The English term "quarter of an hour" matches the German term "Viertelstunde"

other english words that include "of" : german :
child, offspring, young, successor Abkomme
child, offspring, young, successor Abkömmling
child, offspring, young, layer Ableger
distance, offset Abstand
all, all of it Alles
act of grace, amnesty Amnestie
bureau, office, function, job, post Amt
offer Anerbieten
function, job, office, post Anstellung
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Anzug
asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness Asthma
asylum, place of refuge, shelter Asyl
inquiry office Auskunftstelle
proof, sign, token Ausweis
banker, bank manager, bank clerk, bank official Bankier
officer, official Beamter
act of grace, amnesty, absolution, pardon Begnadigung
board of directors Behörde
article of dress, garment Bekleidung
proof, sign, token Beleg
handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Beruf
professional Berufs
argument, plea, proof, sign, token Beweis
office, bureau Büro
café, coffee house Café
coir loft, chorus, coir Chor
couch, divan, sofa Couch
roof Dach
function, job, office, post, attendance, service, waiting Dienst
distance, offset Entfernung
offspring, successor Epigone
layer, layer of earth Erdschicht
income, gain, profit Ertrag
vacation, spare time, time off Ferien
decider, play off Finale
pianoforte Fortepiano
place of refuge, shelter Freistätte
young of a wild boar Frischling
generation, offspring Generation
back of the neck, nape Genick
office Geschäftszimmer
costume, outfit, suit, article of dress, garment, article of clothing Gewand
professional Gewerbe
industry, handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Gewerbe
benefit, gain, profit Gewinn
ruler, head of state Herrscher
block, chunk of wood Holzscheit
hospital, place of refuge, shelter Hospiz
hoof Huf
interest, gain, profit, advantage, benefit Interesse
coffee Kaffee
coffee pot Kaffeekanne
couch, sofa Kanapee
church, church building, house of worship, place of worship Kirche
pianoforte, piano Klavier
dress, gown, robe, article of clothing, garment Kleid
article of dress, garment Kleidung
block, pad, chunk of wood Klotz
chief of police Kommissar
academy of music Konservatorium
office Kontor
camp of tents, tented camp Lager
lily of the valley Maiblümchen
medicine, practice of medicine Medizin
bottom of the sea, sea bottom Meeresboden
piece of furniture Möbel
offspring Nachkommenschaft
offspring Nachwuchs
back of the neck, nape Nacken
gain, profit, advantage, benefit Nutzen
offer Offerte
officer Offizier
robes of office Ornat
pianoforte Pianino
post office Postamt
profession Profession
professor Professor
profile Profil
editorial office Redaktion
coffin Sarg
block, chunk of wood Scheit
top of the head Scheitel
fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy, blow, kind, sort Schlag
fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy Schlagfluß
sofa Sofa
head of state, sovereign Souverän
bud, child, offspring, young Sproß
bud, child, offspring, young Sprößling
act of grace, amnesty Straferlaß
the power of suggestion Suggestion
observation, remark, reproof, reproach Tadel
corporal, noncom, non commissioned officer Unteroffizier
benefit, gain, profit, merit Verdienst
united states of america, usa Vereinigten Staaten
livestock, head of cattle Vieh
quarter of an hour, district, neighbourhood, quarter Viertel
board of directors Vorstand
benefit, gain, profit, advantage Vorteil
exchange, bill of exchange, draft, alteration, change, conversion, transformation, about face Wechsel
mellowness, softness, tenderness Weichheit
