The English term "on the other side of" matches the Indonesian term "lintang"

other english words that include "on" : indonesian :
Indonesia Indonesia
Monday Senin
abbreviation singkatan
aberration salah, kesalahan
abolition pembatalan
abrogation pembatalan
accordion harmonika
action pengaruh
addition tambahan
adjudication hukuman
administration administrasi
admission penerimaan, pengakuan
affection kasih
afternoon petang
agonize aniaya, menganiaya
alone sendiri
beyond lintang
bone tulang
buffoon badut
button kancing
calculation rekening
call on kunjungi, mengunjungi
coconut kelapa
collision tubrukan
common biasa
conclusion akibat
conduct pimpin
confess mengaku
confession pengakuan
connect ikat, mengikat
consent setuju
consequence akibat
consistency akibat
contain berisi
contented puas
contribute menyumbang, sumbang
conversation percakapan
decision keputusan
declaration of policy acara, rencana
direction arah
don’t mention it tidak apa apa
education pendidikan
election pilihan
every one tiap
exhibition pameran
exposition pameran
flat-iron seterika
hang onto memegang, pegang
honest jujur
imagination khayal
intention maksud
international internasional
invitation ajakan, undangan
in action aktif
iron besi, menyeterika, seterika, seterika
iron clothes menyeterika, seterika
lemon jeruk
lesson pelajaran
money duit, uang
monkey kera
monument tugu
motion picture film
nation bangsa
nationality kebangsaan
notion faham
obligation kewajiban
once more lagi
one satu
onerous berat
onion bawang
only sendiri
opinion pendapat
pardon mengampuni
pay attention menanti
pay attention to menanti
perspiration keringat
realization faham
reason sebab
religion agama
season musim
section bagian
soon segera
spoon sendok
station setasiun
stone batu
strong kuat
tongue lidah, bahasa
turn on loncat, meloncat
upon lawan
wonted biasa
other english words that include "other" : indonesian :
brother-in-law ipar laki-laki
grandmother nenek
Island Languages
There are many dialects of Indonesian that are spoken in the islands. So it is very common for people to learn their home dialect first and then learn Bahasa Indonesia once they start school.
Easy for English Speakers
English speakers who are not exposed to speaking another language until later in life find it harder to learn. But Indonesian is actually easier on English speakers compared to another language. The pronunciation of words is not as difficult, it employs Latin or Roman scripts, and Indonesian doesn’t have a lot of complex verb conjugations.
Foreign Influences
Indonesian has many loan words in it. A standard Malay Language was developed in an effort to separate the country from Dutch Colonialism. But the language still has many Dutch loanwords in it. Other languages that influence Indonesian include Sanskrit, Portuguese, Arabic, and Chinese.