The Greek term "heat zestasia’, ze’sth, zwhro’thta, ðermo’thta" matches the English term "heat"
other greek words that include "heat" : | english : |
amphitheatre amfiðe’atro | amphitheatre |
movie theatre kinhmatogra’fos | movie theatre |
theatre ðe’atro | theatre |
wheat sita’ri | wheat |
other greek words that include "zestasia’" : | english : |
warmth zestasia’, ze’sth, zwhro’thta, ðermo’thta | warmth |
other greek words that include "ze’sth" : | english : |
warmth zestasia’, ze’sth, zwhro’thta, ðermo’thta | warmth |
other greek words that include "zwhro’thta" : | english : |
warmth zestasia’, ze’sth, zwhro’thta, ðermo’thta | warmth |
other greek words that include "ðermo’thta" : | english : |
warmth zestasia’, ze’sth, zwhro’thta, ðermo’thta | warmth |