distance, offset Weite
winter, winter , of the winter Winter
camp of tents, tented camp Zeltlager
absence of mind Zerstreuung
place of refuge, shelter, refuge Zuflucht
other english words that include "an" : german :
abyssinian Abessinier
accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence Abkommen
lineage, clan, ethnic group, race, tribe Abkunft
demand, sale Abnahme
design, diagram, plan, plane Abriß
paragraph, demand, sale, heel Absatz
intention, meaning, plan Absicht
distance, offset Abstand
hue, nuance, shade, tint Abstufung
separation, partition, branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality, detachment Abteilung
alternation, about face, alteration, change, conversion, transformation Abwechslung
aberrance, aberration Abweichung
absence, non attendance Abwesenheit
nobleman Adeliger
assistant Adjunkt
adjutant, aide de camp Adjutant
afghan Afghane
afghanistan Afghanistan
afrikaans Afrikaander
afrikaans Afrikander
african Afrikaner
anus, arse, backside, rump After
acanthus Akanthus
albanian Albaner
albanian, albanian language Albanesisch
albania Albanien
albanian Albanier
albanian, albanian woman Albanierin
albanian, albanian language Albanisch
algerian Algerier
almanac, year book Almanach
amateur, fancier Amateur
amazon, horsewoman Amazone
ant, emmet Ameise
ant eater Ameisenbär
american, us citizen Amerikaner
american woman Amerikanerin
hanging lamp Ampel
amphibian Amphibie
grade, rank, rate Amtswürde
amulet, charm, talisman Amulett
anachronism Anachronismus
anagram Anagram
analogy Analogie
anapaest Anapäst
anarchy Anarchie
anarchism Anarchismus
anatolia, asia minor Anatolien
anatomy Anatomie
appearance, aspect, look, sight, view Anblick
anchovy Anchovis
andes Anden
andorra Andorra
anecdote Anekdote
anemone Anemone
anglo saxon Angelsachse
angelus Angelus
angina, quinsy Angina
angola Angola
agony, anguish, fear, fright Angst
aniline Anilin
anise Anis
angora, ankara Ankara
anchor Anker
planting, plant, garden Anlage
cause, reason, command, order Anlaß
loan Anleihe
acceptance, admission, hypothesis Annahme
pleasantness Annehmlichkeit
abnormity, anomaly Anomalie
planting, plant Anpflanzen
planting, plant Anpflanzung
appearance Anschein
anchovy Anschovis
reputation, appearance, esteem, regard, respect Ansehen
part, parthian, share, piece Anteil
anthology Anthologie
anthracite Anthrazit
anthropology Anthropologie
antichrist Antichrist
antilles Antillen
antelope Antilope
antimony Antimon
antipode Antipode
antique dealer Antiquar
antithesis Antithese
answer, reply Antwort
orange Apfelsine
aplomb, self assurance Aplomb
arabian woman Araberin
worker, hand, laborer, labourer, operative, working man, workman Arbeiter
argentinian woman Argentinierin
aryan Arier
armenian Armenier
property, quality, manner, mode, way, kind, sort Art
doctor, physician Arzt
azerbaijan Aserbaidschan
azerbaijani Aserbaidschaner
asian Asiat
insurance Assekuranz
aid, assistant, helper Assistent
assyrian Assyrer
bough, branch Ast
athenian Athener
atlantean, atlantic Atlantik
atlantic, atlantic ocean Atlantischer Ozean
civilization, account, explanation Aufklärung
acceptance, admission Aufnahme
account, explanation Aufschluß
commission, errand, mandate, order Auftrag
instant, moment Augenblick
appearance Augenschein
augean stable Augiasstall
bulk, dimension, extend, size, measurement, expansion Ausdehnung
perseverance Aushalten
account, information, advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report Auskunft
appearance, aspect, look, sight, view, expression Aussehen
australian Australier
australian woman Australierin
