The English term "the day after tomorrow" matches the Hungarian term "holnapután"

other english words that include "the" : hungarian :
all the minden, mindenki
altogether minden
amphitheatre amfiteátrum
anaesthesist altatóorvos
another egyéb, más, másik, másmilyen
antithesis antagonizmus, antitézis
atheism ateizmus, hitetlenség
atheist ateista, hitetlen
Athena Athén
Athene Athén
Athens Athén
bathe fürdet, mosdat, fürdik
bring close together kozelít
brother fivér
cathedral székesegyház
clothes ruházat
during the night éjjel
each other egymás
father atya
father-in-law após
fatherless apátlan
feather toll
forefather ösapa
from there onnan
grandfather nagyapa
great, grandfather ösapa
great, grandmother ösanya
in the evening este
leather bör
loathe utál
lower part of the body has, alhas
mathematics matematika
mother anya
mother-in-law anyós
movie theatre mozi
nevertheless ámde
Northern Ireland Észak-Irország
one another egymás
on the other side of keresztül
other egyéb, más, másik, másmilyen
over there oda, ott
put together összetesz
raise the alarm figyelmeztet, riaszt
rather eléggé
sound the alarm figyelmeztet, riaszt
that one over there az
that … over there az
the a, az
the Antarctic Antarktisz
the Arctic Arktisz
theatre színház
the day before yesterday tegnapelött
The Hague Hága
theme alapötlet
then akkor
thence onnan
the Netherlands Hollandia
theology teológia
there tessék, oda, ott
thereabout körül
thereabouts körül
thermometer lázmérö
these days mostanában
the Ukraine Ukrajna
the Vatican Vatikán
they ök
together együtt
weather idö
whither hova, hová
younger brother öcs
other english words that include "after" : hungarian :
after után
afternoon délután
afterwards aztán, azután, késöbb, utána
other english words that include "tomorrow" : hungarian :
tomorrow holnap
Asian Origins
Hungarian actually originated in Asia, specifically from the Uralic region. It belongs in the Finno-Ugric language group. Geographically, Hungary’s neighbors speak languages that aren’t very similar. This is because Hungarian is more closely related to both Finnish and Estonian.
It has 14 Vowels
English has 5 vowels in it. But Hungarian has almost triple that number. It has the basic ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, and ‘u’. But then there is also á, é, í, ó, ö, ő, ú, ü, ű. The pronunciation of these last 9 vowels changes the meaning of the words so using the correct one is important. If 14 vowels seem like a lot, consider that Hungarian’s longest word is 44 letters. But they can get even longer because Hungarian is agglutinative which means that stems and affixes can be added to make the words even longer.
Christopher Columbus Who?
It’s common knowledge that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. But that isn’t completely true. A stone with old Hungarian written on it suggests that a Magyar was in Canada before Columbus. It’s at the Yarmouth County Museum. How long the Magyar visited isn’t completely clear, but it was a significant time before.