The English term "go out" matches the Italian term "andare a passeggio, entrare"

other english words that include "go" : italian :
a long time ago da molto tempo
agonize martirizzare
agony agonìa, angoscia
antagonism antagonismo
as good as new come nuovo
assortment of goods assortimento
cargo nave da carico, carico
categorical categorico
category categoria, ceto
clangor suono
clangorous risonante
dessing gown accappatoio
dispatch of goods gestione merci
dragon drago
dressing gown veste da camera
embargo on imports embargo
engorge ostruire
engorgement occlusione
engorges costipato
foregoing antecedente
forgot dimenticai
go andarsene, andara, andare
go away far fagotto, andàrsene
go by trascorrere
go mountain climbing alpinismo
go on continuare a fare
go on strike scioperare
go shopping fare acquisti
go to bed andare a letto
goal scopo, proposito, stolto, traguardo
goalkeeper portiere
goat capra
goats capre
gobbets pezzo
god dio
God Iddio, Iddìo, Dio
goddess dea
godfather padrino
godmother comare
gold oro
golden àureo
golf golfo
gone andato
good buono
good-natured gradevole, benevolo, cortese
good bye arrivederla
good health salute
good morning buon giorno
good night felice notte
goodbye arrivederci, addio
goodness bontà
Goodness Iddìo
goods train treno merci
goods truck vagone merci
goos ingrassare
goose oca
gooseberry ribes
gorge burrone
gosling paperotto
gourd zucca
gourmet buongustaio
gout artrite
government governo
govt governo
hangout casotto
hangover malessere
he goat caprone
heptagon ettagono
hexagonally esagono
ingot lingotto
ingotiron acciaio fuso
long ago da molto tempo
lumbago lombaggine
negotiate discùtere
negotiation negoziato
negotiator negoziatore
nogood vitellone
nonagon nonagono
octagon ottagono
outgoing uscente
paragons esemplare
rigorous severo
say goodbye promulgare, licenziarsi
scapegoat espiatorio
scarce goods scarseggiante
tipping wagon vagoncino ribaltabile
undergo vissi
unforgotten indimenticato
vigorous benportante, energico
wrongous illegale
wrongously illegale
other english words that include "out" : italian :
about intorno, verso, attorno, circa
about turn dietro front
air out ventilare, arieggiare, aerare
at the outset prima
blackout perdita, panna
boutique impresa
breathe out esalare
buyout accaparramento
carry out effettuare
clout lobo
come about accadere, succedere
come out andare a passeggio
cutout estirpare
day in day out tutti i giorni
do without privo
find out scoprire
flout canzonare
found out scoperto
gout artrite
handout volantino
hangout casotto
hold out resistere
knock out abbàttere
knockout precipitazione
lock out blocco
look out attenzione
lookouts attèndere
loudmouth lingwacciuto
lout tanghero
loutish villano
measure out dosare
mouth boca, abboccatura, muso, bocca, imboccatura
mouthwash collutorio
out da, al di fuori di
out of da, al di fuori di
out of date sorpassa
out of it indi
outbreak esplosione
outburst erompere
outclass superare, superare
outcome risultato
outdated sorpassa, arcàico
outdistance sorpassare
outdistanced sorpassai
outdoor al di fuori
outdoors al di fuori
outer esterno
outermost estremo
outfit fornitura, equipaggio
outflow emissario
outgoing uscente
outgrowth protuberanza
outing escursione
outlandishness strano
outlaw bandito, proscritto
outlay dispendio
outlet presa di corrente
outlier caso speciale
outline contorno, disegno
outlines abbozzi
outlive sopravvivere
outlived sopravvissi
outlives sopravvive
outlook vedute
outlying al di fuori di
outmoded arcàico
outmost estremo
outnumber superare, superare
outpatient ambulatorio
outpost avamposto
outpour sfogo
outpouring emanare
output esito, prodotto, lavoro, emissione, emettere
outrage atrocità
outrageous indignante, scellerato
outrageously scellerato, inaudito
outrageousness sfrenatezza
outrange superare, superare
outright completo
outrun oltrepassare, oltrepassare
outs opposizione
outset principio
outshine eclissare
outside al di fuori, al di fuori di
outspokenness franchezza
outstanding arretrato
outward estrinseco
outwardly estrinseco
outwards fuori casa
outworn logoro
phaseouts dipanare
pout ammusare
put out spengere
roundabout giostra, verboso
route direzione, cammino, strada, dirigere, itinerario
routes stirato
scout ricognitore
scoutmaster guida
sell out esaurire
shout esclamare, gridare, grido
shutout esclusivo
snout ceffo
south ostro, sud
southwester libeccio
straighten out drizzare
take out cavare
think about riflettere
thought about pensato
tout arruolare
trout trota
warn out stanco
wave about brandire
way out esito, passaggio
wear out logorare
wearout logorio
well thought out ponderato
whereabout rimanenza, luogo di soggiorno
wihtout senza
wipes out estingue
without senza
without contradiction non contradditorio
without engagement non impegnativo
without exception senza eccezione
without fail immancabile
without holding on a mano libera
without notice senza avviso
without permission non permesso
without result senza esito
without using cash senza denaro in contanti
work out calcolare
world outlook concezione del mondo
worn out liso
write out appuntare, emettere
youth adolescenza
youth group gruppo di gióvani
youth hostel albergo per la gioventù
youth welfare office ufficio assistenza giovanile
youthful giovanile
youthfully novellino
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.