autodidact, self taught man Autodidakt
baldachin, canopy Baldachin
valerian Baldrian
balkans Balkan
ball, dance Ball
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing Balustrade
banana Banane
bandage Bandage
band, bevy, gang Bande
bandit, rogue, scoundrel Bandit
bangkok Bangkok
bank, bench, easel, tressle, workbench Bank
bankruptcy, failure Bankerott
banquet, feast Bankett
banker, bank manager, bank clerk, bank official Bankier
bank note Banknote
anathema, ban, excommunication Bann
banner, flag, standard Banner
anathema, ban, excommunication Bannfluch
bantu Bantu
barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed, stand, tent Baracke
barbarian Barbar
basque, basque language Baskisch
batavian Bataver
estate, farm, property, ranch Bauernhof
bavarian Bayer
need, want Bedarf
meaning Bedeuting
attendance, service, waiting Bedienung
need, want Bedürfnis
command, order Befehl
boss, chief, leader, commander Befehlshaber
event, chance, occurence, opportunity Begebenheit
desire, want, wish Begehr
notion, sense, realization, acquaintance, knowledge Begriff
perseverance Beharren
cistern, tank, jug, box, container, vessel, vase Behälter
pants, trousers Beinkleid
acquaintance Bekannter
advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report Bekanntmachung
acquaintance, conversance, familiarity Bekanntschaft
belgian Belgier
belgian, belgian woman Belgierin
benefit performance Benefiz
berliner, berlin lady, berlin woman Berlinerin
handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Beruf
estate, farm, property, ranch, possession Besitzung
commission, errand, order Bestellung
sadness, sorrow, annoyance, disappointment, grief Betrübnis
blanket Bettdecke
circumstance Bewandnis
candidate Bewerber
inhabitant Bewohner
meaning Bezeichnung
bhutan Bhutan
librarian Bibliothekar
balance sheet Bilanz
applicant Bittsteller
anaemia Blutarmut
bottom, foundation, ground, floor, attic, earth, land, soil Boden
bodensee, constance Bodensee
bean Bohne
bank note Bon
loan Borg
bosnian Bosniake
bosnian Bosnier
botany Botanik
bechuanaland, botswana Botswana
brabant Brabant
brabantine Brabanter
brandy Branntwein
brazilian Brasilianer
brazilian woman Brasilianerin
brazilian woman Brasilierin
casserole, saucepan Bratpfanne
bride, fiancée Braut
bretagne, brittany Bretagne
shelf, board, plank Brett
postman Briefträger
angina, quinsy Bräune
fiancé Bräutigam
accountant Buchrevisor
barn, shed, stand Bude
bulgar, bulgarian Bulgare
bulgarian woman Bulgarin
german federal republic Bundesrepublik
german federal republic Bundesrepublik Deutschland
afrikaans, afrikaner, boer Bure
burgundian Burgunder
boy, servant, dwarf Bursche
bushman Buschmann
repentance Buße
byzantium Byzanz
acanthus Bärenklau
bohemian Böhme
stock exchange, purse, wallet Börse
stock exchange Börsengebäude
can opener, tin opener Büchsenöffner
chance, luck Chance
chaos, tangle Chaos
charlatan, imposter, quack Charlatan
chilean Chilene
chinaman, chinese Chinese
chinese, chinese language Chinesisch
christian Christ
christianity Christentum
couch, divan, sofa Couch
east germany, gdr DDR
ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Damen und Herren
dike, embankment Damm
dandy, dude, fop Dandy
gratitude, thanks Dank
demand, sale Debit
dean Dechant
cover, hood, lid, blanket, ceiling Decke
dike, embankment Deich
dean Dekan
german, german language Deutsch
german, german woman Deutsche
german Deutscher
east germany, gdr Deutsche Demokratische Republik
germany Deutschland
motto, watchword, slogan Devise
boy, servant Diener
function, job, office, post, attendance, service, waiting Dienst
maid, servant Dienstbote
