The English term "do without" matches the Italian term "privo"

other english words that include "do" : italian :
abandon lasciare, abbandonare
abandon ship ridurre, rilassare, degradare
abandonment quesito
abdomen basso ventre
abdominal addominale
ado boriosita
adopt mi incarico, adottare, mi incarico
adoptability gradevolezza
adoptable adottàbile
adoptive supposto
adoration venerazione, adorazione
adorations adorazione
adore adorare, venerare
adored adorato
adores venerato
ambassador ambasciatore
anecdote àneddoto
ardor entusiasmo
ardour calore, entusiasmo
astrodome cupola
astrodomes cupola
big landowner latifondista
breakdown perdita, panna
breakdown service servizio recupero automezzi
calm down calmare
condolence condoglianze
cool down refrigerare
corridor corridoio
crackdown razzia
do fare
doc dottore
docile arrendevole
docks impianti portuali
doctor dottore, medico
doctrine istruzione
document documento, documento, atto
documentary documentato
documents documenti
dodder tremare
dog cane
dogs cani
doldrums ristagno
doll bambola
dolor tormento
dolphin delfino
dome cupola
domestic nazionale
domestic help donna delle pulizie
domestically domèstico
dominate dominare
dominion egemonia
donate regalare
donation erogazione, donazione
donkey àsino
door porta
dose dose
dot punto
dots punti
double doppio, sosia, duplicare
double bed letto a due piazze
double room càmera doppia
doubt mettere in dubbio, dubitare, dubbio
doubtfully dubbioso
doubts dubbio
dough pasta
dove piccione
down abbasso, abbasso, abbasso, a basso
downfall decadenza, naufragio
downwards abbasso
doze dormicchiare
dozen dozzina
endocrine endocrino
endogenous endogeno
endorsement aggiunta, notabene
endowment erezione, donazione
evildoer malfattore
flunkeydom servitù
freedom libertà
freedom of action elasticità di azione
freedom of the press libertà di stampa
hairdo pettinatura
handout volantino
hangdog avanzo di galera
hazardous rischioso
idol idolo
judo judo
kingdom regno
knock down travolto
let down abbassamento
lie down sdraiarsi
londoner londinese
malodorousness lezzo
mandolin mandolino
note down vergare, appuntare
odor profumo
odoriferous fragrante
odoriferously profumante
odorless inodoro
odorlessness mancanza di odore
odorous odorifero
odors profumo
odour profumo
odourless inodoro
orthodontists odontotecnico
outdoor al di fuori
outdoors al di fuori
overdo esagerare
overdoes esagera
overdoing esagerativo
overdone eccessivo
overdose dosi eccessiva
overshadow ombreggiare, ombreggiare
paradox paradossale
paradoxical paradossale
pardon venia
put down sdraiarsi
redolence odore
redolency fragranza
redolently profumante
redouble duplicare
redoubt trincea
redound buttare
rubdown lavata di capo
rundown decorrere, spiegazione
sash window finestra scorrevole
seldom raramente
shadow ombrosità, ombra
shadowy incerto
shop-window vetrina
sit down accomodarsi
sliding window finestra scorrevole
slow down tardare, allentare
slowdown allentare
splendor magnificenza
stardom vanto
throwdown gettare a terra
torpedo boat lanciasiluri
touchdown ottenere
tremendous grandioso, poderoso
undoable solubile
watch dog cane da guardia
watchdog cane da guardia
widow védova
widowed védovo
widower védovo
window fetta, finestra, finestrino, oblo
window pane lastra
window seat posto alla finestra
window sill davanzale
windows finestrino
wing of a door battente
wisdom saggezza, saggezza, freccia
wisdom tooth dente del giudizio
world domination dominio del mondo
write down appuntare
wrongdoer malfattore
yankeedoodle canto popolare
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.