The English term "ass" matches the Italian term "àsino, allocco"

other english words that include "ass" : italian :
ambassador ambasciatore
assailable attaccabile
assassin attentatore, uccisore
assassinate assassinare
assassins attentatore
assault assalire, assalto
assaulting aggressivo
assayer esaminatore
assayers esaminatore
assays esamina
assemblage adunata, quantità
assemble montare, assembrare
assembler montatore
assembles adunati
assembling montaggio
assembly accumulazione, allineamento, montaggio
assembly line fettuccia
assembly line work lavorazione a catena
assembly operator montatore
assemblyman montatore
assent promessa, assentire
assentation consenso
assert affermare, far valere
assert a claim esigenza
asserters sostenitore
assertion affermazione, spiegazione
assertive esplicito
assertiveness arrogarsi
assertor sostenitore
assertors sostenitore
asserts asserito
assess quotare, valutare, quotare
assesses tassato
assessment inclinazione, valutazione, estimo
assessor assessore
asset vantaggio, brìscola
assiduous assiduo
assiduousness voga
assiduousnesses voga
assign delegare
assignation assegnazione, assegnazione, vaglia
assimilable comparàbile
assimilate uniformare, fagocitare
assist promuovere, aiutare
assistance appoggio
assistant collaboratore, assistente, aiutante
assisted aiutai
assists aiuta
assn comitiva
assoc fasciatura
associate attinente, collaboratore, socio
associated unito
association fasciatura
assort aggruppare, assortire, compilare
assorted mischiato
assortment assortimento, collezione
assortment of goods assortimento
assorts assortito
assuage allattamento, contentare
assuagement lenimento
assumable adottàbile
assume supporre, mi incarico, mi incarico, assùmere
assumed supposto
assumedly supposto
assumption accettazione, supposizione
assumptive supposto
assurance confidenza, assicurazione
assure assicurare, assicurare, mettere al sicuro
assured assicurai
assuredly sicuramente
assuredness certezza
assures assicurai
assurgent ascendente
basset cane bassotto
brass ottone
brass band fanfara
bypass elusi
casserole casseruola
cassette cassetta
chassis chassis, telaio, orbita
class categoria, ceto
class book libro di scuola
classic clàssico
classical clàssico
classicist conoscitore
classics clàssico
classiness eleganza
compass bùssola
compassion simpatia
crasser rozzissimo
disassemble scomporre
disassembles scomposto
disassembly smontaggio
disassociates separa
dispassion realità
dispassionateness tranquillità
embarasses umiliato
embarassing spiacevole
embarrassment imbarazzo
embassy messaggio, ambasciata
encompass circondare
glass calice, vetro
glasses occhiali, lente
grass erba
grasshopper locusta
grassland prato
harass inquietare
harasses inquieto
harassing inquietante
harassment turbamento
hass astio
jennyass asina
lass ragazza
mass massa
massage massaggio
massive compatto
morass pantano
outclass superare, superare
overpass trasferimento
pass passare, trascorrere, lasciapassare
pass on inoltrare
passable valicabile
passage andamento, varco
passenger passeggero
passenger ship nave passeggeri
passengers passeggeri
passion ardore, passione
passive passivo, inerte
passport valico, passaporto
reassure calmare
sand glass clessidra
sassed inveii
sasses inveisce
sassiness impertinenza
sassy insolente, sfacciato
shop assistant venditore
to assemble montare, montare, compilare
to assume supporre, lasciare, assùmere
tourist class classe turìstica
unembarrassed spudorato
unpassable sconveniente
unsurpassed insuperato
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.