The English term "voyage, outing, trip, journey, excursion" matches the Dutch term "toer"
other english words that include "voyage" : | dutch : |
journey, voyage, trip | reis |
excursion, trip, journey, outing, voyage | tocht |
trip, journey, voyage, excursion, outing | trip |
other english words that include "outing" : | dutch : |
excursion, outing | excursie |
excursion, trip, journey, outing, voyage | tocht |
trip, journey, voyage, excursion, outing | trip |
excursion, outing | uitstapje |
other english words that include "trip" : | dutch : |
triple | driedubbel |
triple | drievoudig |
galloon, stripe | gallon |
binding, strip | reep |
journey, voyage, trip | reis |
binding, strip | strip |
strip, binding | strook |
excursion, trip, journey, outing, voyage | tocht |
trip, journey, voyage, excursion, outing | trip |
Tripoli | Tripoli |
binding, strip | windsel |
other english words that include "journey" : | dutch : |
journey, voyage, trip | reis |
excursion, trip, journey, outing, voyage | tocht |
trip, journey, voyage, excursion, outing | trip |
other english words that include "excursion" : | dutch : |
excursion, outing | excursie |
excursion, trip, journey, outing, voyage | tocht |
trip, journey, voyage, excursion, outing | trip |
excursion, outing | uitstapje |