assistant Dienstgehilfe
director, manager Direktor
manager Dirigent
soprano Diskant
couch, divan Divan
doctor, physician Doktor
dominican republic Dominikanische Republik
danube Donau
barrel organ, hurdy gurdy Drehorgel
triangle Dreieck
epiphany, twelfth night Dreikönigsfest
dane Däne
danish woman Dänin
fertilizer, manure Dünger
mountain ash, rowan Eberesche
mountain ash berry, rowan berry Ebereschenbeere
angle, corner Ecke
aristocrat, nobleman Edelmann
command, order Edikt
husband Ehemann
island Eiland
fantasy Einbildungskraft
entrance, portal, access, admission, admittance Eingang
accord, accordance, agreement, concurrence Einklang
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, institution, organization Einrichtung
access, admission, admittance Eintritt
mutual understanding, accommodation, accord, agreement Einverständnis
inhabitant Einwohner
vanity Eitelkeit
elephant Elefant
alsatian Elsässer
angel Engel
angelica Engelwurz
england England
english, english language Englisch
englishman, sassenach Engländer
english, englishwoman Engländerin
grandson Enkel
granddaughter Enkelin
distance, offset Entfernung
design, diagram, plan, plane, project, scheme, outline, sketch Entwurf
gentian Enzian
inheritance Erbschaft
earth, land, soil Erdboden
earth, land, soil Erde
continent, mainland Erdteil
event, occasion, occurence, opportunity, chance Ereignis
account, explanation, annotation, note Erläuterung
appearance, vision Erscheinung
esperantist Esperantist
esperanto Esperanto
estonian Este
ampersand Et Zeichen
european, white man Europäer
european union Europäische Union
expansion Expansion
branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality Fach
banner, flag, standard, tail Fahne
fall, affair, case, matter, chance, event, occurence, opportunity Fall
bankruptcy, failure Fallissement
bankruptcy, failure Fallit
fanfare, flourish Fanfare
pheasant Fasan
bulk, dimension, extend, size, circumstances, condition, situation Fassung
ramadan Fastenmonat
flask, canteen, water bottle Feldflasche
banquet, feast Festessen
continent, mainland Festland
affiliate, affiliation, branch Filiale
company, firm Firma
flan, tard Fladen
banner, flag Flagge
flanders Flandern
flannel Flanell
anathema, ban, excommunication, blasphemy Fluch
aeroplane, airplane, plane Flugmaschine
aeroplane, airplane, plane, aircraft Flugzeug
blank, form Formular
pianoforte Fortepiano
advance, advancement, progress Fortschritt
advance, progress Fortschritt machen
frankfort Frankfurt
frankfort upon the main Frankfurt am Main
france Frankreich
frenchman Franzose
french, french language Französisch
wife, madam, mrs., woman Frau
foreigner, stranger Fremder
foreigner, stranger Fremdling
pedestrian Fußgänger
fan Fächer
aerial, antenna Fühler
aerial, antenna Fühlhorn
abundance Fülle
guarantee, warrant Garantie
alley, lane Gasse
banquet, feast Gastmahl
husband Gatte
command, order Gebot
attitudinizer, poseur, dandy, dude, fop Geck
forks, knives and spoons Gedeck
danger, peril Gefahr
accompanist, companian, companion Gefährte
handle, knob, vase, vessel Gefäß
antipode Gegenfüßler
antithesis, contrast Gegensatz
antithesis Gegenstellung
resistance Gegenwehr
aid, assistent, helper, boy, servant Gehilfe
ghost, phantom, intellect, mind, spirit, wit Geist
clergyman, pastor, priest Geistliche
banquet, feast Gelag
cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money box, till Geldkasten
chance, event, occurence, opportunity Gelegenheit
accompaniment, escort Geleit
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing Geländer
husband Gemahl
buddy, companion, comrade, pal, colleague Genosse
