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abscess Geschwulst
absence of mind Zerstreuung
absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming Fehlen
absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming Manko
absence, non attendance Abwesenheit
absinth Absinth
absinth Beifuß
absolute power, absolute rule, autocracy Autokratie
absolute power, absolute rule, autocracy Selbstherrschaft
absolute ruler, autocrat Autokrat
absolute ruler, autocrat Selbstherrscher
absolution Absolution
absolution, pardon Vergebung
absolution, pardon Verzeihung
absolutism Absolutismus
abstention, abstinence Abstinenz
abstention, abstinence Enthaltung
abstraction, theft Diebstahl
absurdity, nonsense, rubbish Verdrehtheit
abundance Fülle
abundance, affluence, wealth Reichtum
abuse Beleidigung
abuse Kränkung
abuse, shock Anstoß
abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice Abgrund
abyss, chasm, gulf, precipice, depth Tiefe
abyssinia Abessinien
abyssinian Abessinier
acacia Akazie
academic, student Student
academy Akademie
academy of music Konservatorium
acanthus Akanthus
acanthus Bärenklau
accent, emphasis Emphase
accent, emphasis, alacrity, enthusiasm, verve, vivacity Begeisterung
accent, emphasis, verve, vivacity Schwung
accent, stress Akzent
accent, stress Betonung
accent, stress, clay, hue, nuance, shade, tint, sound, tone Ton
acceptance, admission Aufnahme
acceptance, admission, affirmation, promise Zusage
acceptance, admission, hypothesis Annahme
access, admission, admittance Eintritt
access, aggression, attack Anfall
access, aggression, attack Angriff
access, impetus, impulse Andrift
access, impetus, impulse Impuls
access, impetus, impulse, account, motive, reason Antrieb
access, impetus, impulse, insistence, pressure, urgency Andrang
Three Genders
Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.
The Long Words
German is well known for its long words. Its longest word is “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertr agungsgesetz“, and it means” the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef.” It’s so long that the word is now obsolete. It was judged as being much too long and impractical for bureaucrats to even use.
Fraktur Script
German was written in a calligraphic script called Fraktur script. Fraktur is a Gothic script and is related to the Latin alphabet, it’s just a different type. It entered into use during the 1500s and was used all the way up until World War II.