The English term "St." matches the Dutch term "St."

other english words that include "st_" : dutch :
stroke, fondle, caress, chuck aaien
barge-master aakschipper
morose, sullen, fretful, straightforward, simple aalwaardig
fretful, morose, sullen, straightforward, simple aalwarig
wheezy, asthmatic aamborstig
asthma aamborstigheid
strand aan de grond lopen
presentation, suggestion aanbieding
suggestion aanbod
insistence, crush, impulse, urgency, congestion aandrang
instinct, impulse aandrift
suggest, indicate aanduiden
denounce, suggest, register, convey, indicate aangeven
statement aangifte
grab, stir, seize, attack, grasp, affect, move aangrijpen
chuck, caress, fondle, quote, cite, stroke aanhalen
stick aanhangen
listen aanhoren
procrastinate, continue, postpone, persist, endure aanhouden
lasting, abiding aanhoudend
build, construct, level, aim, install aanleggen
landing-stage, wharf, quay, pier aanlegplaats
adjust, accomodate, accommodate, adapt, fit aanpassen
poster, notice aanplakbiljet
placard, paste, post aanplakken
moisture, touch, scale, assessment aanslag
admonish, encourage, instigate, urge, scold aansporen
incitement, exhortation, stimulus aansporing
stare, gaze, peer aanstaren
provoke, rouse, stimulate aanstoken
plaster, rub aanstrijken
debatable, questionable aanvechtbaar
fan, urge, instigate, encourage aanvuren
instigate, encourage, excite, fan, freshen, urge aanwakkeren
demonstrative aanwijzend voornaamwoord
directions, instruction aanwijzing
starter aanzetschakelaar
sew, start, fan, fur, sharpen aanzetten
start aanzetten tot
existence aanzijn
strawberry aardbei
earthly, stone, clay, earthen aarden
terrestrial, earthly aards
abstinence, teetotalism abstinentie
abstract abstract
abstraction abstract begrip
abstraction abstractie
error, mistake abuis
accentuate, accent, stress accentueren
heap, stack, accumulate accumuleren
think, opine, esteem achten
overdue, outstanding achterstallig
stern, poopdeck, poop achtersteven
esteem achting hebben voor
acoustics acoustiek
acoustic acoustisch
document, certificate, testimony acte
start activeren
fit, adapt, adjust, accommodate adapteren
stale adellijk
assistant adjunct
administrator, manager administrateur
administrative administratief
administration, management administratiekantoor
manage, administer administreren
repayment, instalment afbetalingstermijn
destructible, biodestructible, biodegradable afbreekbaar
obstruct, bar afdammen
cast-off afdankertje
wrest, wring, extort afdwingen
notice, poster affiche
stiff, formal, measured afgemeten
adjusted afgepast
distracted, absent-minded, abstract, abstracted afgetrokken
Afghanistan Afghanistan
awful, horrible, hideous, ghastly, abominable afgrijselijk
apostrophe afkappingsteken
dislike, aversion, disgust, nausea afkeer
distraction, derivation afleiding
stoop, peal, expire aflopen
substitution, replacement, redemption aflossing
buyer, customer, purchaser, client afnemer
wrest, wring, extort afpersen
nasty, gruesome, abhorrent, alien, hideous, dreary afschuwelijk
terminate, obstruct, bar afsluiten
offset, abdication, distance, abandonment afstand
adjustment afstelling
rubble, rest, debris, rubbish afval
acoustics akoestiek
acoustic akoestisch
ceaselessly, constantly, continually, continuously aldoor
firstly allereerst
stipulate als voorwaarde stellen
Amsterdam Amsterdam
anesthesia, anaesthesia anesthesie
instalment, repayment annuïteit
anthology, chrestomathy antologie
apostle apostel
apostrophe apostrof
drugstore apotheek
aristocrat aristocraat
Aristotle Aristoteles
detention, arrest, apprehension arrestatie
district arrondissement
artistic artistiek
assistent, assistant, helper, aid assistent
assist, help assisteren
asterisk asterisk
asthma astma
asthmatic, wheezy astmatisch
astrologer astroloog
astronaut, spaceman astronaut
astronomy astronomie
astronomer astronoom
Asturias Asturië
testimony attest
Augustus Augustus
Australia Australië
Australian Australisch
authority, glamour, prestige, glamor autoriteit
taskmaster baljuw
orchestra, binding, bond, tyre, ribbon, brim band
