The English term "dead-end street" matches the Italian term "vicolo cieco"

other english words that include "dead" : italian :
dead morto
dead body salma
dead man morta
deadlock bloccaggio
other english words that include "end" : italian :
addend aggiunta
addenda serbar rancore
addends aggiunta
addendum appendice
agenda ordine del giorno
amend variare, perfezionare
amendments indennizzo
append attaccare
appendicitis appendicite
appending fissante
appendix completamento, appendice
appends fissato
apprehend capire
ascend esalare
ascendancy influsso
ascended salii
ascendency ascensione
ascending crescente, ascendente
attend evàdere, servire, partecipare, assìstere, visitare
attend to servire
attendance presenza, manutenzione
attender famulo
attends accompagnato
baths attendant bagnaiuolo
bend piegare, piegare, virata, curvatura
bends piega
blend mistura
boyfriends amici
calendar calendario
cloak room attendant guardarobiera
commend elogiare
comprehend rinchiudere, comprendere, capire
defend difèndere
depend dipèndere
dependence dipendenza
dependent dipendente
descend discéndere
descend from venire
descendant discendente, discendente
descendants seguire
descended discéndere
distend stendere
emend emendare, correggere, perfezionare
end al punto più estremo, chiusa, traguardo, finire
end of work cessazione del lavoro
endanger mettere in pericolo
endangerment pericolo
endangerments rischi
endangers in pericolo
endearment affettuosità
endeavor incomodare
endeavors incomodato
endeavour fatica
endeavours incomodato
ending ultimazione
endless illimitato
endocrine endocrino
endogenous endogeno
endorsement aggiunta, notabene
endowment erezione, donazione
endpoint punto finale
endurable sopportabile
endurance indulgenza, perseveranza
endures sopporta
enduring restante
enduringness perseveranza
engenders generato
expenditure dispendio, costare
expends consumato
extend allungare, ampliare, estendersi
forfend prevenire
forfends prevenuto
friend camerata, amica, conoscente, amico
friendless senza amici
friendliness cortesia
friendly cortese, benevolo, gradevole, amichévole, amicale
friends amici
friendship amicizia
girlfriend amica
in the end alla fine
independent indipendente, indipendente
legend spiegazione, leggenda
lend prestare, imprestare
lends presta
mendaciousness bugiarderia
mending rappezzare
offend oltraggiare
pendulous pendente
pendulum pendolo
perpendicular verticale
pretended presunto
recommend raccomandare
recommendation raccomandazione
recommendatory raccomandante
recommending raccomandante
recommends raccomanda
school day friend amico della gioventù
send mando, mandare
sender mittente
serendipity scoperta
slender esile, snello, snello
spend emettere, passare, largire
splendit brillante
splendor magnificenza
surrender consegnare
suspended interrotto
tend piegare, coltivare
tendency declinazione
tender dolce
tenderly esile
tenderness affettuosità
to impend sovrastare
transcendence elevatezza
tremendous grandioso, poderoso
trend declinazione
unendurable insopportabile
unfriendly scortese
unintended senza volere
unoffending innocuo
vending machine autòma
vendue licitazione
weekend fine settimana
wend dirìgersi
other english words that include "street" : italian :
one way street senso unico
shopping street via dei negozi
street via, contrada
streets strade
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.