The English term "tressle, ass, workbench, donkey, easel" matches the Dutch term "ezel"

other english words that include "ass" : dutch :
assumingness, arrogance, overbearingness, pretence aanmatiging
assaulter aanrander
moisture, touch, scale, assessment aanslag
associate, pool aansluiten
assault, attack, corrode aantasten
attack, assault aanvallen
forward, aggressor, assailant, attacker aanvaller
asset, accession, gain aanwinst
asset, acquisition acquisitie
assets, active actief
assistant adjunct
embassy ambassade
ambassador ambassadeur
self-assurance, aplomb aplomb
assembler assembler
assimilate assimileren
Assisi Assisi
assistent, assistant, helper, aid assistent
assist, help assisteren
association associatie
Assyria Assyrië
Assyrian Assyrisch
orbit, passage, corridor, road baan
bass baars
approve, assent beamen
assets bedrijvende vorm
assessment belastingaanslag
perplexity, embarrassment, abashment benardheid
assign, signify betekenen
certify, assure betuigen
secure, assent, corroborate, fasten, confirm bevestigen
state, assert beweren
assets, possession bezit
congregate, assemble, meet bijeenkomen
gathering, assemblage bijeenkomst
assist, help bijstaan
massacre bloedbad
crowd, multitude, mass, quantity, pile boel
federation, league, association bond
casserole, saucepan braadpan
seat, spectacles, glasses bril
cassave broodwortel
gain, booty, asset, accession buit
civilian, bourgeois, middleclass, non-military burgerlijk
Cassandra Cassandra
cassava cassave
cassette cassette
Cassiopeia Cassiopea
Cassiopeia Cassiopeia
classify classificeren
assign dagen
assign dagvaarden
passageway, gangway doorgang
glass drinkglas
crowd, pile, mass, multitude drom
Elsass, Alsace Elzas
Englishman, Sassenach Engelsman
compassion erbarmen
passage, corridor, gallery gang
brass geelkoper
academy, association genootschap
aplomb, self-assurance, weight gewicht
envoy, messenger, ambassador, emissary gezant
glass glas
heat, passion, vivacity, verve gloed
grass gras
passionate hartstochtelijk
cutlass hartsvanger
assist, help helpen
assistent, helper, assistant, aid helper
embarrassment, abashment, perplexity hinder
couch-grass hondsgras
crowd, pile, bevy, multitude, mass, collection hoop
helper, aid, assistent hulp
embarrass in verlegenheid brengen
assimilate in zich opnemen
classify indelen
pass, accomplish, overtake, reach, overhaul inhalen
passenger inzittende
assent ja zeggen
Jura, Jurassic Jura
potassium kalium
class klas
class klasse
classic, classical klassiek
classic, classical klassikaal
abashment, embarrassment, perplexity knelpunt
dispassionately koel
compass kompas
couch-grass kweek
couch-grass kweekgras
immaterial, lukewarm, dispassionately, indifferent lauw
vassal leenman
lifeless, dispassionately, apathetic lusteloos
cassave maniok
Assumption Maria-Hemelvaart
mass, multitude, pile, crowd massa
massage masseren
massive massief
compassion mededogen
compassion medelijden
gathering, assemblage meeting
lass, girl, maid, servant meid
fiancée, girl, bride, lass meisje
pile, crowd, multitude, mass menigte
brass messing
massacre moordpartij
sewing-class naaicursus
accumulate, stack, heap, amass opeenhopen
stack, accumulate, amass, heap ophopen
gangway, passageway overgang
passage, corridor overloop
exceed, surpass overtreffen
surpass overtroeven
casserole, saucepan, frying-pan pan
Parnassus Parnassus
passport, only pas
passport paspoort
gangway, passageway passage
passenger passagier
abashment, perplexity, embarrassment penarie
asset, gain, accession prooi
passage, corridor rijstrook
rhombus, window-glass ruit
assemble, congregate, converge, meet samenkomen
assemblage, gathering samenkomst
assembly samenscholing
locust, grasshopper sprinkhaan
rank, position, circumstances, class, altitude stand
amass stapelen
casserole, saucepan steelpan
Strassburg, Strasbourg, Strassbourg Straatsburg
vassal vazal
presumption, fiction, imagination, assumingness verbeelding
congregate, meet, assemble vergaderen
certify, assert, assure, state, insure verzekeren
passer-by voorbijganger
fervour, heat, fervor, passion, zeal, impetus vuur
self-assured, confident zelfbewust
self-assurance, aplomb zelfbewustheid
confident, self-assured zelfverzekerd
associate, pool zich aaneensluiten
sun-glasses zonnebril
Dutch as an Influencer
The English language has much to thank Dutch for. Dutch settlers came to the American colonies during the 17th century and added a few words to the vocabulary. Words like Santa Claus, waffle, blink, cookie, bazooka, gin, and iceberg wouldn’t exist without it.
Learning Dutch is Easier for English Speakers
Given the influence Dutch has had on English, it makes sense that Dutch is easier for speakers to learn. This is in part because Dutch, German, and English have similar roots. It’s between English and German. It only has two definite articles, “de” and “het” to English’s one “the” and German’s “der”, “die”, “das”. But Dutch words are more difficult to pronounce. The way words are pronounced indicates to a native speaker whether they’re talking to a second-language speaker.
Dutch is a Melting Pot of Languages
Just as English owes a lot to Dutch for contributing to its vocabulary, Dutch owes the same to other languages. It picked up words like jus d’orange (orange juice) and pantalon from French, mazzel (lucky) and tof (cool) from Hebrew and others. Dutch also incorporates texting and social media slang from English as well as street slang from places like Morocco, the Antilles, and Suriname.