severe, pub, buffet, strict bar
stipulate bedingen
hoax, mystify bedotten
mystification bedotterij
charlatan, quack, imposter bedrieger
foretell, forecast, signify, clarify, prophesy beduiden
mystify, hoax beduvelen
check, bridle, restrain bedwingen
representation, picture, metaphor, diagram, statue beeld
grapple, capture, hoax, mystify beetnemen
accompanist, companian begeleider
restricted, limited, confined begrensd
limit, abridge, restrict, confine begrenzen
understandable begrijpelijk
realise, realize, understand begrijpen
appraise, estimate begroten
tapestry, wallpaper behang
administrator, manager beheerder
administer, manage beheren
befit, must, should behoren
stain bekladden
accentuate, accent, stress beklemtonen
limit, abridge, restrict, confine beknotten
interested belangstellend
interesting belangwekkend
bother, obstruct, disturb, hinder, oppose, bar belemmeren
obstacle beletsel
listen beluisteren
cramped, stale benauwd
beneath, below, downstairs, under, underneath beneden
fasten, define, secure bepalen
definition, stipulation, terms, condition, clause bepaling
abridge, restrict, limit, confine beperken
confined, limited, restricted beperkt
save, stow, rescue, conserve bergen
modest, moderate, reasonable, discrete bescheiden
modesty bescheidenheid
realize, realise, understand beseffen
exist, existence bestaan
system bestel
earmark, destine, ordain bestemmen
fate, destiny bestemming
permanent, constant, abiding, continual, sustained bestendig
bestseller, craze bestseller
guide, administer, direct, govern, manage, steer besturen
reign, control, stage, administration, rule bestuur
administrative bestuurlijk
bridle, restrain, check beteugelen
bridle, restrain, check betomen
relation, understanding betrekking
trustworthy, reliable betrouwbaar
debatable, questionable betwistbaar
sagacious, intelligent, understandable bevattelijk
understand, realize, contain, include, realise bevatten
secure, assent, corroborate, fasten, confirm bevestigen
amazing, astonishing bevreemdend
stir, move bewegen
state, assert beweren
token, demonstration bewijs
minister bewindsman
temperate, abstemious bezadigd
ranch, estate, property, possession bezitting
stain bezoedelen
withstand bezwaar hebben tegen
beefsteak, steak bief
beefsteak, steak biefstuk
constantly, continuously, continually bij voortduring
superstition bijgeloof
superstitious bijgelovig
almost, nearly bijkans
assist, help bijstaan
just, righteous billijk
justice, righteousness billijkheid
domestic, inner, internal binnenlands
blister blaar
wind-instrument blaasinstrument
candlestick blaker
abiding, lasting blijvend
ghost, phantom blinde
ghost, phantom blinde bij kaarspel
congestion bloedaandrang
chrestomathy, anthology bloemlezing
suggestion bod
Bodensee, Constance Bodenmeer
estate, ranch, property boerderij
bosom, chest, breast, gulf boezem
stem, tree-trunk, trunk boomstam
borstch, borscht borsjt
bosom, chest, youngster, teat, breast borst
untidy, bristly borstelig
forest, sheaf, bundle, tuft, cluster, bunch, woods bos
structure, building, culture bouw
build, construct bouwen
upstairs boven
stall box
toast, roast braden
stretcher brancard
toast, roast, distil branden
strong-box brandkast
wide, vast, spacious breedvoerig
restraints breidel
epistle, letter brief
postcard briefkaart
postman brievenbesteller
tilt, bend, curtsy, stoop buigen
foreign, strange buitenlands
bundle, cluster, bunch, sheaf bundel
castle burcht
mayor, burgomaster, provost burgemeester
mayor, provost, burgomaster burgervader
busstop bushalte
Callisto Callisto
Castilian Castiliaan
Castillian Castilliaans
Castile Castillië
Castor Castor
castrate castreren
catastrophic catastrofaal
catastrophe catastrofe
stiff, formal, measured ceremonieel
testimony certificaat
attest, testify certificeren
imposter, charlatan, quack charlatan
chemistry chemie
strangle, choke choken
Christian christen
Christianity christendom
chronicler, historian chroniqueur
negative, half-tone, cliché, stereotype cliché
customer cliënt
jester, buffoon, clown clown
moisture condens
condition, stipulation, terms conditie
