The English term "hat" matches the Finnish term "hattu"
other english words that include "hat" : | finnish : |
at that place | siellä |
chat | lörpötellä |
chatter | lörpötellä |
in what way | miten |
like that | siten |
on that account | siksi |
provided that | jos |
shatter | murskata |
somewhat | jonkin verran |
that | että, mikä, kuka, siten |
that … over there | se |
that one | se |
that one over there | se |
that over there | se |
that way | siten, sinne |
what | mikä |
what a | miten |
what for | miksi |
what kind of | millainen |
what number | monesko |
what sort of | millainen |