmia di belle arti
accretion of discount incremento
act in place of rappresentare, vertere
act of volition volizione
adjustment of average regolazione
admit of amméttere
all of a sudden improvvisamente
appraising officer estimatore
assortment of goods assortimento
audit of annual accounts esame finale
balance of payments bilancia dei pagamenti
bill of exchange vicenda
bill of fare listino
bird of prey uccello rapace
block of flats edifizio
booking office biglietterià, forziere
bunch of flowers struzzo
by return of post a posta corrente
charge off copiare
circumference of the earth circonferenza della terra
ckeck off sganciare
coffee caffè
coffee pot bricco
coffin feretro
companyof comitiva
customs office ufficio doganale
date of birth data di nàscita
day off feria
declaration of value valore dichiarato
destination of the journey meta del viaggio
difference of opinion dissenso
dispatch of goods gestione merci
eclipse of the sun eclissi solare
end of work cessazione del lavoro
error of justice errore giudiziario
execution of sentence esecuzione della pena
first of all dapprima
flash of lightning fulmine
flitch of bacon lardone
flowing off emissario, decorso
foolproof facile come bere un uovo
force of gravity gravitazione
found of results trovato
free of charge esente dalle tasse, ufo
freedom of action elasticità di azione
freedom of the press libertà di stampa
get rid of eliminare
haul off trascinare
hayloft fienile
heretofore in altri tempi
hoof zoccolo
in front of it innanzi
instead of invece, invece di
instead off invece di
letter of attorney autorizzazione
letter of credit lettera di credito
liberty of action libertà di movimento
loft deposito
loftiness elevatezza
lofty elevato, patetico
log off notifica della partenza
loss of hair caduta dei capelli
lost property office ufficio oggetti smarriti
lover of amante
make fun of canzonare
map of the city piantina
more often più spesso
nape of the neck collottola
network of roads rete stradale
notice of departure notifica della partenza
number of pieces numero di pezzi
of dalla, sopra, da, della
of course natura secondo
of its di lui
of which di questo
off da, distante, dalla, perso, strada
offed andato via
offence trascorrere, affronto, infrazione
offend oltraggiare
offense affronto
offensive offensiva, allusivo
offensively offensivo
offer licitazione, licitare, offrire, offerto
offers indicare, offerto
offhanded spontaneo
offhandedly spontaneo
offical ufficiale
office ufficio, impiego
officeboy fattorino
officer funzionario
officers ufficiali
official ufficiale, ufficiale, funzionario
official in charge referendario
officiant officiante
offish riservato
offset compromesso
offshoot rampollo
offspring discendente
often spesso
on the other side of attraverso
on top of it appresso
out of da, al di fuori di
out of date sorpassa
out of it indi
place of birth luogo di nativo
place of destination destinazione
place of residence residenza
point of view punto di vista
post office ufficio postale
post office box casella postale
printing office tipografia
profanely laico
professional professionista, per lavoro
professor professore
proffer offerto
profile profilo
profit guadagno, profitto, guadagnare
profitable lucrativo, lucroso
profitably lucrativo
proof percento, dimostrazione
put off spegnere
rainproof impermabile
records office registratura
registration office anàgrafe
reign of terror regno del terrore
reproof biasimo
roof tetto
roofer copritetto
roofs tetti
rotation of the earth rotazione della terra
round off arrotondare
rustproof inossidabile
scoff scherno
scoffer beffatore
scrape off grattare
scuffproof indistruttibile
series of reactions reazione a catena
site of crime luogo del fatto
size of shoe numero di scarpa
sliding roof tetto scorrevole
slip of paper ordito
sofa sofà
soft placido, soffice, dolce
soft boiled bazzotto
soft parts parti molli
softies imbecille
softly soffice
softness flessibilità, dolcezza
sound-proof isolamento acustico
special offer offerta speciale
switch off spegnere, posare, estinguere
take advantage of abusare
take care of evàdere
take off decollare
tell off inveire
tick off sganciare, segnare a croce
ticket office biglietterià
time of probation tirocinio
to give notice of depature notificare la partenza
to offer offerto, licitare
torn off stracciato
tow off trascinare
tradeoff cambio
tradeoffs scambio
train of thought ragionamento
travel office ufficio viaggi
turn off posare
twofold dùplice
unoffending innocuo
unofficial ufficioso
unprofessional incompetente
waste of time perdita di tempo
waterproof impermabile
weakness of character debolezza di carattere
well off benestante
whereof a che cosa
wing of a door battente
wonder of the world prodigio
writ of execution esecutorio
year of birth anno di nascita
year of construction anno di costruzione
youth welfare office ufficio assistenza giovanile
other english words that include "clarity" : italian :
clarity limpidezza
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.