The English term "ice cream" matches the Italian term "gelato"

other english words that include "ice" : italian :
accomplice complice
advice consigliere, consiglio
appraising officer estimatore
apprentice apprendista
apprenticeship istruzione, noviziato
armistice armistizio
artifice disposizione
artificer pirotecnico
beneficence beneficenza
booking office biglietterià, forziere
breakdown service servizio recupero automezzi
caprice capriccio
chalice calice
choice assortimento, selezione, eletta
cicerone cicerone
consulting service consultazione
customs office ufficio doganale
device meccanismo, apparecchio, elemento
devices valutario
dice cubo
dice box bòssolo
dicey rischioso
disservice difetto, dissenso
driving licence patente di guida
edifice edifizio
error of justice errore giudiziario
fruit juice succo di frutta
give advice consigliare
give notice licenziare, licenziato, annunziare
hospice ospizio
ice ghiaccio, gelato
iceberg iceberg
icepack banchisa
invoice càlcolo
juice succo
justice giustizia, giustizia
lice cimici
licence nullaosta, licensa, modulo, patente di guida
licence number numero di matricola
license permettere, licensa
licentious licenzioso
licentiousness licenziosità
licorice liquirizia
lost property office ufficio oggetti smarriti
magnificence magnificenza
magnificent fastoso, grandioso
magnificently fastoso
maleficent maligno
mice topi
net price prezzo netto
nice simpatico, buono, gentile, placevole, caro
notice cartellone, affisso, appunto, percepire, scudo
notice of departure notifica della partenza
novice principiante
office ufficio, impiego
officeboy fattorino
officer funzionario
officers ufficiali
orifice abboccatura, apertura
police polizia
police-station questura
police station commissariato, comissariato di Pùblica Sicure
policeman poliziotto, vigile
policewoman poliziotta
post office ufficio postale
post office box casella postale
practice applicare
precipice abisso
prejudice pregiudizio
price tariffa, costo
price ticket cartellino del prezzo
priceless impagabile
printing office tipografia
records office registratura
registration office anàgrafe
rejoice esultare
rice riso
sacrifice sacrificio, sacrificare
sales price prezzo di vendita
service attèndere, servizio, funzione, manutenzione
service station distributore di benzina
serviceman soldato
slice tagliare, pezzo, fetta
sliced taglio
sluice cateratta, emanare
spice aromatizzare, spezie
suffice bastare
thrice trevolte
ticket office biglietterià
to device sviluppare
to give notice of depature notificare la partenza
travel office ufficio viaggi
unicellular unicellulare
unlicensed non permesso
unnoticeable inosservato
unnoticed inosservato
vice vizio
voice voce
voiceclerk fatturista
without notice senza avviso
wrecking service servizio recupero automezzi
youth welfare office ufficio assistenza giovanile
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.