The English term "age" matches the Italian term "vecchiezza, età"

other english words that include "age" : italian :
adage proverbio
adjustment of average regolazione
advantage vantaggio, guadagno
advantageous vantaggioso
advantages vantaggi
aged annoso
agelong fisso
agency agenzia, filiale
agenda ordine del giorno
agent agente
amperage amperaggio
appanage sezione
arrearage arretrato
assemblage adunata, quantità
assuage allattamento, contentare
assuagement lenimento
atomic age era atomica
average mediocrità, media
baggage bagaglio
bandage fasciatura, fascia, bendatura
bandaged fasciatura
blockage bloccaggio
cabbage cavolo, càvolo
cage gabbia
carriage azzardare
carriage paid esente da tasse di porto
carriageway corsia
cartage carreggio
cartilage cartilagine
chaperonage accompagnamento
cleavage fenditura
counteragent antidoto
courage fibra
damage difetto, lesione, ledere
damaged guasto
disadvantage pregiudizio
disadvantageous svantaggioso
disadvantages difetto
discourage scoraggiare
eager ansioso, zelante
encourage incoraggiare, promuovere
engage noleggiare, obbligarsi, obbligare
engaged occupato
engagement book taccuino
engages obbligato
equipage equipaggio
espionage spionaggio
floatage nuotare
flotage nuotare
forage accaparrare
foreign language lingua stranigra
foreign languages stranieri
foreign öanguage lingua stranigra
forwarding agency spedizione
forwarding agent spedizioniere
freightage trasporto
frost damage danni procurati dal gelo
garage officina, autorimessa
garbage can secchio delle immondizie
get engaged fidanzarsi
hand luggage bagaglio a mano
haulage avanzamento, trasporto, trascinare
herbage erbe
heritage erede, eredità
hermitage clausura
hommage omaggio
hostage ostaggio
image dipinto
lager birra
language idioma
languages lingue
left luggage depòsito bagagli
lineage derivazione
luggage bagaglio
luggage van bagagliaio
magenta violetto
manage condurre, amministrare, dirigere
manageability arrendevolezza
management maneggio, direzione, economato
manager conduttore, guida, imprenditore, direttore
marriage sposalizio, sposalizio, matrimonio
massage massaggio
material demage danno alle cose
message messaggio, comunicazione, nuova
middle age medio evo
mortgage ipoteca
native language lingua materna
old age pensioner pensionato
outrage atrocità
outrageous indignante, scellerato
outrageously scellerato, inaudito
outrageousness sfrenatezza
package pacchetto, appacchettare, imballaggio, impaccatura
page lato, valletto, pagina
passage andamento, varco
pilferage ladreria
pillage saccheggio
portage trasporto
postage affrancatura
postage paid franco
postage stamp francobollo
pottage zuppa di verdura
presaged presentii
quinquagenarian cinquantenne
rage furia
rages attacca, sosta fermata
railway carriage vettura
rampage smaniare
rampaged smaniai
rampages smania
ravage desolare
sabotage sabotaggio, sabotare
sage salvia
sageness saggezza
salvages salva
sausage salsiccia, salsiccia arrosto
sausages salsicce
savage crudele
sewage acqua di scarico
shortage strettezza, difetto
special language linguaggio tecnico
stage fase, tribuna, scena, piedistallo
storage immagazzinaggio, deposito, immagazzinamento
storage battery accumulatore
take advantage of abusare
teenage giovanile
tragedy tragedia, tragedia
travel agency ufficio viaggi
umbrageous ombreggiato
under age minorenne
under carriage carrello
underage minorenne
undercarriage carrello
upstage arrivista
usage uso
village villaggio
vintage annata
voltage voltaggio
wage stipendio
wages stipendio
white cabbage cavolo bianco
without engagement non impegnativo
The Influence of Dante
It wasn’t until Dante Alighieri, one of Italy’s most well-known authors that the language was standardized. Until Alighieri wrote his book The Devine Comedy, most literature was written in Latin. He opted to write in the language of the common people. The dialect he chose was spoken in Tuscan and it became the standard for the Italian language and literature that is spoken today.
Italian Unity
There are many dialects of Italian and each one is considered its own independent language. This is because Italy was not unified in one country until 1861. At that point. Tuscan Italian became the official language. But just 2.5 percent of people could actually speak it. Today, around 30 percent of Italian dialects are considered endangered by UNESCO.
Italian and Music
Italian is the language of music with terms like crescendo, forte, and soprano. Musical notation came about during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since many composers at the time were also Italian, it became the standard language of music.