The English term "brother-in-law" matches the Greek term "brother-in-law kounia’zos, mpatzana’khs"

other english words that include "brother" : greek :
brother brother azelfo’s
brothers and sisters brothers and sisters aze’lfia
other english words that include "in" : greek :
American Indian American Indian Inzia’nos
backbiting backbiting kakoglwssia’
bathing suit bathing suit magio’
bindweed bindweed perikokla’za
blind blind tuflo’s
blindness blindness tu’fla
blushing blushing eruðro’s, ko’kkinos
bovine bovine do’zi
bovine animal bovine animal do’zi
brain brain egke’falos
building building oikozo’mhma
business business pra’gma
business deal business deal pra’gma
casino casino le’sxh
ceiling ceiling tada’ni
certain certain si’gouros
certainly certainly si’goura, nai
chain chain alusi’za
chain of mountains chain of mountains oroseira’
chin chin phgou’ni, sago’ni
China China Ki’na
Chinaman Chinaman Kine’zos
Chinese Chinese kine’zikos, Kine’zos
chlorine chlorine xlw’rio
church-building church-building ekklhsi’a, nao’s
cinder cinder sta’kth, te’fra
cinema cinema kinhmatogra’fos
concerning concerning peri’
container container kana’ta, ka’ssa, kouti’, saki’, sa’kos
cousin cousin zaze’rfh, eza’zelfos, za’zerfos
craziness craziness tre’la
curtain curtain aulai’a, kourti’na, parape’tasma
diminutive diminutive mikro’s
distinct distinct safh’s, fanero’s
divine divine ðeïko’s, ðei’os
dolphin dolphin zelfi’ni
drink drink poto’
engine engine mhxanh’, kinhth’ras
Euxine Sea Euxine Sea Eu’zeinos Po’ntos
evening evening drazia’, dra’zu
farming farming gewponi’a
father-in-law father-in-law peðero’s
fine fine o’morfos, wrai’a
finger finger za’ktulos
Finland Finland Finlanzi’a
Finn Finn Finlanzo’s
fountain fountain krh’nh, phga’zi, phgh’
freezing cold freezing cold pageto’s, pa’gos, pagwnia’
gain gain apoladh’
gasoline gasoline denzi’nh, pmenzi’na
good evening good evening kalhspe’ra
good morning good morning kalhme’ra
grapevine grapevine klh’ma
heroin heroin hrwi’nh
heroine heroine hrwi’za
human being human being a’nðrwpos
in a way in a way ta’xa, ta’xates
incest incest aimomizi’a
inch inch i’ntsa
indeed indeed pra’gmati, nai
index index eureth’rio
India India Inzi’a
Indian Indian inziko’s, Inzo’s, Inzia’nos
Indian corn Indian corn arado’sito, kalampo’ki
Indonesia Indonesia Inzonhsi’a
Indonesian Indonesian inzonhsiako’s, Inzonh’sios
inexpensive inexpensive fthno’s
in fact in fact pra’gmati
influenza influenza gri’pph
injury injury ladwmatia’, plhuh’
inkpot inkpot kalama’ri
ink-well ink-well kalama’ri
inn inn panzoxei’o, tade’rna
insane insane mourlo’s, trelo’s
insanity insanity tre’la
insect insect zouzou’ni
instructor instructor za’skalos, kaðhghth’s
intellect intellect nohmosh’nh
intelligence intelligence nohmosh’nh
intelligent intelligent noh’mwn
intercessor intercessor zikhgo’ros
interpreter interpreter ziermhne’as
iodine iodine iw’zio
king king dasile’as, rh’gas
kingdom kingdom dasilei’a, dasi’leio
kingfisher kingfisher alkuo’na
Latin Latin latinika’
lightning lightning astraph’
line line stoi’xos
looking-glass looking-glass kaðre’fths
machine machine mhxanh’
magazine magazine efhmeri’za
mankind mankind anðrwpo’ths
margarine margarine margari’nh
medicine medicine iatrikh’
mind mind nohmosh’nh
mine mine metallei’o, oruxei’o
mineral mineral metalliko’s
minister minister upourgo’s
morning morning prwino’
morphine morphine morfi’nh
mother-in-law mother-in-law peðera’
mountain mountain douno’, o’ros
mountain chain mountain chain oroseira’
mountain range mountain range oroseira’
nightingale nightingale ahzo’ni
nine nine enne’a
nineteen nineteen zekaenne’a
ninety ninety enenh’nta
opinion opinion gnw’mh
outline outline siloue’ta
pain pain po’nos
painting painting zwgrafia’, zwgrafikh’
paraffin-oil paraffin-oil petre’laio
peninsula peninsula xerso’nhsos
pine pine peu’ko
pineapple pineapple anana’s
pine-tree pine-tree peu’ko
plain plain pezi’o, safh’s, fanero’s
pound sterling pound sterling sterli’na
rain rain droxh’
rainbow rainbow i’riza
ravine ravine lagka’zi
rhino rhino rino’keros
rhinoceros rhinoceros rino’keros
ring ring zaktuli’zi
routine routine routi’na
ruin ruin rhma’zi
sardine sardine sarze’la
seemingly seemingly ta’xa, ta’xates
shilling shilling seli’ni
siblings siblings aze’lfia
sin sin amarta’nw
since since gia, zio’ti
single single a’gamos, anu’panzros
sister-in-law sister-in-law kounia’za
skin skin pe’tsa
Spain Spain Ispani’a
spinach spinach spana’ki
spine spine ra’xh, raxokokkalia’
spinster spinster zespoini’s
spring spring phga’zi, phgh’, a’noizh
springtime springtime a’noizh
sting sting kentri’
string string kalw’zio, trixia’
sunshine sunshine liaka’za
swine swine gourou’ni, xoi’ros
tangerine tangerine mantari’ni
thing thing pra’gma
train train trai’no
urine urine katourlio’, ou’ra
vaseline vaseline dazeli’nh
vine vine klh’ma
vinegar vinegar zu’zi
virgin virgin ko’rh, kori’tsi, parðe’nos
vitamin vitamin ditami’nh
wadding wadding dat
wheeziness wheeziness a’sðma
wind wind a’nemos
window window para’ðuro
wine wine krasi’, oi’nos
winter winter xeimw’nas
writing desk writing desk grafei’o
zinc zinc tsi’gkos, pseuza’rguros
Major Influencer
Greek is a significant influence in other languages because so many words have roots in either Greek or Latin, particularly in English. It’s still used today to help ease the creation of new words. The word Alphabet comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, “alpha” and “beta”. Approximately 12 percent of all English words come from Greek. English has had some influence on Greek too. Their words for freak out and glamour are like that of English.
Long Words
The longest Greek word ever recorded is “Lopado­temacho­selacho­galeo­kranio­leipsano­drim­hypo­trimmato­silphio­parao­melito­katakechy­meno­kichl­epi­kossypho­phatto­perister­alektryon­opte­kephallio­kigklo­peleio­lagoio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygon” It’s 172 characters and it’s a fictional dish in Ancient Greek mentioned during the play Assemblywomen by Aristophanes
Two Greeks
Until the year 1976, there were actually two versions of Greek on record as official languages. Demotic was used for casual conversation and literature. Academia, law, medicine, and newspapers all used Katharevousa. The government designated Demotic Greek as its official language after that year.