The English term "ear" matches the Italian term "orecchio"

other english words that include "ear" : italian :
accounting year esercizio
afteryears periodo conseguente
appear apparire, venni, esibirsi
appearance venni, apparenza, fenomeno, esteriore
appears emersione
arrearage arretrato
arrears arretrato, debitare
at the earliest al più presto
bear orso
beard barba
beards barbe
bearishly goffa
bearishness zoticaggine
bears orsi
by heart a memoria
childbearing parto
chin beard barbetta
circumference of the earth circonferenza della terra
clear forbire, sereno, esente, distinto
clear as daylight chiaro come il sole
clear away rimuovere
clear up chiarire
clearance chiarificazione
clearance sale liquidazione
cleared sparecchiato
cleared away rimosso
clearer centesimo
clearly sereno
coldhearted insensibile
customs clearance operazioni doganali
dear caro
dearth difetto
disappear scomparire, andar perduto
dishearten scoraggiare
disheartened scoraggiato
dreary abominevole, orrendo, spaventoso
ear specialist otoiatra
eardrum timpano
earlier ancor prima
earn guadagnare
earnest serio, grave
earnings guadagno, guadagno
earring orecchino
ears orecchie
earth mondo, terra
earthquake terremoto
earths portare a terra
endearment affettuosità
fear angoscia, temere, paura, temere
fearful angoscioso
fearless intrepido
five-year plan quinquennale
footgear calzatura
for years per molti anni
forbearance tolleranza
forbearing indulgente
forbearingly indulgente
forbears antenati
forearm avambraccio
forebears antenati
forswear abiurare
freehearted candido
gear andamento
gearshift leva del cambio
halfhearted svogliato
halfheartedness apatìa
hand gear leva
hard hearted duro di cuore
hear sentisti
heard sentii
hearing ascolto
hearken orecchiare
hears sente
heart cuore
heartbroken rotto
heartburn bruciare di stòmaco
hearted incoraggiare
hearten incoraggiare
hearth focolaio
heartless insensibile
heartlessly insensibile
hearts cuori
hearty cordiale, affettuoso
hearty kiss bacione
learn apprèndere, apprèndere, imparare
learned erudito, colto
learning apprèndere
light hearted sereno
lighthearted festevole
lightheartedness giovialità
mortal fear angoscia mortale
near by accanto
nearly quasi
nuclear disintegration disintegrazione nucleare
nuclear energy energia nucleare
nuclear fission fissioneînucleare
nuclear physics fisicaînucleare
nuclear reactor reattore nucleare
one year old di un anno
overbearance arroganza
overbearing arrogante
overhear origliare
pear pera
pear-tree pero
pearl perla
rear view veduta posteriore
reared allevato
rearing educativo
rehearsal prova
research indagare, ricerca
research worker scienziato
rotation of the earth rotazione della terra
school year anno scolastico
sear abbronzare
search cerco, indagare
searcher cercatore
searches mania
searchingly verdastro
sears arsiccio
shears forbice
smear ingrassare
smeary untuoso
spear lancia
tear crepatura, lacrima
teardrops lacrimale
tearful piagnucoloso
to appear emersione
to bear esercitare
underwear biancherìa ìntima
unearth disotterrare
unlearn disimparare
unwearable intollerabile
unweary instancabile
wear abbigliare
wear and tear logorio
wear out logorare
wearer vettore
weariness sfinitezza
wearout logorio
weary stracco
wholehearted serio
year anno
year of birth anno di nascita
year of construction anno di costruzione
yearbook effemeride
yearbooks annali
yearlong di un anno
yearly ànnuo, annualmente
yearning ansia
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.