gendarme, patrolman Gensdarm
luggage van Gepäckwagen
crane’s bill Geranium
tannin Gerbstoff
german, teuton Germane
rod, switch, wand, whip Gerte
chance, event, occurence, opportunity Geschehnis
generation, clan, ethnic group, race, tribe, sex Geschlecht
brothers and sisters, siblings Geschwister
companion Geselle
company, circle, club, society Gesellschaft
ghost, phantom Gespenst
husband Gespons
industry, handicraft, occupation, trade, profession Gewerbe
garland, wreath Gewinde
guarantee, warrant Gewähr
guarantee, warrant Gewähr leisten
clan, ethnic group, race, tribe Gezücht
giant Gigant
dandy, dude, fop Gigerl
garland, wreath Girlande
hole, ditch, pit, pole, canal, channel, trench Graben
degree, grade, rank, rate Grad
annoyance, disappointment, grief Gram
pomegranate Granatapfel
pomegranate, grenade Granate
granite Granit
old man Greis
tongs, grasp, handle, knob Griff
groom, stableman Groan
grandparents Großeltern
greatgrandson Großenkel
grandmother Großmutter
grand nephew Großneffe
grand niece Großnichte
grandfather Großvater
bottom, foundation, ground, cause, reason, account, motive, earth, land, soil Grund
design, diagram, plan, plane Grundriß
greenland Grönland
garland, wreath Guirlande
estate, farm, property, ranch, possession Gut
gaelic, gaelic language Gälisch
hand Hand
handle Handgriff
handle, knob Handhabe
manuscript, script, writing Handschrift
handicraft, occupation, trade Handwerk
hanover Hannover
hanse, hanseatic league Hanse
annoyance, disappointment, grief Harm
accidence, chance, hazard Hasard
noun, substantive Hauptwort
havana Havana
hebrew, hebrew language Hebräisch
exercise book, folder, notebook, handle, knob Heft
sanctuary, sanctum Heiligtum
fatherland Heimat
handle, tongs Henkel
hangman, executioner Henker
boss, chief, leader, gentleman, lord, mister, mr., sir Herr
authority, ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Herrschaft
ladies and gentlemen, mr. and mrs. Herr und Frau
adjutant, aide de camp Hilfsoffizier
hindrance Hindernis
plane Hobel
holland Holland
dutchman, hollander Holländer
band, bevy, gang Horde
pants, trousers Hose
dandelion Hundebluhme
anthem, hymn Hymne
hypnosis, hypnotic trance Hypnose
merchant, businessman Händler
policeman Häscher
barn, shed, stand, cottage, cabin, hut, shack Hütte
indian Inder
indian, american indian Indianer
infantry Infanterie
manager, owner Inhaber
inhabitant Insasse
island Insel
agent, steward, superintendant Intendant
interest, gain, profit, advantage, benefit Interesse
irishman Ire
ireland Irland
iceland Island
italian Italiener
anniversary Jahrestag
january Januar
japanese Japaner
japanese, japanese language Japanisch
currant, red currant Johannisbeere
currant, currant bush Johannisbeerstrauch
young woman, virgin Jungfrau
caftan Kaftan
buddy, companion, comrade, pal Kamerad
canada Kanada
canadian Kanadier
canadian woman Kanadierin
canal, channel Kanal
canary Kanarienvogel
canary islands Kanarische Inseln
candidate Kandidat
canvas Kanevas
cannibal Kannibale
canoe Kanoe
cannon Kanon
cannon Kanone
cantharides, spanish fly Kantharide
carafe, decanter Karaffe
caravan Karawane
caribbean sea Karibische Meer
carpathians, carpathian mountains Karpathen
cashier’s stand, fund, money box, money box, till Kasse
casserole, saucepan Kasserole
merchant, businessman Kaufmann
acquaintance, knowledge Kenntnis
acquaintance, knowledge Kenntnisse
candle, plug, spark plug Kerze
series, set, file, line, rank, row, turn, chain Kette
bairn, child, infant Kind
atpersand, commercial at sign, snail Klammeraffe
pianoforte, piano Klavier
change Kleingeld
handle, knob Knauf
