The English term "man" matches the Hungarian term "férfi"

other english words that include "man" : hungarian :
Afghan woman afgán
almanac almanach
Arabian woman arab
Armenian woman örmény
Australian woman ausztrál
Belgian woman belga
businessman üzletember
Cambodian woman kambodzsai
Canadian woman kanadai
Chinaman kínai
Corsican woman korzikai
Cyprian woman ciprusi
Czech woman cseh
Dutchman holland
Dutch woman holland
Englishman angol
Estonian woman észt
Finnish woman finn
fisherman halász
Frenchman francia
Frenchwoman francia
gentleman bácsi, úr
German német
German woman német
Germany Németország
Greek woman görög
how many hány
Hungarian woman magyar
Indian woman hindu
Indonesian woman indonéz
Iranian woman iráni, persza
Irishman ír
Iriswoman ír
Italian woman olasz
Japanese woman japán
Javanese woman jávai
Lappish woman lapp
Lapponian woman lapp
Latvian woman lett
Lithuanian woman litván
manage adminisztrál, intéz, irányít
manager menedzser, adminisztrátor, intézö, igazgató, direktor
Manchuria Mandzsúria
Mexican woman mexikó
Norman normann
old man agg
Pakistani woman pakisztáni
Panamanian panamai
Panamanian woman panamai
Persian woman iráni, persza
policeman rendör
Polish woman lengyel
Portuguese woman portugál
Romania Románia
Romanian román
Romanian woman román
romantic romantikus
Russian woman orosz
Scandinavian woman skandináv
Scotsman skót
Scotswoman skót
self-taught man autodidakta, önképzö
Sicilian woman szicíliai
Slovak woman szlovák
spaceman asztronauta, ürhajós
Spanish woman spanyol
talisman amulett, érem
Turkish woman török
Ukrainian woman ukrán
Vietnamese woman vietnámi
well-mannered udvarias
woman asszony, nö
Yemeni woman jemeni
Yugoslav woman jugoszláv
Asian Origins
Hungarian actually originated in Asia, specifically from the Uralic region. It belongs in the Finno-Ugric language group. Geographically, Hungary’s neighbors speak languages that aren’t very similar. This is because Hungarian is more closely related to both Finnish and Estonian.
It has 14 Vowels
English has 5 vowels in it. But Hungarian has almost triple that number. It has the basic ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, and ‘u’. But then there is also á, é, í, ó, ö, ő, ú, ü, ű. The pronunciation of these last 9 vowels changes the meaning of the words so using the correct one is important. If 14 vowels seem like a lot, consider that Hungarian’s longest word is 44 letters. But they can get even longer because Hungarian is agglutinative which means that stems and affixes can be added to make the words even longer.
Christopher Columbus Who?
It’s common knowledge that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas. But that isn’t completely true. A stone with old Hungarian written on it suggests that a Magyar was in Canada before Columbus. It’s at the Yarmouth County Museum. How long the Magyar visited isn’t completely clear, but it was a significant time before.