The English term "ache, be painful, hurt" matches the German term "Schmerz verursachen"

other english words that include "be" : german :
lineage, clan, ethnic group, race, tribe Abkunft
abbey Abtei
aberrance, aberration Abweichung
alphabet Alphabet
amber Ambra
consideration, deliberation Anbetracht
beginning, commencement, start Anfang
acolyte, member, supporter, disciple Anhänger
amount, number Anzahl
arabesque Arabeske
bench, easel, tressle, workbench Arbeitsbock
asbestos Asbest
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment, game, presentation Aufführung
mutiny, rebellion, revolt, agitation, riot, tumult Aufruhr
mutineer, rebel Aufrührer
mutiny, rebellion, revolt, agitation, riot, tumult Aufstand
beam, girder Balken
band, bevy, gang Bande
bank, bench, easel, tressle, workbench Bank
barber Barbier
beret Barett
beard Bart
abdomen, belly, tummy Bauch
bedouin Beduine
steak, beefsteak Beefsteak
berry Beere
bed Beet
beet Beete
beginning, commencement, start Beginn
beguine Beguine
belgium Belgien
belgian Belgier
belgian, belgian woman Belgierin
belgrade Belgrad
belladonna Belladonna
belles lettres Belletristik
benedictine, benedictine monk Benediktiner
benefit performance Benefiz
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment Benehmen
benelux Benelux
bengal Bengalen
berber Berber
bergamot Bergamotte
berlin Berlin
berliner Berliner
berliner, berlin lady, berlin woman Berlinerin
berne Bern
amber Bernstein
beryl Beryll
beryllium Beryllium
bessarabia Bessarabien
bethlehem Bethlehem
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment Betragen
bed Bett
beggar Bettler
bed Bettstelle
beaver Biber
bee Biene
beehive Bienenkorb
beehive Bienenstock
bee keeping Bienenzucht
ale, beer Bier
bluebeard Blaubart
blueberry Blaubeere
bean Bohne
bechuanaland, botswana Botswana
blackberry Brombeere
beech Buche
bear Bär
she bear Bärin
december Dezember
diabetes Diabetes
danube Donau
the sleeping beauty Dornröschen
mountain ash berry, rowan berry Ebereschenbeere
iceberg Eisberg
elbe Elbe
globe, worldglobe Erdball
strawberry Erdbeere
globe, worldglobe Erdkugel
consideration, deliberation Erwägung
fiber, fibre Faser
aberration, error, mistake, absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming Fehler
fiber, fibre Fiber
robber Freibeuter
barber, hairdresser Friseur
barber, hairdresser Frisör
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment Gebahren
beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well beloved Geliebte
apartment, flat, chamber, room Gemach
generation, clan, ethnic group, race, tribe, sex Geschlecht
bench, easel, tressle, workbench Gestell
beverage, drink Getränk
benefit, gain, profit Gewinn
clan, ethnic group, race, tribe Gezücht
belief, religion Glaube
belief Glauben
iceberg Gletscher
acolyte, member, supporter, limb Glied
ball, ball bearing, globe Globus
bell Glocke
be lucky, have good luck Glück haben
eraser, gum, rubber Gummi
cucumber Gurke
belt, girdle Gurt
belt, girdle Gürtel
hornbeam Hagebuche
diabetes Harnruhr
blueberry Heidelbeere
halberd Hellebarde
raspberry Himbeere
timber, wood Holz
band, bevy, gang Horde
bumblebee Hummel
mutineer, rebel Insurgent
interest, gain, profit, advantage, benefit Interesse
aberration, error, mistake Irrtum
caribbean sea Karibische Meer
rubber Kautschuck
dress, gown, robe, article of clothing, garment Kleid
bell Klingel
cube Kubus
ball, ball bearing, globe, bullet Kugel
bend, curve Kurve
beetle Käfer
beet Mangold
mulberry tree Maulbeerbaum
man, human being Mensch
germ, microbe Mikrob
limb, member Mitglied
club member Mitglied eines Klubs
november November
number, numeral Nummer
numberplate Nummerschild
gain, profit, advantage, benefit Nutzen
october Oktober
robes of office Ornat
consumption, tuberculosis Phtisis
be on duty, stand guard Posten stehen
rubber Radiergummi
mutineer, rebel Rebell
life belt, lifebelt, safety belt Rettungsgürtel
bow, curtsy, obeisance Reverenz
mutiny, rebellion, revolt Revolte
beef Rindfleisch
dress, gown, robe Robe
cane, reed, barrel, channel, pipe, tube Rohr
band, bevy, gang, squad Rotte
beet Runkelrübe
barrel, channel, pipe, tube Röhre
bell Schelle
bedroom Schlafzimmer
barrel, channel, pipe, tube Schlauch
beak, bill Schnabel
consumption, tuberculosis Schwindsucht
september September
siberia Sibirien
clan, ethnic group, race, tribe Sippe
mountain ash berry, rowan berry Spierling
gooseberry Stachelbeere
degree, grade, bench, easel, tressle, workbench, stair, step, rung Staffel
bench, easel, tressle, workbench Staffelei
clan, ethnic group, race, tribe, stem, trunk Stamm
beam, ray Strahl
beach Strand
chamber, room Stube
animal, beast Tier
belladonna Tollkirsche
beverage, drink Trank
betrayal, treachery Treubruch
band, bevy, gang Troß
tuberculosis Tuberkulose
abdomen, belly, tummy Unterleib
air valve, tube, valve Ventil
bow, curtsy, obeisance Verbeugung
benefit, gain, profit, merit Verdienst
behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment Verhalten
betrothal, engagement Verlobung
betrayal, treachery Verrat
aberration, error, mistake Versehen
benefit, gain, profit, advantage Vorteil
bug, bedbug Wanze
robber Wegelagerer
hornbeam Weißbuche
bench, easel, tressle, workbench Werkstuhl
bet, wager Wette
well being Wohl
well being Wohlfahrt
well being Wohlsein
well being Wohlstand
cube, die Würfel
cipher, digit, figure, numeral, amount, number Zahl
bewitch Zauberei treiben
cerberus Zerberus
chamber, room Zimmer
diabetes Zuckerkrankheit
Three Genders
Gender is often a difficult thing for language learners to master. The German language introduces a neutral gender as well as feminine and masculine. The neutral gender exists for words that the traditional genders don’t apply to.
The Long Words
German is well known for its long words. Its longest word is “Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertr agungsgesetz“, and it means” the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labeling of beef.” It’s so long that the word is now obsolete. It was judged as being much too long and impractical for bureaucrats to even use.
Fraktur Script
German was written in a calligraphic script called Fraktur script. Fraktur is a Gothic script and is related to the Latin alphabet, it’s just a different type. It entered into use during the 1500s and was used all the way up until World War II.