ankle Knöchel
casserole, saucepan Kochpfanne
brandy, cognac Kognak
annotation, note Kommentar
commission, errand Kommission
company Kompagnie
consonant Konsonant
contraband Konterbande
continent, mainland Kontinent
koran Koran
grain, granule, pip Korn
corsican Korse
corsican woman Korsin
chandelier Kronleuchter
cuban Kubaner
annoy, grieve, vex, worry Kummer bereiten
shorthand, stenography Kurzschrift
kangaroo Kängeruh
saleswoman Ladenfräulein
clerk, salesman Ladengehilfe
circumstances, condition, situation Lage
barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed Lagerhütte
layman Laie
country, countryside, land, earth, soil Land
estate, farm, property, ranch Landgut
landscape, scenery Landschaft
lance, spear Lanze
lapland Lappland
laplander, lapp Lappländer
lantern Laterne
gangway Laufplanke
avalanche Lawine
barrel organ, hurdy gurdy Leierkasten
loan Leihen
director, manager, ladder Leiter
handlebars, helm, rudder, joystick, steering wheel Lenkrad
lieutenant Leutnant
candle, light Licht
candlemas Lichtmeß
amateur, fancier Liebhaber
litany Litanei
lithuania Litauen
lithuanian Lithauer
anthem, hymn Lobgesang
desire, want, wish, disposal, inclination, tendency, lust, passion, sexual pleasure Lust
dandelion Löwenzahn
chandelier Lüster
maid, servant Magd
milan Mailand
corn, indian corn, maize, mealies Mais
mandate Mandat
manganese Mangan
manner, mode, way Manier
manifest Manifest
fellow, man Mann
cloak, mantle, coat, overcoat Mantel
manuscript Manuskript
maneuver, manoeuvre Manöver
annunciation, lady day Mariä Verkündigung
mechanics Mechanik
mechanic Mechaniker
shrew, vixen, xanthippe Megäre
opinion, meaning Meinung
melancholy Melancholie
accumulation, crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile, quantity Menge
man, human being Mensch
cannibal Menschenfresser
anthropology Menschenkunde
metamorphosis, recreation, regeneration, transformation Metamorphose
fertilizer, manure Mist
consonant Mitlauter
average, mean, middle Mitte
average, mean, middle Mittel
agent, means, tool, average, mean, middle, remedy, resources Mittel
mediterranean Mittelmeer
mohammedan, moslem, muslim, mussulman Mohammedaner
salamander Molch
instant, moment Moment
manger, trough Mulde
musician Musiker
affiliate, affiliation, branch Nebengeschäft
holland, the netherlands Niederlande
dutchman Niederländer
norm, standard Norm
norwegian Norweger
hue, nuance, shade, tint Nuance
gain, profit, advantage, benefit Nutzen
optician Optiker
orange Orange
orange tree Orangenbaum
organ Organ
organization Organisation
organism Organismus
organ Orgel
hurricane Orkan
ocean Ozean
oceania, oceanica Ozeanien
dash board, panel, wainscot Paneel
panic Panik
panther Panther
pantomime Pantomime
pastor, clergyman, priest Pastor
pelican Pelikan
persian Perser
peruvian Peruaner
casserole, saucepan, cooking pot, frying pan, frying pan Pfanne
pastor, clergyman, priest Pfarrer
pole, post, stanchion, stake Pfeiler
planting, plant Pflanzen
botany Pflanzenkunde
planting, plant Pflanzung
pole, post, stanchion, stake Pfosten
fantasy Phantasie
ghost, phantom Phantom
pianoforte Pianino
banana Pisang
intention, meaning, plan, design, diagram, plane, project, scheme Plan
planet Planet
plane, plane tree, sycamore Platane
poland Polen
policy, insurance policy Polize
policeman Polizist
orange Pomeranze
portuguese, portuguese language Portugiesisch
be on duty, stand guard Posten stehen
prussian Preuße
clergyman, pastor, priest Priester
plan, project, scheme Projekt
propaganda, publicity Propaganda
puritan Puritaner
charlatan, imposter, quack Quacksalber
quantity Quantität
quantity Quantum