congestion congestie
consistent consequent
consequence, consistency consequentie
directions, instruction consigne
continual, constant, permanent, sustained constant
consternation consternatie
constipation constipatie
constipate constipatie veroorzaken
constitution constitutie
constitutional constitutioneel
structure, building constructie
construct, build construeren
stout corpulent
costume costuum
below, downstairs, underneath daarbeneden
instantly, immediately dadelijk
Dagestan, Daghestan Dagestan
steam, vapor, fog, mist, vapour damp
fuzzy, misty dampig
intestine darm
statement, proclamation, declaration declaratie
honest, solid, above-board degelijk
demonstration demonstratie
demonstrate demonstreren
stake, stanchion deurpost
digestion digestie
things, stuff dingen
directly, straight direct
steer, direct, guide dirigeren
modesty discretie
distil distilleren
district district
stupid, dull, cathedral, foolish dom
frostbite door bevriezing veroorzaakte wo
baptize, christen dopen
thirsty dorstig
customs douane
custom-house douanekantoor
showerstall douchehokje
portable, stretcher draagbaar
costume dracht
drastic drastisch
taskmaster drost
strict, severe duchtig
musty, moldy, mouldy duf
indistinct, murk, darkness duister
mistake, error dwaling
simple, straightforward eenvoudig
chaste eerbaar
firstly eerst
first-aid eerste hulp
nearest, next eerstkomend
honest, worthy, above-board, deserving eerzaam
restaurant eethuis
chopsticks eetstokjes
first-aid EHBO
first-aider EHBO-er
offset, distance eind
restricted, limited, confined eindig
postulate, demand eisen
elastic elastisch
enthusiastic enthousiast
letter, epistle epistel
serious, earnest, important ernstig
gist, essence essentie
Estonia Estland
Estonian Estlands
establishment etablissement
floor, story, storey etage
stadium etappe
stylus etsnaald
examination, investigation, test examen
explore, investigate exploreren
ecstasy extase
ecstatic extatisch
just, righteous fair
fantastic fantasierijk
fantastic fantastisch
feast, banquet feestmaal
robust, energetic, brave, sturdy, fearless ferm
festival festival
representation, diagram, stature figuur
beautiful, refined, handsome, tasty, subtle, fine fijn
strong fiks
philately, stamp-collecting filatelie
Philistine Filistijn
install fitten
secure, fasten fixeren
dull, stupid flauw
whistle, hiss fluiten
mystification fopperij
robust, sturdy fors
error, erroneous, incorrect, mistaken, mistake fout
wrong, erroneous, mistaken foutief
postage frankering
frustrate frustreren
galloon, stripe gallon
hoodlum, gangster gangster
hostage garant
gesture, wave gebaren
roasted gebraden
way, custom, mores gebruik
accustomed, wonted, customary, usual gebruikelijk
monstrous gedrochtelijk
strong geducht
enthusiastic geestdriftig
ecclesiastic, mental, spiritual geestelijk
ecstasy geestvervoering
strained geforceerd
post-paid, stamped gefrankeerd
hurriedly, hurried, hastily gehaast
teetotalism, abstinence geheelonthouding
mystery geheimenis
abstruse, mysterious geheimzinnig
interested geïnteresseerd
acoustics geluidsleer
cliché, stereotype gemeenplaats
striking geprononceerd
sophisticated geraffineerd
righteousness, justice gerechtigheid
registered geregistreerd
roasted geroosterd
history geschiedenis
startled geschrokken
strained gespannen
constant, sustained, continual, permanent gestaag
stature gestalte
institute gesticht
gesture gesticuleren
rigorous, stringent gestreng
streamlined gestroomlijnd
testify, attest getuigen
testimony getuigenis
stable, firm gevestigd
consistency, consequence, train, suite gevolg
garment, costume gewaad
accustom gewend zijn
customary, accustomed, usual, wonted, everyday gewoon
accustom gewoon zijn
custom, way gewoonte
glamor, prestige, glamour, authority gezag
stout gezet
fertilize, shout, whistle gieren
miserly, avaricious, stingy gierig
hostage gijzelaar
yesterday gisteren
wildebeest, gnu gnoe
OK, okay, estate, O.K., good, well, correct, ranch goed
substance goedje
stale goor
stale gortig
stew, goulash goulash
district gouw
custom-house grenskantoor
stylus griffel
