The English term "do business, trade" matches the German term "Handel treiben"

other english words that include "do" : german :
idol Abgott
adoption Adoption
act, certificate, diploma, document Akt
act, certificate, diploma, document Akte
alpenrose, rhododendron Alpenrose
andorra Andorra
anecdote Anekdote
meadow Anger
doctor, physician Arzt
meadow Aue
ado, din, noise, astonishment, wonder, surprise Aufsehen
adornment, ornament Ausschmückung
abdomen, belly, tummy Bauch
doubt Bedenken
bedouin Beduine
act of grace, amnesty, absolution, pardon Begnadigung
condolences Beileid
express condolences Beileid bezeigen
belladonna Belladonna
ambassador, emissary, envoy, messenger Bote
ambassador, emissary, envoy, messenger Botschafter
ado, din, noise Braus
corridor train, international express, international express train D Zug
down, fluff Daune
décor, decoration, order, adornment, ornament Dekoration
dolphin Delphin
dock Dock
dogma Dogma
doctor, physician Doktor
document, paper Dokument
dollar Dollar
cathedral, cupola, dome Dom
dominican republic Dominikanische Republik
dose Dosis
dowry Dotation
ecuador Ecuador
ass, donkey Esel
window Fenster
window glass Fensterscheibe
down, fluff Flaum
down, fluff Flaumfeder
sinew, string, tendon Flechse
corridor, passage Flur
freedom Freiheit
hair do Frisur
serfdom, servitude Frondienst
serfdom, servitude Frone
corridor, passage, gear Gang
hedonism Genußsucht
odor, odour, scent, smell Geruch
ambassador, emissary, envoy, messenger Gesandter
cupola, dome Gewölbedach
endorsement Giro
dogma Glaubenssatz
idol Götze
corridor, passage Hausflur
doe, hind Hindin
indo china Hinterindien
dog Hund
idol Idol
wisdom Klugheit
cordon Kordon
corridor, passage Korridor
cupola, dome Kuppel
kingdom Königreich
serfdom, servitude Leibeigenschaft
london London
madonna Madonna
dowry Mitgift
pug, pug dog Mops
paradox Paradoxon
dough, paste Pasta
dough, paste Paste
cordon Postenkette
pseudonym Pseudonym
dot, period, point, spot Punkt
doll, puppet Puppe
alpenrose, rhododendron Rosenbaum
window, ticket window Schalter
window, ticket window Schalterfenster
shadow, shade Schatten
window, ticket window Schiebefenster
adornment, ornament Schmücken
seal, sea dog Seehund
sinew, string, tendon Sehne
livestock, meadow Senne
cuspidor, spittoon Spucknapf
dove, pigeon Taube
dough, paste Teig
belladonna Tollkirsche
torpedo Torpedo
livestock, meadow Trift
turtle dove Turteltaube
dolphin Tümmler
door Tür
abdomen, belly, tummy Unterleib
diploma, document, paper Urkunde
absolution, pardon Vergebung
absolution, pardon Verzeihung
adornment, decoration, ornament Verzierung
meadow, willow Weide
wisdom Weisheit
meadow Wiese
widow Witwe
widower Witwer
abandonment Zession
adornment, decoration, ornament Zierat
doubt Zweifel
Three Genders
Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.
The Long Words
German is well known for its long words. Its longest word is “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertr agungsgesetz“, and it means” the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef.” It’s so long that the word is now obsolete. It was judged as being much too long and impractical for bureaucrats to even use.
Fraktur Script
German was written in a calligraphic script called Fraktur script. Fraktur is a Gothic script and is related to the Latin alphabet, it’s just a different type. It entered into use during the 1500s and was used all the way up until World War II.