revenge, vengeance Rache
margin, border, brim, brink, edge, edging, fringe, rim, rand Rand
grade, rank, rate Rang
anchorage, moorage, mooring Reede
stage manager Regisseur
rich man Reicher
abundance, affluence, wealth Reichtum
series, set, file, line, rank, row, turn Reihe
order, file, line, rank, row, turn Reihenfolge
cleanliness, purity Reinheit
cleanliness, purity Reinlichkeit
groom, stableman Reitknecht
republican Republik
restaurant Restaurant
restaurant Restauration
bow, curtsy, obeisance Reverenz
norm, standard Richtschnur
cane, reed Ried
giant Riese
bovine, bovine animal Rind
design, diagram, plan, plane Riß
cane, reed, barrel, channel, pipe, tube Rohr
romanticism Romantik
romance Romanze
band, bevy, gang, squad Rotte
handlebars, helm, rudder, oar Ruder
couch, divan Ruhelager
romanian Rumäne
romania Rumänien
russian Russe
russian, russian language Russisch
rod, switch, wand, tail Rute
bandit Räuber
barrel, channel, pipe, tube Röhre
salamander Salamander
balance Saldo
sand Sand
sandal Sandale
sandwich Sandwich
sanction Sanktion
sanskrit Sanskrit
lucifer, satan Satanas
cleanliness, purity Sauberkeit
scandium Scandium
hue, nuance, shade, tint Schattierung
bank note, appearance Schein
barn, shed, stand Scheune
cane, reed Schilf
barrel, channel, pipe, tube Schlauch
contraband Schleichhandel
balance sheet Schlußrechnung
contraband Schmuggel
brandy Schnaps
scot, scotsman Schotte
scotland Schottland
balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing, dam, barrier, fence, bar, boundary, frontier, limit, handic Schranke
adjustable wrench, spanner Schraubenschlüssel
policeman Schutzmann
swan Schwan
switzerland Schweiz
melancholy Schwermut
alderman Schöffe
zealand Seeland
sergeant Sergeant
forks, knives and spoons Service
aplomb, self assurance, certainty, safety, security, caution Sicherheit
meaning, sense, feel, feeling, sensation Sinn
clan, ethnic group, race, tribe Sippe
circumstances, condition, situation Situation
commotion, scandal Skandal
scandinavian Skandinave
soprano Sopran
spaniard Spanier
spanish, spanish language Spanisch
lance, spear Speer
pantry Speisekammer
mountain ash berry, rowan berry Spierling
language, tongue Sprache
ghost, phantom Spuk
baton, cane, stick, staff Stab
clan, ethnic group, race, tribe, stem, trunk Stamm
grade, rank, rate, condition, state Stand
flag, standard Standarte
baton, cane, stick Stecken
shorthand, stenography Stenographie
handlebars, helm, rudder, tax, joystick, steering wheel Steuer
right hand side Steuerbord
pansy Stiefmütterchen
handle, knob, blade, stalk Stiel
baton, cane, stick, floor, storey, story Stock
crane’s bill Storchschnabel
canvas Stramin
dandy, dude, fop Stutzer
noun, substantive Substantiv
matter, stuff, substance Substanz
sultan Sultan
syrian Syrier
sin, transgression Sünde
candy, sweetness Süßigkeit
plate, sheet, slab, board, plank Tafel
tannin Tannin
tantalum Tantal
dance Tanz
tarantula Tarantel
handkerchief Taschentuch
about face, alteration, change, conversion, transformation Tausch
amaranthus Tausendschön
part, parthian, share, piece Teil
location, place, spot, earth, land, soil Terrain
lucifer, satan, devil Teufel
theologian Theologe
melancholy Tiefsinn
animal, beast Tier
titan Titan
accent, stress, clay, hue, nuance, shade, tint, sound, tone Ton
file, line, rank, row, turn, journey, trip, voyage Tour
transport Transport
manger, trough Trog
band, bevy, gang Troß
melancholy Trübsinn
czech, czech language Tschechisch
fanfare, flourish Tusch
tyrant Tyrann
tyranny Tyrannei
handle Türklinke
cloak, mantle Umhang
circumstance Umstand
