The English term "era" matches the Italian term "era, epoca"

other english words that include "era" : italian :
accelerate accelerare
accelerates accellerato
accelerating accelerativo
acceleration accelerazione
accelerator acceleratore
adjustment of average regolazione
adulterate affatturare
adulterates fatturato
amperage amperaggio
assembly operator montatore
average mediocrità, media
camera apparecchio fotogràfico, macchina fotografica
cholera colera
cine camera cinepresa
cinecamera cinepresa
considerable considerevole, rilevante, vistoso
considerably rilevante
consideration considerazione
cooperation collaborazione
cooperative cooperativa
counteragent antidoto
decelerate allentare
deliberate riflettere, voluto
deliberately apposta
derail deragliare
derailment deviamento
derange frastornare
deranged disturbato
derangement disturbo
deranges disturba
derate degradare
desiderata difettare
desideratum difetto
desperate disperato
discoverable accertabile
emerald smeraldo
enumerate numerare
enumerated enumerato
enumeration enumerazione
ephemeral volatile
ephemerally fuggitiva
equilateral equilatero
eradication estirpazione
erasable estinguibile
erase estinguere, verniciare
erased spento
eraser grattino
exaggerate esagerare
exaggerated esagerai
exaggeratedly eccessivo
exaggeratedness eccessività
exaggerates esagera
exaggerating esagerativo
exaggeration esagerazione
exasperation animosità
exonerate sgravare
Federal Chancellor cancelliere federale
federally federativo
funeral sepoltura, funerale
General general
generalize generalizzare
generally generalmente
generate produrre, abbordo
generation generazione
generator generatore
had a temperature febbricitante
horseradish barbaforte
illiterate incolto
illiterately incolto
imperative legante
imponderably imponderabile
incinerates arde
intemperate smoderato
intolerable intollerabile
irrecoverable insostituibile
iterates ripetuto
itinerary itinerario, tratto
laceration ferita carnosa
lateral laterale
liberal liberale
liberalism liberalismo
liberalization liberalizzazione
liberalize liberalizzare
liberally liberale
liberates liberato
liberating liberante
liberation liberazione
liberator liberatore, Redentore
literacy cultura
literal letteralmente, letterale
literary letterario
literature letteratura
maneuverable mobile
mineral water acqua minerale
miserable afflitto, malinconia, disgraziato, lamentoso
moderat moderare
numerable numerabile
numeral cifra
numerate numerare
numeration numerazione, enumerazione
obliterate estingere
obliterates estingue
operate funzionare, esercitare, servire
operating servizio
operation fase di lavorazione, operazione, servizio
operational aziendale
operationally aziendale
operatively operativo
overabundance pienezza
overabundant opimo
overall camice
overawe intimidire
overawing intimidente
perseverance perseveranza
pilferage ladreria
preferably piuttosto
protuberance ammaccatura, gobba
recuperation ristabilimento
referable relativamente
refrigerate raffreddare
refrigerated raffreddai
refrigerates raffredda
refrigerator frigorìfero
reiterates ripetuto
reiterativeness replica
remunerates premiato
remuneration stipendio
several alquanti, parecchi
several times talvolta
shop operation fase di lavorazione
solderable saldabile
temperate moderato
temperature febbre, temperatura
time lapse camera accelleratore
tolerance tolleranza
tolerate amméttere, tollerare, sopportare
tolerated ammesso
tolerates sopporta
tolerating indulgente
toleration sopportazione
undeliberate senza volere
underage minorenne
underarm avambraccio
unilateral unilaterale
unliteral figurato
unutterable indicibile
veraciousness veridicità
vituperation vituperio
vulnerability vulnerabilità
vulnerable vulnerabile
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.