The English term "at once" matches the Greek term "at once ame’sws"

other english words that include "at" : greek :
aberration aberration la’ðos, ftai’zimo
accusation accusation kathgori’a
acrobat acrobat akroda’ths
advocate advocate zikhgo’ros
affiliate affiliate uio’s
affiliation affiliation uio’s
affirmation affirmation upo’sxesh
amphitheatre amphitheatre amfiðe’atro
anatomy anatomy anatomi’a
annotation annotation no’ta
Annunciation Annunciation Euaggelismo’s
apathy apathy apa’ðeia
appellation appellation o’noma, onomasi’a
aquatic aquatic uzro’dios
as a matter of fact as a matter of fact pra’gmati
at at zi’pla
athlete athlete aðlhth’s
atmosphere atmosphere atmo’sfaira
atmospheric phenomenon atmospheric phenomenon mete’wro
at that place at that place autou’
automatic automatic auto’matos
barrister-at-law barrister-at-law zikhgo’ros
bat bat nuxteri’za
bath bath mpanie’ra
bathing suit bathing suit magio’
battery battery mpatari’a
boat boat mpo’ta
breath breath anapnoh’, ana’sa, xnw’to
cat cat ga’ta
catalogue catalogue eureth’rio, kata’logos, li’sta
catastrophe catastrophe katastrofh’
category category kathgori’a
caterpillar caterpillar ka’mpia
chocolate chocolate sokola’ta
climate climate kli’ma
coat coat saka’ki
compensation compensation amoidh’
consolation consolation parhgoria’
coronation coronation ste’psh
data data u’lh
date date xourma’s, hmeromhni’a
death death ða’natos, ðanh’, xa’ros
declaration of policy declaration of policy pro’gramma
democrat democrat zhmokra’ths
democratic democratic zhmokratiko’s
diplomat diplomat ziplwma’ths
elevator elevator asanse’r
father father gonea’s, pate’ras
father-in-law father-in-law peðero’s
fatherland fatherland patri’za
foul weather foul weather kakokairi’a
foundation foundation pa’tos
generation generation genea’
gnat gnat skni’pa
goat goat katsi’ka, tra’gos
grandfather grandfather pappou’s
hat hat kape’llo
heat heat zestasia’, ze’sth, zwhro’thta, ðermo’thta
idolator idolator eizwlola’trhs
immediately immediately ame’sws
Latin Latin latinika’
leather leather pe’tsinos
literature literature logotexni’a
location location to’pos
material material u’lh
mathematical mathematical maðhmatiko’s
mathematics mathematics maðhmatika’
matter matter pra’gma, u’lh
meat meat kre’as
movie theatre movie theatre kinhmatogra’fos
narrative narrative zih’ghma, istori’a
nation nation e’ðnos
nature nature h’ðos, fu’sh
oath oath o’rkos
oats oats drw’mh
of water of water uzro’dios
overcoat overcoat saka’ki
pate pate kefalh’, kefa’li
patriarch patriarch patriarxei’o
pirate pirate koursa’ros, peirath’s
platform platform pro’gramma
potato potato pata’ta
psychiatrist psychiatrist psuxi’atros
psychiatry psychiatry psuxiatrikh’
rat rat pontiko’s
rather rather liga’ki, li’go, li’gos, nai
rheumatism rheumatism reumatismo’s
Sabbath Sabbath Kuriakh’, Sa’ddato
Satan Satan Satana’s
Satanic Satanic sataniko’s
satellite satellite zorufo’ros
Saturday Saturday sa’ddato
she-goat she-goat katsi’ka
shortness of breath shortness of breath a’sðma
somewhat somewhat liga’ki, li’go, li’gos
state state politei’a
statement of policy statement of policy pro’gramma
statue statue a’galma
strategic strategic strathgiko’s
strategy strategy strathgikh’, taktikh’
temperature temperature ðermokrasi’a
that that ti, poios
theatre theatre ðe’atro
threat threat apeilh’
throat throat larh’ggi
tomato tomato ntoma’ta
United States of America United States of America Amerikh’, Hnwme’nes Politei’es Amerikh’s
ventilator ventilator aeristh’ras, anemisth’ras
watch watch rolo’i
watchmaker watchmaker rologa’s
water water uzro’dios, nero’, u’zwr
water- water- uzro’dios
waterfall waterfall katarra’kths
waterlily waterlily nou’faro
water-melon water-melon karpou’zi
weather weather kairo’s
what what ti
what for what for giati’
wheat wheat sita’ri
other english words that include "once" : greek :
concerning concerning peri’
concert concert konse’rto
Major Influencer
Greek is a significant influence in other languages because so many words have roots in either Greek or Latin, particularly in English. It’s still used today to help ease the creation of new words. The word Alphabet comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, “alpha” and “beta”. Approximately 12 percent of all English words come from Greek. English has had some influence on Greek too. Their words for freak out and glamour are like that of English.
Long Words
The longest Greek word ever recorded is “Lopado­temacho­selacho­galeo­kranio­leipsano­drim­hypo­trimmato­silphio­parao­melito­katakechy­meno­kichl­epi­kossypho­phatto­perister­alektryon­opte­kephallio­kigklo­peleio­lagoio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygon” It’s 172 characters and it’s a fictional dish in Ancient Greek mentioned during the play Assemblywomen by Aristophanes
Two Greeks
Until the year 1976, there were actually two versions of Greek on record as official languages. Demotic was used for casual conversation and literature. Academia, law, medicine, and newspapers all used Katharevousa. The government designated Demotic Greek as its official language after that year.