recreation, refashioning, regeneration, transformation, alteration, change, conversion Umänderung
hungarian Ungar
abnormity, anomaly Unregelmäßigkeit
drawers, panties, underpants Unterhose
fore , greatgrand Ur
great grandfather, forefather Urahn
greatgrandson Urenkel
great grandfather Urgroßvater
vanilla Vanille
fatherland Vaterland
vatican, the vatican Vatikan
electric fan, ventilator Ventilator
porch, veranda Veranda
bandage, braid, fillet, string, tie, connection, league Verband
bow, curtsy, obeisance Verbeugung
annoyance, disappointment, grief Verdruß
aggrandizement, enlargement, increase Vergrößerung
relation, understanding, proportion, rate Verhältnis
salesman Verkäufer
gift, present, inheritance, testament, will Vermächtnis
insurance, affirmation Versicherung
policy, insurance policy Versicherungsschein
intellect, mind, intelligence, meaning, sense Verstand
demand, sale Vertrieb
administrator, manager Verwalter
administration, management Verwaltung
metamorphosis, transformation Verwandlung
administrator, manager Verweser
alteration, change, conversion, transformation, about face Veränderung
veteran Veteran
quarter of an hour, district, neighbourhood, quarter Viertel
chance, event, occurence, opportunity Vorfall
director, manager, boss, chief, leader Vorsteher
benefit, gain, profit, advantage Vorteil
volcano Vulkan
taper, wax candle Wachskerze
motto, watchword, slogan Wahlspruch
craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness Wahnsinn
orphan Waise
orphan Waisen
orphan Waisenknabe
merchandise, wares Ware
exchange, bill of exchange, draft, alteration, change, conversion, transformation, about face Wechsel
tertian fever Wechselfieber
ache, pain, annoyance, disappointment, grief Weh
melancholy Wehmut
defence, defense, dike, embankment Wehr
shrew, vixen, xanthippe, woman Weib
manner, mode, way, melody, tune, fashion Weise
directions, instruction, command, order Weisung
distance, offset Weite
ocean Weltmeer
agent, means, tool, instrument Werkzeug
echo, resonance Widerhall
resistance Widerstand
host, innkeeper, landlord, boss, master Wirt
european bizon, wisent Wisent
wodan, woden Wotan
desire, want, wish Wunsch
dignity, grade, rank, rate Würde
tyrant Wüterich
delusion, spell, magic, enchantment, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry Zauber
enchanter, magician, sorcerer, warlock, wizard Zauberer
enchantment, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry Zaubern
banquet, feast Zeche
central african republic Zentralafrikanische Republik
anatomy Zergliederungskunst
abandonment Zession
cistern, tank Zisterne
accidence, chance, hazard Zufall
acceptance, admission, affirmation, promise Zusage
relation, understanding Zusammenhang
accommodation, adjustment, arrangement, assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mount Zusammenstellung
circumstances, condition, situation, state Zustand
bough, branch Zweig
affiliate, affiliation, branch Zweigniederlassung
Three Genders
Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.
The Long Words
German is well known for its long words. Its longest word is “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertr agungsgesetz“, and it means” the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef.” It’s so long that the word is now obsolete. It was judged as being much too long and impractical for bureaucrats to even use.
Fraktur Script
German was written in a calligraphic script called Fraktur script. Fraktur is a Gothic script and is related to the Latin alphabet, it’s just a different type. It entered into use during the 1500s and was used all the way up until World War II.