capricious, grotesque, fantastic, fitful grillig
constitution grondwet
constitutional grondwettelijk
Amsterdam Groot-Mokum
maestro grootmeester
mostly grotendeels
gymnastics gymnastiek
bracket, clamp, hook, staple, parenthesis haakje
streak haal
rooster haan
haste, soon, almost, nearly haast
hastily, swift, quick, rapid, hurriedly, hurried haastig
haste haastigheid
hailstone hagelkorrel
hailstone hagelsteen
stutter, stammer hakkelen
stubborn, obstinate halsstarrig
buffoon, jester hansworst
hard, quickly, swiftly, severe, loud, strict hard
constipated hardlijvig
stubborn, obstinate hardnekkig
jester, buffoon harlekijn
stingy, miserly, avaricious hebzuchtig
sturdy, stable, firm, robust hecht
misty, fuzzy heiig
homesickness, nostalgia heimwee
distinct, serene, untroubled, pure, acute, clearly helder
stoop hellen
assist, help helpen
assistent, helper, assistant, aid helper
heavenly, celestial hemel-
celestial, heavenly hemels
hostel, tavern, inn herberg
waistcoat herenvest
Hestia Hestia
disturb, bother hinderen
obstacle hindernis
obstacle hinderpaal
history historie
sty, pen hok
headmaster hoofd der school
headmaster hoofdonderwijzer
haystack hooiberg
haystack hooimijt
befit, must, hear, should horen
wrist-watch, watch horloge
hit, hack, strike houwen
domesticated, house huis-
stand, cottage huisje
helper, aid, assistent hulp
Hunze, Oostermoersevaart Hunze
hysteria hysterie
hysterical hysterisch
haste ijl
industry, fervour, fervor, zeal ijver
hardworking, diligent, industrious ijverig
illustration illustratie
illustrate illustreren
substitute, replace in de plaats stellen van
instead in plaats daarvan
despite, notwithstanding, defiantly in weerwil van
substitute, replace inboeten
inconsistent inconsequent
hastily, hurriedly inderhaast
dyspepsia, indigestion indigestie
industrial industrie-
industrial, industrialist industrieel
intestines ingewanden
miserly, stingy, avaricious inhalig
domestic inheems
domestic inlands
erect, establish inrichten
equipment, institute, apparatus, device, set inrichting
stow, surround, imply insluiten
install installeren
establishment, institution, adjustment instelling
instinct instinct
institute instituut
instructor instructeur
instruction, directions instructie
instruct instrueren
instrument instrument
superintendant, steward intendant
interesting interessant
stimulate, provoke, rouse irriteren
Istanbul Istanboel
prick, youngster, cock jongeheer
youngster jongeling
striking, correct, precise, true juist
Justice Justitia
stove, heater, kiln, furnace, oven kachel
chimney, smokestack kachelpijp
plaster kalken
fight, wrestle kampen
strait, canal, channel kanaal
candlestick kandelaar
characteristic, distinctive karakteristiek
chestnut kastanje
chestnut-tree kastanjeboom
castle kasteel
Kazakhstan Kazachstan
shanty, barrack, shack, barn, stand keet
characteristic kenmerkend
ecclesiastic kerkelijk
Christmas-tree kerstboom
Christmas, Yule Kerstfeest
kettle, boiler, cauldron, steam-boiler ketel
examination, test, investigation keuring
sterile kiemvrij
over, ready, finished, distinct, clear, done klaar
clamp, bracket, staple, parenthesis klamp
customer, buyer, purchaser, client klant
hit, knock, strike, click, rattle klappen
costume klederdracht
clay, stone, earthen klei-
stress-mark klemtoonteken
pastel kleurkrijt
stick kleven
sticky kleverig
monastery klooster
throb, strike, hit, pulsate, knock kloppen
moustache knevel
wring, wrest, extort knevelen
Kurdistan Koerdistan
string, cord, rope koorde
stubborn, obstinate koppig
asthmatic, wheezy kortademig
costly, expensive, valuable kostbaar
cost, expense kosten
stocking kous
stand kraam
strong, energetic krachtig
bracket, convulsion, staple, spasm, parenthesis kramp
lobster, crayfish kreeft
strategy krijgskunde
strategic krijgskundig
crystal kristalhelder
crystal kristallen
chronicler, historian kroniekschrijver
twist, meander kronkelen
handle, stool, crutch kruk
flock, herd, collection, livestock, bevy kudde
chaste kuis
artistic kunstig
artistic kunstmatig
coast, edge, shore, seaside kust
charlatan, quack, imposter kwakzalver
quarrel, question kwestie
