The English term "cigar end, cigar stub" matches the German term "Zigarrenstummel"

other english words that include "cigar" : german :
cigarette Zigarette
cigar Zigarre
other english words that include "end" : german :
sender Absender
absence, non attendance Abwesenheit
agenda, appointment book Agenda
alpenrose, rhododendron Alpenrose
bulk, dimension, extend, size, measurement, expansion Ausdehnung
attendance, service, waiting Bedienung
addendum, addition, additive, adjunct Beilage
bulk, dimension, extend, size, region Bereich
incendiary bomb Brandbombe
function, job, office, post, attendance, service, waiting Dienst
bulk, dimension, extend, size, measurement Dimension
recommendation Empfehlung
end, ending Ende
endive Endivie
end, terminate Endung
abnegation, cession, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender Entsagung
bulk, dimension, extend, size, circumstances, condition, situation Fassung
sinew, string, tendon Flechse
friend Freund
friend Freundin
friendship Freundschaft
bulk, dimension, extend, size, salary, wage, wages Gehalt
gendarme, patrolman Gensdarm
display, parade, pomp, splender Gepränge
endorsement Giro
braces, suspenders Hosenträger
disposal, inclination, tendency Inklination
agent, steward, superintendant Intendant
calendar Kalender
bend, curve Kurve
lavender Lawendel
legend Legende
tender, public tender Lieferungsausschreibung
desire, want, wish, disposal, inclination, tendency, lust, passion, sexual pleasure Lust
agenda, appointment book Notizbuch
pomp, splender Pomp
appointment, date, rendezvous Rendezvous
alpenrose, rhododendron Rosenbaum
sinew, string, tendon Sehne
tendency Stimmung
tendency Tendenz
bulk, dimension, extend, size Umfang
tender, public tender Verdingung
cession, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender Verzichtleistung
mellowness, softness, tenderness Weichheit
Three Genders
Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.
The Long Words
German is well known for its long words. Its longest word is “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertr agungsgesetz“, and it means” the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef.” It’s so long that the word is now obsolete. It was judged as being much too long and impractical for bureaucrats to even use.
Fraktur Script
German was written in a calligraphic script called Fraktur script. Fraktur is a Gothic script and is related to the Latin alphabet, it’s just a different type. It entered into use during the 1500s and was used all the way up until World War II.