The English term "ant" matches the Italian term "formica"

other english words that include "ant" : italian :
aberrant errore
accordant congruente
accountant contabile
advantage vantaggio, guadagno
advantageous vantaggioso
advantages vantaggi
advantagious utile, vantaggioso
ambulant ambulatorio
antagonism antagonismo
antenna antenne
anticipate anticipare
antique antico, tempi passati
antiquity antichità
antlered consacrato
ants formiche
applicant aspirante
appurtenant attinente
aquatic plant pianta acquatica
arrogant arrogante, fierezza
arrogantly orgoglioso
aspirant candidato
assistant collaboratore, assistente, aiutante
banter punzecchiare
baths attendant bagnaiuolo
brilliant geniale, fastoso
cantata cantata
canteen mensa
celebrant ufficiante
chanticleer rubinetto
chanticleers galli
circumstantial largamente
civil servant funzionario
clairvoyant veggente
cloak room attendant guardarobiera
constant fermo
debutant esordiente
decant travasare
decanter caraffa
descendant discendente, discendente
descendants seguire
determinant determinativo
deviant aberrazione
disadvantage pregiudizio
disadvantageous svantaggioso
disadvantages difetto
dismantle smontare
dismantlement smontaggio
distant distante, vasto
distantness vastità
elegant elegante
elegantly elegante
elephant elefante
emigrant emigrante
enchant incantare
enchanter mago
enchanting dilettevole, incantevole
enchantingly incantevole
enchantress maga
entrant partecipante
errantry vagolare
exorbitant esuberante, esuberante
fantasises fantasticato
fantastic frenetico, fantastico
flippant frivolo
fragrant profumante
frantically selvaggio
franticness accesso di rabbia
franticnesses accessi di rabbia
gallant galante
giant orco, gigantesco
gigantic gigantesco, gigantesco
grant largire, borsa di studio, accordare
guarantee garantire, garanzia, garanzia
guaranteed garantito
guarantor garante
guaranty garantire, garanzia
habitant abitante
hesitant esitante
hotel servant garzone
ignorant ignorante
immigrant immigrante
important vistoso, rilevante, importante
in the meantime nel frattemoi
indignant indignato
infant fanciullo, fanciulla
infantile fanciullesco
inhabitant abitatore, abitante
insignificant irrilevante, insignificante
insignificantly senza importanza
instant momento
instantly direttamente
lantern lampione
lubricant lubrificativo
maidservant fantesca
malignant maligno
manservant famulo
mantas copro
mantle velare
mantrap tranello
meantime nel frattemoi
merchant commerciante
mordant mordente
occupant abitatore
officiant officiante
overabundant opimo
pant anelare
pantaloons pantaloni
panther pantera
pants mutande
participant partecipante
pedantic meticoloso
phessant fagiano
plant allegato, vegetale, pianta
pleasant gradévole, compiacente, simpatico
pleasantly piacevolmente
pregnant gràvida
pregnantly gràvida
propellant carburante
Protestant protestante, evangelico
quantifies abilitato
quantitative quantitativo
quantity quantità, quantità
rampant selvaggio
rampantly selvaggia
ranting clamoroso
recalcitrant renitente
recreantly vigliaccheria
redundant senza lavoro
relevant competente
reluctantly malvolentieri
remonstrant esortativo
restaurant osteria, ristorante
romantic romantico
romantically romantico
romanticism romanticismo
romanticist romantico
romanticize fantasticare
scant scarso
scantily scarso
scantiness spilorceria
scantness strettezza
scanty scarso, scarso
servant domèstica, famulo
shop assistant venditore
significant importante
slant declinazione
slanting obliquo, obliquo
slantingly obliqua
take advantage of abusare
tenant noleggiatore
transplant trapiantare
transubstantiate commutare
tyrant tiranno
underpants mutande
unhesitant volonteroso
unimportant senza importanza
unimportntant senza importanza
unobservant disattento
unpleasant laido, dispiacévole
unpleasantness spiacevolezza
unrepentant impenitente
unsubstantiated infondato
unwarranted non autorizzato
vacant vacante
want vuole, volere
wants desiderare
warrant mandato di cattura
warrantirs facoltà
warranty garanzia
well meant con buone intenzioni
wine merchant vinaio
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.