ranch, property, estate landgoed
pier, landing-stage landingsplaats
lobster langoest
rennet-stomach lebmaag
bedstead ledikant
waistline, waist leest
platform, stage, direction leiding
alluring, enticing, tasty, tempting lekker
instructor leraar
livestock levende have
stature lichaamsbouw
lightly, facile, clear, weak, easy, insubstantial licht
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
caress, stroke, fondle, chuck liefkozen
straightedge, straight-edge, ruler liniaal
straight live
inn, hostel logement
stop, stay logeren
shanty, shack, barrack, stand, barn loods
stream loop
go, march, step, flow, tread, walk, pace lopen
fortune, fate, destiny lot
destiny, fate lotsbestemming
air-resistance luchtweerstand
listener luisteraar
listen luisteren
inclination, disposal, lust, want lust
stomach maag
Maastricht, Maestricht Maastricht
maestro maëstro
majestic majestueus
mangosteen mangisboom
monastery mannenklooster
stag mannetjeshert
mistletoe maretak
tired, frosted, mat mat
frosted mat-
abstemious, reasonable, moderate, temperate matig
maestro meester
master meester worden
Mephistopheles Mefistofeles
steward, superintendant meier
direct, steer, guide mennen
mostly merendeels
on, through, against, with met
accompanist, companian metgezel
resources, tool, waist, waistline, means middel
milestone, milepost, landmark mijlpaal
minister minister
ministry ministerie
ministerial ministerieel
abhorrant, nauseous, disgusting misselijk
disgust, nausea misselijkheid
fuzzy, misty mistig
misunderstand misvatten
misunderstanding misverstand
should, need, must, require moeten
Amsterdam Mokum
moment, instant moment
monstrous monsterachtig
monstrosity monsterachtigheid
muster-roll monsterrol
monstrance monstrans
bloodthirstiness moordlust
bloodthirsty moordlustig
bloodthirsty moordziek
monster mormel
stone-dead morsdood
mustard mosterd
mustard-gas mosterdgas
stale, moldy, mouldy, musty muf
mint-master, cashier muntmeester
stamp muntstempel
orchestra muziekkorps
music-stand muziekstander
bandstand muziektent
mystery mysterie
abstruse, mysterious mysterieus
mysticism mysticisme
mystical, mystic mystiek
mystification mystificatie
seamstress, needlewoman naaister
industrious, hardworking, diligent naarstig
industry naarstigheid
by, nearest, at, beside, next, alongside naast
explore, consider, investigate nagaan
progeny, posterity nageslacht
tight, strait, cramped, narrow nauw
strech nauwer aanhalen
question navraag
procrastination neiging tot uitstellen
nostril neusgat
fuzzy, misty nevelig
clamp, staple, parenthesis, bracket nietje
defiantly, notwithstanding, despite niettegenstaande
hardworking, industrious, diligent nijver
yet, still nog
norm, standard norm
temperate, sober, abstemious nuchter
constipation obstipatie
oyster oester
Uzbekistan Oezbekistan
moment, instant ogenblik
relation, understanding, procession omgang
circumstance omstandigheid
stranger onbekende
outstanding, overdue onbetaald
underneath, beneath, for, below, whilst, between onder
master onder de knie krijgen
distinguish, recognise onderkennen
underestimate onderschatten
distinguish onderscheiden
décor, decoration, renown, decor, distinction onderscheiding
underestimate onderwaarderen
instructor onderwijzer
investigation, test, examination onderzoek
investigate, explore, examine onderzoeken
cloudy, indistinct onduidelijk
catastrophe onheil
erroneous, incorrect, wrong, mistaken onjuist
immediately, instantly onmiddellijk
stupid, innocent, naif, guiltless, naïve, dull onnozel
disgusting, abhorrant, nauseous onsmakelijk
abstention onthouding
castrate ontmannen
move, stir ontroeren
startling ontstellend
consternation ontsteltenis
sterile onvruchtbaar
irresistible onweerstaanbaar
strange onwennig
ophtalmologist, oculist oogarts
instant, moment oogwenk
stork ooievaar
Oriental, eastern oostelijk
east, East oosten
Ostend, Ostende Oostende
Austria Oostenrijk
Austrian Oostenrijks
Eastermar, Oostermeer Oostermeer
Hunze, Oostermoersevaart Oostermoersevaart
eastern, Oriental oosters
Ostrogoth Oostgoot
East-Indian Oostindisch
nasturtium Oostindische kers
upon, worn, up, upwards, exhausted, on op
stow opbergen
dedicate, devote, entrust, celebrate opdragen
accumulate, stack, heap, amass opeenhopen
postulate, demand opeisen
staircase, stairs opgang
provoke, agitate, stimulate, abet, incite, rouse ophitsen
stack, accumulate, amass, heap ophopen
edit, waste opmaken
haystack opper
erect, establish, lever oprichten
stock opslaan
stair, rung opstap
stair, rung opstapje
optimistic optimistisch
upholster opvullen
stuffing opvulsel
strech, excite opwinden
tousle, upholster opzetten
steward, superintendant, checker, controller opzichter
taskmaster opziener
orgiastic orgiastisch
East, east oriënt
orchestra orkest
orchestration orkestratie
orchestrate, score orkestreren
kiln, oven, stove, furnace oven
bristle overeind gaan staan
distil overhalen
stoop overhellen
stadium overnachtingsplaats
overestimate overschatten
overestimate overwaarderen
mostly overwegend
stanchion, rod, stake paal
chestnut, chestnut-tree paardekastanje
Pakistan Pakistan
Palestinian Palestijns
Palestine Palestina
lobster pantserkreeft
Easter Pasen
pastel pastel
vicar, priest, pastor pastoor
stencil, templet, template, pattern, cartridge patroon
pedestal pedestal
continuously, continually, constantly permanent
pessimistic pessimistisch
pestilence, plague pest
cigarette-end, stub, cigar-stub, cigar-end peuk
stub, cigarette-end, cigar-stub, cigar-end peukje
pedestal piëdestal
astute pienter
stab, sting pikken
Pentecost, Whitsunday Pinksteren
avaricious, miserly, stingy pinnig
pistol pistool
scourge, calamity, infestation plaag
notice, poster plakkaat
sticky plakkerig
plastic plastic
castle plecht
stiff, ceremonious, measured, formal, solemn plechtig
majestic, solemn, ceremonious plechtstatig
accustom plegen
Pleistocene Pleistoceen
stopper plug
boast, brag pochen
platform, podium, stage podium
police-station politiebureau
police-station politiepost
wrist-watch, watch polshorloge
postage port
postage porto
stamped, post-paid portvrij
stanchion, stake, mail post
mailman, postman postbode
post-office postkantoor
robust, sturdy potig
prehistory prehistorie
prestige, glamor, glamour prestige
prestigious, glamourous prestigieus
sting, stab priemen
stab, sting prikken
stopper, clod, lump, chunk prop
prostitute prostitueren
Protestant protestants
larder, store-cupboard, pantry provisiekast
riddle, enigma, mystery, puzzle raadsel
striking raak
Rajasthan Rajasthan
catastrophe ramp
catastrophic rampzalig
right-angle, law, jurisprudence, straight recht
bristly, untidy, vertical rechtopstaand
straight rechtstreeks
just, righteous rechtvaardig
binding, strip reep
norm, standard regel
stage-manager regisseur
chaste, pure, clean rein
elastic rekbaar
calculate, postulate, demand, figure rekenen
stewardship rentmeesterschap
rest, remainder rest
restaurant restaurant
restaurant restauratie
direct, guide, steer richten
girdle, belt, oar, strap riem
swish, rustle ritselen
robust, sturdy robuust
lust, drunkenness roes
rusty roestig
stingray rog
rubble, rest, rubbish, chaos, debris, disorder rommel
deal, distribute ronddelen
distribute, deal rondgeven
roast, toast roosteren
roastbeef rosbief
monster rotbeest
wide, spacious, vast, generous royaal
shaggy, hairy, untidy, bristly ruigharig
spacious, vast, wide ruim
spaceman, astronaut ruimtevaarder
rustle, swish ruisen
resting-place rusthuis
resting-place rustoord
resting-place rustplaats
sadistic sadistisch
strong-box, safe safe
structure samenstelling
sarcastic sarcastisch
template, templet, stencil schablone
estimate, appraise schatten
strop scheerriem
chemistry scheikunde
astute scherpzinnig
burst, rip scheuren
chimney, fireplace, smokestack schoorsteen
lean, support, sustain schragen
astute schrander
streak schrap
streak schreef
stride, step, tread, stalk, pace schrijden
stylus schrijfstift
shack, shanty, stand, barrack, barn schuur
tobacconist's sigarenwinkel
cigar-stub, cigar-end sigarepeuk
cigar-stub, cigar-end sigarepeukje
dull, stupid simpel
circumstances, situation situatie
template, stencil, templet sjabloon
strike, knock, hit slaan
indigestion, dyspepsia slechte spijsvertering
Schleswig-Holstein Sleeswijk-Holstein
lock, castle, hook slot
stealthily sluiks
steal sluipen
sticker sluitzegel
tasteless smaakloos
tasty smakelijk
tasteless smakeloos
taste smaken
stain smetten
cord, string snaar
striking, witty, lively snedig
stenography snelschrift
castrate snijden
boast, brag snoeven
moustache snor
temperate, abstemious sober
elastic soepel
strech spannen
writhe, struggle, flounder spartelen
stage-manager spelleider
research, quest, search, exploration speurtocht
stern, poop, poopdeck spiegel
digestion spijsvertering
starling spreeuw
locust, grasshopper sprinkhaan
substance spul
stuff, things spullen
steel staal
while, for, whilst, during staande
stadium stadie
staff, baton, cane staf
stagnate stagneren
tribe, clan, stem, race, tree-trunk, trunk stam
stammer, stutter stamelen
pestle stamper
rank, position, circumstances, class, altitude stand
situation, circumstances stand van zaken
standard, norm standaardmaat
statue standbeeld
withstand standhouden
stench stank
pace, tread, step stappen
stare, peer, gaze staren
starter starter
ceremonious, majestic, solemn statig
majesty statigheid
station station
station-master stationschef
station stationsgebouw
statistics statistiek
statute, by-laws statuut
mesh, stitch, spades, loop steek
stealthily steelsgewijs
chippings, road-metal, stone-chippings steenslag
pier, landing-stage steiger
steep, abrupt steil
sting, stab, insert, enter steken
stopper stekker
system, regime, régime stelsel
string, cord stemband
stenography, shorthand stenografie
stenotypist stenotypiste
steppe steppe
star ster
sterile steriel
sterilize steriliseren
intense, strong, intensive sterk
drastic sterk werkend
strength, quantity, fortification sterkte
astronomy sterrenkunde
astronomer sterrenkundige
astrologer sterrenwichelaar
asterisk sterretje
support, groan, lean, sustain steunen
firm, firmly, stable stevig
stewardess stewardess
establish, edify, erect stichten
sticker sticker
stepmother, step-mother stiefmoeder
step-father, stepfather stiefvader
Styria Stiermarken
stanchion, stake, style stijl
stagnate stilstaan
reek, smell, stink stinken
bad-smelling, stinking, odorous, fumy stinkend
Stockholm Stockholm
dust, subject, substance, theme stof
dusty stoffig
stoical, stoic stoïcijns
stoical, stoic stoïsch
stoke stoken
steam, vapor, vapour stoom
steamship stoomboot
steam-boiler, boiler stoomketel
stopper stop
adstringent, stopper stopmiddel
constipate, cease, clog stoppen
disturb, bother storen
unrest, interference, disturbance storing
tempest, storm storm
stutter, stammer stotteren
stevedore stouwer
street, strait straat
street-corner straathoek
Strassburg, Strasbourg, Strassbourg Straatsburg
punishment, strong, strict, severe straf
tightly, strained strak
strand stranden
strategy strategie
strategic strategisch
region, subterfuge, streak, trickery streek
streak streep
chuck, stroke, fondle, caress strelen
stringent, strict, severe, tight, rigorous streng
stringent, rigorous strikt
binding, strip strip
straw stro
stream stroming
strip, binding strook
torrent, river, volley, stream stroom
stumble struikelen
ostrich struis
ostrich struisvogel
scholar, student student
study studie
studio studio
abhorrant, nauseous, disgusting stuitend
support, lean, sustain stutten
joystick, helm, steering-wheel, rudder, handlebars stuur
starboard stuurboord
steering-wheel, joystick stuurtoestel
stevedore stuwadoor
Styx Styx
substance substantie
noun, substantive substantief
taskmaster surveillant
system systeem
systematic systematisch
linguistic taal-
linguistic taalkundig
stool taboeret
Tadzhikistan Tadzjikistan
waist, waistline taille
tooth-paste tandpasta
estimate, appraise taxeren
cab-stand taxistandplaats
resistance tegenkanting
opposition, resistance tegenstand
resistance tegenweer
characteristic tekenend
pastel tekenkrijt
moment, instant, regard, pulse tel
firstly ten eerste
stealthily tersluiks
abstention terughoudendheid
will, testament testament
restraints teugel
thermostat thermostaat
stroll tippel
listener toehoorder
restraints toom
transistor, beetle tor
streetcar, tram tram
transistor transistor
mode, style, manner trant
stairs, grade, staircase, degree trap
travesty travestie
transvestite travestiet
tread, step, pace treden
rung, stair tree
stair, rung treeplank
rostrum, stage, podium, platform tribune
Trieste Triëst
indistinct, muddy troebel
gaze, peer, stare turen
enthusiastic, abundant uitbundig
deal, distribute uitdelen
testament, will uiterste wil
exhausted uitgeput
distinct uitgesproken
decide, constitute uitmaken
distribution uitreiking
statement, pronunciation, decision, verdict uitspraak
postpone, procrastinate uitstellen
emigrate, earmark, ordain, destine uittrekken
exhausted uitverkocht
custom, way usance
indistinct vaag
earthen, clay, stone van klei
plastic van plastic
fixed, certain, firm, sure, certainly, stable vast
stick vastkleven
livestock vee
livestock veestapel
incidental, remote, side, distant, far, remotely ver
illustrate veraanschouwelijken
bandage, understanding, relation verband
amazing, astonishing verbazingwekkend
testament, will, league verbond
combustion verbranding
postpone, procrastinate verdagen
distributor verdeler
distribution verdeling
story, storey, floor verdieping
waste verdoen
anesthesia, anaesthesia verdoving
demand, postulate vereisen
colander, strainer vergiet
mistake, error vergissing
history, tale, narrative verhaal
majesty verhevenheid
mistaken, wrong, erroneous, incorrect verkeerd
misunderstand verkeerd begrijpen
waste verklungelen
previous, former, last, prior, past verleden
illustration verluchting
quash, destroy vernielen
quash, destroy vernietigen
destruction vernietiging
wasted, spoiled verspild
constipation verstopping
constipated verstopt
distracted, absent, absent-minded, abstracted verstrooid
distract, divert verstrooien
distraction verstrooiing
demonstrate vertonen
demonstration vertoning
well-known, reliable, trustworthy vertrouwd
confide, trust, faith, confidence vertrouwen
replacement, substitution vervanging
distant, far, remote ververwijderd
ecstasy vervoering
stoke verwarmen
away, far, remote, distant verwijderd
quash, destroy verwoesten
certify, assert, assure, state, insure verzekeren
waistcoat vest
Vesta Vesta
vestal Vestaalse maagd
vestal vestale
establishment vestiging
reek, smell, stink vies ruiken
hostile vijandelijk
hostile vijandig
pestle vijzelstamper
industry vlijt
diligent, hardworking, industrious vlijtig
pedestrian voetganger
pedestal voetstuk
mistletoe vogellijm
persistent volhardend
last, preliminary, prior, preparatory, former voorafgaand
former, previous, last, prior voorgaand
prehistory voorgeschiedenis
suggestion voorslag
apostle, champion voorvechter
clause, stipulation, terms, condition voorwaarde
forecast, foretell, prophesy voorzeggen
constitute, form, shape vormen
monarch, prince, frost, coping vorst
question vraag
post-paid, stamped vrachtvrij
invite, request, ask vragen
strange, curious, peculiar, quaint vreemd
stranger vreemde
stranger vreemdeling
upholster, fill vullen
stuffing vulling
stuffing vulsel
moldy, mouldy, musty vuns
musty, mouldy, moldy vunzig
appraise, estimate, appreciate waarderen
costly, valuable waardevol
disgust, nausea walg
disgust, nausea walging
stroller wandelaar
stroll wandelen
stroll wandeling
tapestry wandtapijt
vapour, steam, vapor wasem
tool, instrument, means werktuig
West, west west
western westelijk
west, West westen
Westener Westerling
western Westers
Westphalia Westfalen
rigorous, stringent wettisch
binding, strip windsel
boutique, store, shop winkel
cluster, bunch, sheaf, bundle wis
choke, strangle worgen
wrestle, struggle, writhe, flounder worstelen
forest, woods woud
choke, strangle wurgen
chaste, prudish zedig
strait zeeëngte
coast, seaside zeekant
substantive, noun zelfstandig naamwoord
epistle, letter zendbrief
abstain zich abstineren
flounder, struggle, writhe zich aftobben
distinctive zich onderscheidend
abstain zich onthouden
quest, search zoektocht
piston zuiger
sister, sibling zus
sibling, sister zuster
pessimistic zwaarhoofdig
stout zwaarlijvig
ecstatic zwijmeldronken